Call for federal inquiry into forced adoptions
21 October 2010

Call for federal inquiry into forced adoptions
Posted Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:49am AEDT

A group of mothers who gave up their babies gather at parliament to hear a formal apology (Marcus Alborn)

The WA Labor MP David Templeman is calling for a federal inquiry into the forced adoption practices of last century.

The West Australian parliament yesterday formally apologised to the women who were pressured to adopt out their babies between the 1940s and 1980s.

It is the first state in Australia to say sorry for the practice.

David Templeman was one of the architects of the apology and says the next step should be a national inquiry.

"These practices and policies of adoption took place across the country and to really make sure that we lift a lid on this issue and to make sure we get to the real truth, the real stories, we need a national inquiry, and there should be a national apology in the federal parliament," he said.

The Greens MP Alison Xamon has told parliament her colleagues will introduce a motion in Federal Parliament next week for a national inquiry and an apology to the women.

"I hope that WA's example is just the beginning," she said.

"I'm aware that there were women from around Australia who flew over here to hear the apology who were desperate to have the role of their own state governments and departments and churches admitted and acknowledged."