Some chiefs in the Northern Region recently called for the abolition

24 November 2010
Some chiefs in the Northern Region recently called for the abolition
of practice of adoption and expressed anger with the practice particularly the provision in the adoption law that hands
adopting parents complete ownership of the adoptees.
The chiefs expressed the anger in Mzuzu at a function organised by The Law Commission aimed at getting views
from civil society on what should be included in the reviewed and Adoption Law which is being tailored ‘to reflect
modern issues.’
“Adoption should end; it’s like selling a thing that does not speak. Orphans always have relatives and whatever law
we implement, it will always bring us problems in the future,” said Inkosi Mtwalo of Mzimba.
T/A Mwakaboko of Karonga said he understood the idea of adoption but did not like the permanent ownership of by
others rather than natural parents.
“Just look at Jumani [Johansson]. We are having problems now because his name was changed and his natural
parents cut off,” said Mwakaboko.
He, however, said whoever puts his child for adoption should not demand tokens because assistance rendered to the
child is enough for the parent to be thankful.
T/A Marlowe of Rumphi said he was against the permanent ownership phrase in the law and said those wishing to
adopt should only assist in providing for the child. T/A Mkumpha 3 of Likoma and Chizumulu Islands shared the
However, Alan Chinula, a commissioner in the exercise, said the chiefs’ fears are baseless since the child can choose
to go back to their parents after reaching maturity age.
He added that the new adoption law would make it tougher for foreigners to adopt in Malawi saying child shopping
would end and that the matching process would be emphasised.
Northern Chiefs calls for an end to adoption practices | Malawi Voice
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He asked government to adopt the Hague Convention which he said
would be an additional tool in the adoption exercise as it centralises adoption and reinforces the Convention on the
Rights of the Child (CRC).
Social workers who attended the function accused chiefs of hypocrisy saying they were just defensive adding that
they were not looking after the children in the villages.
The current Adoption of Children Act was enacted in 1929; a law which, chairperson of the Special Law Commission
on the Adoption Act, Justice Esme Chombo, said is too old and doesn’t reflect issues like HIV, poverty and