AC International Child Support: The law must be changed
10 April 2013

AC International Child Support: The law must be changed

Organization AC International Child would have done international adoptions open, but it requires a change in the law.

AT. 15:56UPDATED AT. 20:16

Organization AC International Child would have done international adoptions open, but it requires a lovændring.Her seen Gimma Kebele, who worked on DanAdopt now closed orphanage in Ethiopia, ENAT Alem. Beside the job as a night watchman, he earned money to find suitable families and convince them that they should be adopting their children. Photo: DR

Written by: Line Gertsen and Ditte Bannor-Kristensen

Chairman Pia Fire score from AC International Child says now that adoptions from cultures as the Ethiopian should be open:

- What you have shown stresses that Ethiopia is a good example of a country where a family will never feel that they are not related to their own child - regardless of what they have signed.And therefore we believe that it is an obvious idea to make adoptions open, but it requires a change in the law, says the chairman.

Current law does not allow it

Today opens the law is not up to international adoptions can be open - that is, the contact between the biological parents and the child never interrupted. But it should be:

- In this case, it is in the child's best interests that the relationships between children and biological parents to some extent made up and not cut completely over, as is the case with the current Adoption Act.

But it is important for AC International Child that a change does not mean that biological families, who for one reason or another do not want contact with their children are forced udi to construct papers that make children foundlings, when it is not.

So there needs to be created procedures to ensure that this does not happen. But AC International Child Support will work to the law now changed:

"I have been merged with our own experience underlines that we need to think differently about adoptions from cultures as the Ethiopian, it should still be possible to ask explicitly about closed adoptions, but we believe that adoptions should in general be open and it is not possible today. "


Adoption and Society welcomes AC International Child require legislative amendment welcome.President Jens Damkjær says:

- We believe that it is absolutely right to make the law on when it comes to this kind of culture with an open concept of the family. So the only way to go to make adoptions open, says Jens Damkjær.