10 000 US dollars for orphanage in Haiti

March 2011
Haiti Adoption  

Hope Services has worked with families adopting from Haiti since receiving our license for Intercountry Adoption in November 1996.  Although most situations have gone smoothly, adopting from Haiti can be somewhat unpredictable due to their changing political scene.  Hope has had families successfully bring home beautiful children from several different orphanages.  Your family will choose which orphanage to work with based on your own research and discussion with families who have previously adopted.  We would be happy to assist you in this process. 

There is a large and active group of adoptive parents in BC who form the “Afro-Canadian Adoption Network”(ACAN).  This group welcomes families who have adopted children of African heritage and provide support, information and events on an ongoing basis.  For more information on ACAN contact the Adoptive Families Association at 604 320-7330.


POST EARTHQUAKE APPLICATIONS TO ADOPT FROM HAITI ARE OFFICIALLY SUSPENDED. In keeping with international protocol, the majority of child welfare resources in Haiti should continue to be focused on re-establishing the child welfare structure of the nation and targeted to reuniting children with family members.    The Director’s Office will continue to seek information from other international adoption authorities, the Canadian federal government and the Haitian government in regards to post earthquake adoption applications.  This decision to suspend post earthquake applications will continue to be reviewed at a 6 month and 1 year intervals.

The following information is pre-earthquake Jan 12, 2010:

Eligibility Requirements

  • Eligibility requirements have fluctuated considerably. Be sure to confirm current guidelines with the Intercountry Worker.
  • Applicants may be married or single (common-law or same sex relationships are not accepted).
  • Couples need to have been married for 7 - 10 years (subject to change).
  • Exception to the above rule may be made in cases of documented infertility.
  • One parent (including a single parent) must be at least 35 years of age.
  • Haitian Law states “Without the exemption of the President, adoption is only permitted in the absence of legal or natural descendants.” The existence of adoptive children does not preclude adoptions by the same adopter, if he/she can demonstrate that their ability to fulfill economic obligations. Cases are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the IBESR.
  • Criteria for # of biological children are determined individually by Haitian orphanages. Please confirm the requirements for your chosen Haitian agency. We currently have 2 Haitian agencies that are able to accept families with up to 3 biological children.
  • Careful consideration should be made by prospective parents who do not fit the above guidelines. Historically, the Haitian process exhibits unpredictability and constant change. Keeping up to date on current requirements is essential.

Children Available
The children that are generally proposed are between 6 months and 5 years.  There are older children available.  All children are of black racial background.  Standard tests are HIV and Sickle Cell.

Waiting Period
Most children will be proposed to you within several months of your dossier arriving in Haiti.  Haiti is very unpredictable in terms of timeframes.  At this time families have been experiencing very long waits (over a year), however, improvements are beginning. Applicants are free to contact the orphanage directly and make arrangements with them.

Applicants will pay $6,900 to Hope Services.  This $6,900 includes the $3,000 fee for B.C. Approval & $3,900 for the Intercountry Fee.  In addition, there will be approximately $10 000 US per child required to be paid to the orphanage in Haiti. Hope Services will assemble, translate, copy, arrange for notarizing, and courier documents.  All travel costs and arrangements are the responsibility of the family.   Other costs incurred include:  Criminal Record Search, Medical Reports, Psychological Evaluation, Immigration fees, The Embassy of Haiti fee ($140).

Summary of Process
For detailed process information, please refer to separate form: “Overview of Steps for Haiti Adoption”.

  • Make application to Hope Services and fulfill BC requirements for legal adoption 
  • Choose Haitian orphanage that you wish to work with
  • Provide documents to Hope Intercountry Worker to fulfill Haitian requirements
  • Complete sponsorship application from Canadian Immigration.   
  • Your proposal will come from the orphanage you are dealing with in Haiti to our office.  We will contact you with the information.
  • In Haiti, the adoption is finalized in the country prior to you travelling to pick up your child.   There are no post placement reports required.

Some Partnering Orphanages

Listing of other approved Haitian orphanages available upon request.