Orphanages to be re-examined

16 December 2013

Orphanages to be re-examined


By Martins E. Ssekweyama

Posted Monday, December 16 2013 at 02:00

The police say a number of orphanages in the souther region are illegally operating.

The Child and Family Protection Unit under the Uganda Police force in the southern region has said it will re-examine the activities of all child care centres and orphanages in order to curb child abuse practices.

This comes on the heels of the arrest Mr Glaser Benhard, a German National in Kalangala District, on suspicion of molesting underage girls under his care.

Mr Aaron Turibagyenyi, the southern region Police community liaisons officer, told the Daily Monitor that the Kalangala incident was an indication that similar child abuse activities could be taking place elsewhere. He said the exercise will help to establish the safety of children under such care facilities as well as redefining their living conditions.

“We have summoned all the District Probation Officers in the region to furnish us with the list of child care centers and orphanages,” he said. “All village councils have been asked to be more vigilant and detect cases of child abuse whether in individual homes or in orphanages,” he added.

Ms Millie Nyakato, the southern region Child and Family Protection Officer, said police are aware that many of the child care centres in the region are not dully registered.

