Adoption Alerts for Nepal and Kazakhstan.

26 May 2010
May 26, 2010. Adoption Alerts for Nepal and Kazakhstan. The Department of State has issued adoption alerts for both Nepal and Kazakhstan. In the case of the Nepal, this is the third in a series of warnings about the perils of adopting from Nepal. This one is the strongest yet: "The U.S. Department of State strongly discourages prospective adoptive parents from choosing adoption in Nepal because of grave concerns about the reliability of Nepal's adoption system and the accuracy of the information in children's official files. The Department also strongly discourages adoption service providers from accepting new applications for adoption from Nepal until reforms are made, and asks them to be vigilant about possible unethical or illegal activities under the current adoption system." In the case of Kazahkstan, DOS has confirmed that the Kazakh government has placed a moratorium on the acceptance of new adoption files but is continuing to process files which had been previously submitted. We would like to add that we have receiving extremely disturbing reports about the refusal of judges in the region of Taraz to grant any international adoption petitions.