"Four-day baby" is hidden in a bag sale thousands of miles

14 May 2010


"Four-day baby" is hidden in a bag sale thousands of miles

????: ? ? ? ????? 2010/05/14 15:51:09??? ????? Select font size: large in the small print this article 2010/05/14 15:51:09 Source: Hebei News

??????????????????????????????????????????????????? A group of frenzied men and women collude clear division of labor, they just babies as commodities, from Yunnan, the train ride back into the car Shijiazhuang trafficking. ???????????????????????????????????????????? Way afraid of being discovered, they actually hidden in the bag and the children, to leave the young lives in the dark space of hypoxia toilet. ???????????????????????????????? In their view, to reach the destination, as long as the children have bad breath child, you can exchange for a lot of money. ??11?24????????????????????????????? On November 24 last year, when the police handling the case when the child rescued a baby girl almost rotten little ass. ????????????????????“??????????????” A woman police will hold a child in his arms, tears: "What a sin ah! This wretched child!"

????????????????????????????????????????6????????1????2????????????2???????????? Yesterday, the Public Security Bureau, Xinhua Stone have announced nearly six months after police are hard work, and has a total of six suspects arrested, successfully rescued a baby girl, there are two trafficked girls are looking for in two Pursuit suspect to be online.

????2009?11?????????????????“??”? ? Left in November 2009, media attention is the second province of small hospital for treatment, "Xinhua."

??????????????????????? ? The picture shows the suspects involved in trafficking of children holding their babies.

???? ??? ? Photo reporter Zhihua

??????? Bag and possession of infants make money

???????? Buyers capture human trafficking police play

2009?11?24????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? November 24, 2009, three squadrons, Xinhua Shi police have an important clue: a group of people in Shijiazhuang, Ping Shan and other places selling infants and young children, their babies will be born four days hidden in a bag and carry. ????????????“11·24”????????????????????? After receiving the alarm, the police immediately set up a "11.24" task force, and special handling deployed female participation in rescue work of Interpol.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Task force believes that the age of these children are trafficked small, come from the Yunnan area, after several days of turbulence, the child's life may not be protected, traffickers will rush shots, the police decided to contact the buyer's identity and the seller, snake out of its hole, waiting for an opportunity capture and development of many sets of detailed arrest program.

11?24?14???????“??”???????5?“??”???????????? November 24 14 am, has been carefully "dressed" by the police played five "buyers" trade places at the appointed time arrived. ???????“??”??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Liu Shengli squadron leader of "inspection" as an excuse, made to look at children, defenseless human traffickers brought to the scene to a baby girl, opened a bag and saw the baby starving infant in the absence of timely change diapers, Small children have been urine to suppress submerged bottom horrendous.

???6???????“??”????????????????????“??”? After nearly six hours of sapiential, "seller" the final proposal to 17,000 yuan, and paid their dues, required hand "delivery." ??15?30?????????????????????2????????????4?????????? 15:30 the same day, Liu captain gave an order, the public came forward ????? police suspect the two control only 4 days old baby girl was born to be rescued.

??????????????????34?????????????28??????????????????????????????????????????? Interpol team, the suspect Rui (not his real name, female, 34 years old, Pingshan), the range of a (female, 28 years old, Jiangxi Fenyi County seal Town of person) truthful statement of the facts of the crime of trafficking babies, but also confession from the sale of two other babies case.

????????????“??”?????????????????????????????? According to Rui, an accountable way, their "on line" is about to take the train to leave Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang, handling police immediately dispatched a group of North Railway Station secrets. ??20?30??????????????????????32???????????????????30????????????????26???????????????? 8:30 p.m. that day, was about to flee the suspect in Yunnan province in Nanning Zhang (male, 32 years old, who Guangnan County of Yunnan Province), Trisha (alias, female, 30 years old, who Guangnan County of Yunnan Province) , Yang (female, 26 years old, who Guangnan County of Yunnan Province) by a police officer arrested.

???????????? Little girl was rescued by well-treated

??11?25?????????????????????????????????????????? On November 25 last year, the reporter with the police handling the case went to provinces and two homes were rescued baby baby placed in a special ward, and has been well-treated. ???????????????????????“??”? Xinhua police during her hospitalization in children from a pleasant name of "Xinhua." ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? We can see, this poor little girl looked pale and matte finish, his head stuck in the IV, wide open black eyes, and the mouth, holding a small fist look, very sympathy and affection. ????????????????? Doctors said the baby's little butt sores can be cured.

