Ethiopian adoptive parents did not receive the promised reports
7 April 2013

Ethiopian adoptive parents did not receive the promised reports

Each year, was the biological Ethiopian parents to be adopted children receive reports from their children's adoptive families. But that is not the reality, as ABC News meetings in the city Assela. You have been given up for adoption 21 children to Denmark.

07TH APRIL 2013 KL. 19:55

Almaz Girma is one of those women who have not received the promised reports on their disregard adopted children in Denmark. © DR

Written by: Line Gertsen and Ditte Bannor-Kristensen

- Is something wrong with my child? There must have been something with my child?

So says the tearful 35-year-old woman Almaz Girma. For almost two years ago away she adopted her son to Denmark.

After a month she received a report on his son. Then she heard nothing, even though she was promised a report every three months by the man who sought her from the orphanage ENAT Alem, who was one of DanAdopt partners at this time.

More women ask their children

Almaz Girma is far from the only one who has not received the promised reports.

Kedir Nur, who is a civil servant and children accountable in the city, experiencing almost every day women who come and ask if he knows anything about their children who have come to Denmark.

- When I'm in my office, then there's almost always someone cries and asks for reports, he says.

It has previously been suggestions that DanAdopt had trouble getting delivered statutory reports to the biological parents in Ethiopia.

DanAdopt special consultant Mette Garnæs says:

- We assure that the reports are in Ethiopia, and they have come to parents.

Receive reports after years of waiting

But the reality is not so. The official in Asella Kedir Nur has not received these reports, and it is only when ABC News leads him to look for them, that they are found in the capital Addis Ababa.

BBC News gets him to retrieve reports, and it means that women finally receive news about their children - many of whom, after several years of waiting. Reports, which are therefore of great importance.

- I've been crying for two years where I have not heard anything from my child, so I am very happy and relieved now says one of the women, as ABC News has spoken to.

Almaz Girma notes that "it was like to go with a stone on his back" as she waited for news about his son.

- I am happy and relieved, because I've seen a picture of him and see that he is doing well, she concludes.
