Mid Term Evaluation Report

25 February 2013

In the area of de-institutionalization, some core UNICEF accomplishments include:

• Individual plans of child protection in Komanski most developed and are being regularly reviewed. Individual plans for protection of Montenegrin children in institutions in Serbia developed. Both care planning initiatives resulted in renewed contacts between children and their families thus strengthening the prospects for family reunification and deinstitutionalization, and have contributed to a higher sense of accountability of social welfare professionals and improved their work methodology (in line with case management which will be formally introduced in the second phase of the project).

• Number of children in Bijela Orphanage aged 3-18 has decreased by 34% compared to the baseline (2008-2011).

• Number of children with disabilities in day care centres increased four times between 2009 and 2012.

• Number of children in Foster care (kinship and non-kinship) increased by 38% between 2008 and 2011.

• Number of children in non-kinship foster care increased by 20% between 2010 and 2012.

• Construction of the first small group home for children with disabilities will begin in spring 2013.