St. Patrick's Guild was involved in the secret export of 572 children to the US

St. Patrick's Guild/Temple Hill

St. Patrick's Guild was founded in 1910 by Mary Cruice who originally wanted to provide a Catholic alternative to Protestant run fostering services in Dublin.  Later however the Guild linked up with the Sisters of Charity and became an adoption society at the command of Archbishop McQuaid.  

St. Patrick's Guild did not run a mother and baby home, rather, babies were sent to St. Patrick's Infant Hospital, Temple Hill before being adopted.   Mothers were not present at Temple Hill and St. Patrick's Guild have been very uncooperative in providing information about what conditions were like in the hospital, though we have a scanned copy of the feeding/vaccination records kept which was donated by an adopted person.  There were also babies in Temple Hill that were adopted through agencies other than St. Patrick's Guild.

St. Patrick's Guild was involved in the secret export of 572 children to the US for adoption from the 1940's to the 1970's, which was more than any other adoption agency.

Temple Hill closed in the 1980's and though St. Patrick's Guild no longer arranges adoptions, it is still operational for search queries. 

At present we have no further information regarding St. Patrick's Guild.  Please contact us at if you have further  information that may help or any photos you would like to donate.