??????????12?????????“??”????? Reporters afterwards learned, early in December last year, with treatment, "Xinhua" discharged from injury. ???????????????????“??”???????? Since the parents can not find, the police had to small "Xinhua" sent to the Stone City orphanage. ??????“??”???????? Up to now, little "Xinhua" is still welfare managed.

????????? Baby trafficking suspects into making money

??11?25???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? On November 25 last year, several suspects involved in the trafficking of babies who were temporarily detained at the Xinhua Interpol three squadrons of a room, they all face expressionless, talking people do not understand the dialect. ?????????????????????????????????????? Among them, the arms of a woman clutching a child home, although she has a mother, but still involved in selling other people's children.

?????????????????????????? Police Questioning revealed that this is a well-organized, clear division of labor gangs. ???????????????????2000??3000????????????????14000???????????? Generally suspect Zhang, Trisha in Yunnan, to 2000-3000 yuan price buy newborn, and then sell the baby to 14,000 yuan Li Jui-Ping Shan, Cheng certain. ???????23000??????????????????? Rui Cheng a price of 23,000 yuan then sell the baby, two thousand dollars profit.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? According to the suspect account, Trisha man originally followed a special sale of children in Yunnan province, and later, she felt this was a way to make money, then come out to their own businesses. ?????????????????????“??”????????????????????????????????????? The Hermit Lee Shui-Ping Cheng a, who, before the traffickers in Yunnan is the "client", Trisha, after going it alone, contacted by phone Rui, a process, so they buy Hirayama and other places children gather information. ?“??”????????????????40?????8000????? Small "Xinhua" is by their traffickers from Yunnan, Yang, Yang (male, 40 years old) in the hands spend 8,000 yuan bought.

????? ???????? Deeply case, two of the suspects was the case of online Pursuit

????????????????????“??”???????????????????????????? Suspect also confessed, before there is a baby girl by a man named "2 Ya" who sold the Ping Shan, Chang Division by another baby (not his real name) sold the Jinju. 2010?2?25????????????????????????????????? February 25, 2010, police rushed to Jinju for clues, but ultimately failed arrest, Chang Division Police Cyber Pursuit.

4?28??????????????????“??”? April 28, police rushed to the handling Hirayama looking for another suspect, "2 Ah." ??????????????????????42??????“??”??????? In coordination with local police, a suspected arms trafficking in children (female, 42 years old, the city people, "two Ah," his wife) was arrested. ??????????????2009?11?????????????????“??”??????????? After trial, a military statement, she and her husband in early November 2009, from the way a, Rui Department to a baby girl to find the "next home", but do not know the whereabouts of the baby. ???????????????????????????????????????????????? The case is being further dig deep, the police are actively looking for the whereabouts of the two girls have been trafficked, and the other two suspects Cyber Pursuit.

???? Yunnan trip

?????? Returned, police sad

??12?5????????????????“??”??? December 5 last year, police went to Yunnan, Xinhua three squadrons to find small "Xinhua" parents. ??????????????????10?????????????? Police have rented a pickup truck, the mountain road bumps more than 10 hours to reach Yunnan black fruit branch township. ????????????????????????????????? Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is located here, most people rely on farming for a living, the economy is developed, information relative occlusion. ?????????????????????? Police handling the case took a lot of trouble, to find the child's birth parents. ???????“??”??????????????????? But the couple said small "Xinhua" is their fourth child born, it can not afford maintenance. “???????????????????????????????????”?“??”??????????????????? "We are considering the future of the children, the children find a good home, than stay in the mountains starve strong ah!" Small "Xinhua" so the parents to explain to the police, so we unexpectedly. ?????“??”????????1000????????????? It is understood that small "Xinhua" is gifted with the parents of newly hatched was sold for 1,000 yuan Yunnan Yang, Yang. ?“??”???????????????????????????????? Small "Xinhua" and parents have suspected of selling babies, but in view of the actual situation in their home, by the local police. ???????????????????? Currently, suspected of selling babies Yang, Yang online police pursuit.

?????????????????“??”???????????????????????????????????????????????? Yunnan trip, make the most sad is that some police, small "Xinhua" attitude was cold on the parents, although aware of the whereabouts of his own children, but not required to hold a child back on the grounds that not make a living. ????????????????????“??”???????????? According to police introduced a similar situation is common ground has a small "Xinhua" can only stay in the Stone City Social Welfare Institute. ???? ??? ??? ??? Reporter Dong Shijie Xie Ling Ling Correspondent

?????????????? Source: Shijiazhuang News Editor: Lisa