Lumos: Ukrainian study visit to London

19 November 2012

Ukrainian study visit to London


In May 2012, Lumos hosted a study visit in London for a delegation from Ukraine. Organised in cooperation with Rinat Akhmetov Foundation for Development of Ukraine, the study visit included senior policy makers and service managers from the Dniepropetrovsk and Donetsk regions, as well as managers of children’s institutions and representatives from local NGOs that provide community services.

The delegates visited a range of services in London, including children’s centres, inclusive schools and foster care services. Judge Nicholas Crichton, CBE, a member of Lumos’ Board of Trustees, arranged for the delegates to sit in on a Family Court hearing. The visitors had the opportunity to observe a range of cases, such as parents who are drug addicts, who are being supported to address their addiction and improve their ability to look after their children. They also witnessed a number of adoptions being approved. Following the Court session, Judge Crichton answered the delegates’ questions, in order to explain the way the legal system in England and Wales operates in cooperation with other professionals to ensure the protection and appropriate care of vulnerable children.

Last week, Nina Tutova, Director of Children’s Services for Dniepropetrovsk region reflected on the visit, saying: “In London we saw so many excellent services, including small group homes for just five or six children. At first when I returned home I thought: this will never be possible in Ukraine. But after I reflected for a while I realised that many of the services I saw could be adapted to Ukraine and that the reform is possible. It will just take a long time”.

Following the study visit, senior policy makers from Dniepropetrovsk and Rinat Akhmetov Foundation for Development of Ukraine asked Lumos to support them in carrying out a Strategic Review of children’s services. The review will be used to plan complete deinstitutionalisation for the whole region. It is hoped, will serve as a model for reform across the country.