


Title Publication date
The life of a whistleblower: Roelie Post (ARGOS) + anonymous colleague 5 May 2018
Mail RP to CD and 9 others in Hierarchy Sale of Children - Montenegro and beyond (Ares(2015)2268202 ) 28 June 2015
The Union of Municipalities of Montenegro`s Executive Board held it`s third session - Local Authorities to provide group homes 23 April 2015
Conference Children on the Move = Question AD to Mr. Pacquet 5 March 2015
Katja blows the whistle in 2014 CDR - refused further involvement in child rights 1 January 2015
Mail Arun Dohle to President Juncker, Hahn, Simon Mordue, Dirk lange 19 November 2014
AD to Juncker: Subject: Children for Sale: Adoptions from the Balkans / Eastern Europe 19 November 2014
Youtube: Adverse Childhood Experiences - Presentation by Benjamin Perks, UNICEF Representative to Montenegro 11 November 2014
Youtube: UNICEF MNE - Roundtable "Children in state care in the media in Montenegro" 3 November 2014
Montenegro Progress report 8 October 2014
Lange: There was no initiative to activate a clause in the balance 8 October 2014
Representatives of MIA visited the Center 17 September 2014
NATO’s relations with Montenegro - 2015 assessment of membership September 2014
Institutional Consultancy for an Analysis of policy and legal framework/children and youth leaving formal care (IPA 2010) 19 May 2014
Unicef Montenegro - Presentation of the results of the "Every child needs a family campaign" (Andre Lys) 9 April 2014
USCIS Begins Processing Adoptions from Montenegro 1 April 2014
“Every child needs a family” campaign: 25 requests for non-kin foster care submitted, six children placed with non-kin families 31 March 2014
Brussels: UN pledges further support for Montenegro's EU bid 17 February 2014
Swedish adoption from Montenegro 1 November 2013
International consultancy: transformation plan BIjela 22 April 2013
Mid Term Evaluation Report 25 February 2013
UNICEF: ‘’Strategic dialogue between DG Enlargement and UNICEF on cooperation in Enlargement Countries’’ in Brussels 21 January 2013
COM - ELARG report: Montenegro ratified Hague 10 October 2012
Tre barn utvisas ur Sverige 8 March 2012
Tre barn utvisas ur Sverige - till barnhem 8 March 2012
Child protection legislation should be enhanced 15 February 2012
Lumos developed National Action Plan - Montenegro 2011
Note CD to JLS - intercountry adoption ROmania 8 June 2010
Allegations in News Reports of Inappropriate Child Care at Komanski Most 26 March 2010
UN Committee on the Right of the Child 2010
Unicef Office Montenegro set up end 2010 (Board Meeting) April 2009