


Geographical region


Title Publication date
Child rights activists push for an adoption centre 8 March 2024
Child rights activists push for an adoption centre 8 March 2024
How software can digitally transform child adoption 18 January 2024
CFAB - An overview of our history 30 November 2023
Tales From TikTok: Ethiopian Woman Shares Heartbreaking Illegal Adoption Story, ‘I Questioned My Existence’ 14 November 2023
Uganda court fines US couple $28,000 for child cruelty 2 November 2023
Adoption: Woman recalls prejudice she faced as a child 18 October 2023
Center for Children, Law and Ethics 22 July 2023
Children are collateral damage as DNA paternity tests rise 12 July 2023
Paper Orphans: Preventing Illegal Intercountry Adoptions - BORGEN 28 June 2023
American couple on remand over torture seeks bail 2 March 2023
Voluntourism in poor countries needs to be tackled 3 January 2023
The role of judges in alleged adoption scams 18 December 2022
‘Promising kids a future:’ local adoption agency raises funds for Uganda orphanage 16 December 2022
More African children will start their journey from institutions to families due to BEB’s Children First Software 6 December 2022
Judge Mukiibi breaks silence on adoption fraud, US sanctions | Monitor 4 December 2022
Ex-Strongsville adoption agency employee sentenced for schemes to bribe Ugandan judges, lying to adopt Polish girl, who was rape 4 November 2022
Recommendations for* child welfare care reform in the global south: Perspectives of 542 adults who were separated from parental care during childhood in 12 nations 22 September 2022
Over 8,000 institutionalized, Ugandan children now have digital records, putting them on the path to families 31 January 2022
Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to Schemes to Procure Adoptions from Uganda and Poland through Bribery and Fraud 17 November 2021
Examining International Adoption 9 November 2021
Parents Adopt 'Orphan' but When She Learns to Speak English They Discover She Was Abducted 7 November 2021
Mama H’s Story 22 July 2021
Baldwin County father and adopted son trapped in Uganda as COVID-19 surge strands them 22 June 2021
How Intercountry Adoption Causes African Children To Be Unnecessarily Separated From Their Families 4 May 2021
Emilie Larter: 'Surreal' to be home after adoption battle 16 April 2021
The Western Foreigners Successfully Circumventing Adoption Laws in Uganda 25 March 2021
Boy arrives in UK after Uganda adoption battle 17 January 2021
2 judges under probe over child adoption 16 September 2020
United States: fake Ugandan orphans offered for adoption 18 August 2020
'I want my kids back': how overseas adoptions splinter Uganda's families 29 May 2020
'I want my kids back': how overseas adoptions splinter Uganda's families 22 May 2020
US Woman Admits to Bribing Ugandan High Court Judges in Fraudulent Adoption Cases 1 September 2019
U.S. citizen went to Uganda to help kids. Now her charity is accused of killing them. 5 August 2019
Uganda: 100 Babies Dead - NGO Wants U.S. Missionary Prosecuted in Virginia 14 June 2019
‘Afrikaanse weeshuizen zijn goudmijntjes voor Westerse uitbaters’ 26 February 2019
‘Those Kids Are No Longer Yours’: An Investigation into Uganda’s Adoption Market (Lying in Court) 11 October 2018
CNN KIDS FOR SALE 12 October 2017
Strongsville-based European Adoption Consultants connected to disturbing child abuse case in Texas 9 May 2017
Adoption Alert: Uganda’s Residency and Fostering Requirement 2 February 2017
Couple Claims Adoption Agency Embroiled Them in Child-Trafficking Scheme (EAC/Uganda) 1 February 2017
Most children’s homes illegal - official 4 January 2017
The Netherlands’ proposed ban on foreign adoption and the (ab)uses of ‘scientific expertise’ 10 November 2016
Didier Reynders welcomes agreement Ugandan government for departure adoption children 8 October 2016
Uganda: Belgium Pleads With Museveni On Adoption 5 October 2016
Reynders bespreekt adopties met Oegandese president 23 September 2016
