On average a child is taken per day in Portugal

24 July 2011

Community » On average a child is taken per day in Portugal

On average a child is taken per day in Portugal. This project is no longer exclusive to couples. In April alone 385 people were enrolled in the national lists of adoption, representing about one fifth of cases.

In Portugal, there are just over 500 children in a position to be adopted, but are more than two thousand cases of candidates to prospective parents. According to the latest data from the Social Security Institute (ISS), from June 2006 until April this year were 2,022 children adopted in Portugal. That is, each year 404 children found a new family.

Succeeded in adopting a child can take up to several years, but no one who dreams of having a child ceases to try your luck in this way, whether alone or accompanied. In April this year there were 1,879 applications for 385 couples and singles. That same month, in a position to be adopted only 532 were minors.

The adoption process is simple: you must cross the profile of the child with prospective parents to ensure that expectations are not disappointed. The cases of children who are adopted after being returned to the institutions are "residual", but the source of the ISS notes: "For there are fewer cases, the situation is always very harmful to the child, so just to be a worry" .

Most parents dream of the future to adopt an orphan baby but many children are able to adopt children, "marked by stories of life very complicated," explained the source of the ISS Lusa.

To try to reduce the setbacks and ensure that the "parents" are able, the ISS in late 2009 launched a Training Plan for the Adoption, which begins with training sessions (session A) to all who are still thinking whether or not to adopt a child.

The report of the Department of Social Development, 2010 ISS notes that a "curious" about the sessions with potential applicants: "It appears that you were a greater number of people interested in the adoption process in the period that follows or precedes the holiday period ". That is, "was in September which showed higher number of sessions."

Then, from first to second phase (session B), in which the couple or single person really decides to proceed, the number of "candidates" almost halved. According to the report, 1,629 participated in the session The trainees, while the session attended by about 770 B.

The ISS explains that this training plan was created precisely to ensure that people who are registered on waiting lists will not give the child the first setback.