Mail Arun Dohle to President Juncker, Hahn, Simon Mordue, Dirk lange
From: Arun Dohle []
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:50 AM
Subject: Children for Sale: Adoptions from the Balkans / Eastern Europe
Dear President Juncker,
Dear Commissioner Hahn,
Dear Mr. Mordue,
Dear Mr. Lange,
i d like to know in detail what actions you took concretly, regarding our previous communication from below.
As I can see the same thing is happening sort of in Serbia.
There seems to be a broader policy issue.
In the statistics of the Swedish agency, you can see 11 children have been exported to Sweden from Serbia in 2014
Despite EU funding.
I note that Lumos the NGO of JK Rowling is heavily involved in this too.
Another result of the EU´s and Lumos´s work is this list here of 501 children from Bulgaria up for sale on the international market.
( List)
Despite far above 100 Million Euro´s of EU funding.
Dear President. Juncker, I request again- at the earliest a meeting with someone from the Commission who takes this issue serious and is ready to act upon it.
I offer our database on the issue set up by EU civil servant Mrs. Roelie Post during the time she was seconded to our organisation in the best interest of the services.
Requests for meeting were so far denied by Mr. Mordue, Dirk Lange, Mrs Zwanepoel.
Arun Dohle
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014 09:32
Subject: RE: Adoptions from Montenegro
Dear Mr. Dohle,
I take note of your comments and views. As regards your suggestion to meet, I may come back to you at a later stage.
With kind regards,
Dirk Lange, Head of Unit
European Commission
DG Enlargement
Unit B1 Montenegro, Iceland
LOI 15 7/015
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
Tel. +32 2 295 2837
From: Arun Dohle []
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 4:02 PM
Subject: RE: Adoptions from Montenegro
Dear Mr. Lange,
Since 7 years i work very closely with your colleague Roelie Post from DG Enlargement on Child Rights.
Of course I know, that you know, that she had been seconded to ACT. Mrs. Post introduced me to you, so I didn´t feel much need to further explain myself to you.
Over the years I have heard a lot of things about you. In fact mainly positive.
I know who is Collette Cotter and Mrs. Post didn´t ask you to arrange help through her. The help she gets now, is an invitation by the medical service. This is help? I consider this harassment and a continuation of the harassment and intimidations she faced since she worked successfully on the Romania file.
You know as well as I know that the Hague Adoption Convention is not “Acquis”. However the COM forced Montenegro to ratify this convention.
I am sure that if you would have taken the “opinion of the independent panel“ into account and would have pressed for proper implementation of the CRC, with all the millions of Euros going to Montenegro under IPA, the children would have been cared for locally.
This is the direct link to your work - this project.
Could you explain me, why and how exactly the COM forced Montenegro to accede to the Hague Adoption Convention? The result of which are the adoptions to Sweden.
How can the COM give IPA money to Unicef, which has position on Intercountry Adoptions that contradicts the UNCRC and promotes the Hague Adoption Convention?
7 years I worked with Roelie Post who was seconded to ACT in the interest of the service on these issues.
It incomprehensible to me, how a whole DG can treat a proper civil servant like this.
Please note that of course despite our not so nice first meeting we, ACT, are always at your disposal and have documented all very well.
Attached is one extract of our Database, build in the interest of the service.
What is wrong to sit down, calmly, together for a coffee and have a look into it and make proper use of it? In the interest of the service, and the European citizens.
Arun Dohle
From: []
Sent: Montag, 6. Oktober 2014 18:44
Subject: RE: Adoptions from Montenegro
Dear Mr. Dohle,
Thank you for introducing yourself to me through this e-mail, which you did not do when you stopped me in the DG Enlargement cafeteria while I was trying to organise help for a colleague who was visibly in need of it.
I can confirm that UNICEF has implemented an EU project "Social Welfare and Child Care Reform: Enhancing Social Inclusion".
I do not however see a direct link between this project and the figures you sent to me concerning the adoptions of children from Montenegro to Sweden which fluctuate over the years from respectively 6 and 7 adoptions in 2003 and 2004, to 1 adoption in the years 2009 and 2010, and 5 and 3 adoptions in the years 2013 and 2014.
Dirk Lange
From: Arun Dohle []
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 1:29 PM
Subject: Adoptions from Montenegro
Dear Mr. Lange,
the swedish agency Adoptionscentrum mediates children from Montenegro for adoption, that against payments of adoption fee´s of around 25.000 Euro´s.
In the light of the fact, that the European Commission gives substantial funding to Unicef for local child protection, I would to know your justification for these intercountry adoptions.
You can find the statistics here:
Further I have to note, that I m really disappointed that you literally ran away today in the DG Enlargement cafetaria, just because I asa citizen asked the above simple question.
Looking forward to your reply.
Arun Dohle