(Uganda) Affaires consulaires: Reynders appelle les politiques à la retenue dans les cas délicats 3 September 2016
Zes Oegandese kinderen mogen eindelijk met hun adoptieouders naar België vertrekken 3 September 2016
Begium: De politieke strijd achter adoptie in Oeganda 19 August 2016
Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie bezorgd over 10 adopties uit Oeganda 3 August 2016
Al bijna drie maanden kamperen ouders in Oeganda omdat ze land niet uit kunnen met hun adoptiekinderen 3 August 2016
Situation of adopted children from Uganda 3 August 2016
US Adoption Alert: Ugandan High Court Recall of Guardianship Orders Issued After June 2, 2016 27 July 2016
Museveni assents to children’s Bill 2 June 2016
Uganda Tightens Foreign Adoption Rules 17 March 2016
Uganda: Adoption - State Owes Duty to Most Vulnerable Ugandans 7 March 2016
Parliament Passes Children’s Law 2 March 2016
Subsidiarity, and the notion that indigenous solutions should be preferred 1 February 2016
Uganda: Make Inter-Country Adoption Process Easier 16 January 2016
Adopties uit Oeganda: ‘Alsof we ons schuldig maken aan kinderhandel’ 2 January 2016
Alert: Recent Developments Related to Intercountry Adoption from Uganda 31 December 2015
Alert: Recent Developments Related to Intercountry Adoption from Uganda 31 December 2015
Opschorting adopties uit Oeganda 2 December 2015
Adoption or trafficking? Fears grow for Uganda's 'orphans' 5 October 2015
East Africa: EALA Locks Out Foreigners From Child Adoption 22 August 2015
East Africa bans adoption of children by foreigners 19 August 2015
'The child had been trafficked and should never have been placed for adoption:' US couple's dream of adopting child from Africa 29 May 2015
Fraud and deceit at the heart of Uganda adoptions to United States 28 May 2015
Ugandan woman's agony as granddaughter 'sold' to Americans 28 May 2015
Uganda’s child adoption ‘market’ brings misery and confusion 6 October 2014
Uganda fears for children as overseas adoptions boom 2 September 2014
Orphanages to be re-examined 16 December 2013
Ugandans Dishonoured Abroad 25 August 2013
Babies being stolen at top Uganda hospital, sparking outrage over misconduct 23 August 2013
Police question Mukono family over illegal adoption 30 April 2013
Taken & never returned: When adoption profits the middleman 19 April 2013
Forget Me Not - Annual Report 2011 2012 1 January 2013
Govt issues new rules on child adoption to check trafficking 19 June 2012
Opschorten adoptieverdrag Uganda goed signaal 14 June 2012
Empowering Families: A Deterant to Child Trafficking May 2012
Speaking of truth in Ugandan adoptions 2 April 2012
Orphanage management policy in offing 17 February 2012
Urgent Warning for people attempting to or about to internationally Adopt from Uganda 7 February 2012
Teacher inspired to help Ugandan orphans 20 October 2011
Uganda: Orphanage Swindles Donor Money 1 October 2011
U on Sunday Feature: The lost children 17 September 2011
Woman drags orphanage boss to Police 10 September 2011
Couple defrauded but not deterred 19 July 2010
Ugandan adoption odyssey over for Washington couple 5 July 2010
Adoptive mother stranded in Uganda 17 June 2010
Canadian fight to bring Ugandan kids home 9 June 2010
Court case Re Peter Sebuliba alias Namansa James (Misc. Cause No. 37 oF 2009) - See Critic on ICA 2 June 2010
Oeganda - adoption exploitation 1 June 2010
Nieuw adoptiecontact: OEGANDA 29 April 2010
Adoption Extremes Hurt Children 21 April 2010
Giving back - Kate van Doore's story 10 February 2010
Forget Me Not - Website Page 2010 1 January 2010
Uganda: Adoption is Now the Rage in Uganda 11 November 2009
Wikileaks - adoption fraud - Uganda 27 October 2009
Holt changing adoption rules in Uganda 2008
Holt Moses Project = ica 2008
Adoption Could Be Cover for Traffickers. 20 February 2007
Government to Review Child Adoption Law 6 October 2006
Children in Residential Care Conference, Stockholm 12-15 May 2003 15 May 2003
Appeal for Uganda's abducted children 8 December 2000
NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1997