Lange: There was no initiative to activate a clause in the balance
8 October 2014

Lange: There was no initiative to activate a clause in the balance

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European Commission European Commission has invested great effort to report on the progress made by objective, said the Head of Montenegro in the Directorate General for Enlargement Dirk Lange, adding that the document does not contain a recommendation to activate clauses balance.

Dirk Lange

He explained that in the context of the negotiation, which is a guideline for negotiations with Montenegro, there is a clause that says that if you happen to negotiations in the rule of law are not followed the pace of negotiations in other chapters, there is a possibility of slowing the negotiation process in other technical chapters as a result of lack of progress in Chapters 23 and 24 news agency MINA.

"This is nothing new, it is something that has existed in the negotiating framework with Montenegro. In this report there are no recommendations for the activation of this clause, for now, no," said Lange at the launch of the Progress Report.

Commenting on speculation that the clause be safely activated, Lange said that the EU do not like speculation and that he can not predict the future.

"I would not have felt confident that they will activate that clause. It is clear that clause exists and that there is a possibility of its activation, but at this point I do not see any initiative in this clause is activated. It depends on the evaluation and consideration," said Lange.

According to him, the important element is that the member states in the Council to discuss the report, "but activation is something that could potentially happen in the Council. We will have detailed discussions on the progress that has been made in Montenegro."

He said that everyone from a report out what goes in his favor, and confirms his position.

"We've made every effort to make the report objective and based on facts. Selective extraction of one or another aspect of the story it would be wrong and would lead to erroneous conclusions and very rapid," said Lange.

Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro Mitja Drobnic said that in the report there are critical comments and acknowledgment of what has been achieved.

"This report is a review document and provides an image that has been drawn by the EC, and it is normal that the subject of internal political discussions," the goats.

He said that was not the intention of the EC to report do this or that, the dominant positive or negative.

Asked whether this was the first time that the clause on the balance referred to in the report, Drobni said that, as far as he knows, this is the first time that is mentioned, but that does not mean that it is not previously existed.

"I believe we have reached a point in negotiations where the member countries need to talk in order to continue forward. In this sense, it is time to talk about this clause. It is not something that is specific to this report, something that would be specific to Black Negro, "the goats.

When asked what the problem was when the story of organized crime and corruption is concerned, which is mentioned from year to year, Lange said that if you review the action plans that Montenegro is prepared, it is clear from the government's perspective there is a commitment to implement activities and address the issue of corruption, including at a high level.

"In these action plans outcomes are translated into interim benchmarks for Chapter 23 and 24. First we have action plans that the government should implement. We have legislation that exists, we see that the institutions established, but still want to see the development of concrete results, and it is something that follows as a logical step, "said Lange.

As he said, we are now at the stage when we should see if there are results.

"Once we see these initial results, we will be able to tell whether the interim benchmarks for Chapter 23:24 fulfilled. When we talk about delays, delays are measured in relation to the action plan adopted by the Government. In the interim standards are no deadlines and dates. From this point of view we are not talking about delays, but looking at the development of the situation in Montenegro in relation to action plans and concrete results. If you can feel in their assessment that the interim criteria are fulfilled, we will definitely recommend the Member States to continue negotiations in these chapters " said Lange.

Drobni said that the picture was complex and can not identify a problem or why concrete results yet niejsu realized.

"We are entering a phase where experts will try to help the local authorities to gradually improve the situation in this area, and the specific results," he added.

Asked how Montenegro should to spend 270 million euros for the implementation of reforms, Lange explained that the strategic document for financial assistance, Indicative Planning Document for the IPA funds, which is not bound to report on progress, clearly foresaw what are the expectations of the EU and that put emphasis on public administration reform, rule of law, and discusses the opportunities to work on the infrastructure.

That's how it is said, should be perceived as a planning document that is in the process and with it will come the annual program for 2014.

Drobni said that should be satisfied with the previous period and that for Montenegro successful year.

"I hope that we will be able to see that the negotiations with Montenegro proceed at the same pace in the coming years," said the goats.

He said that Montenegro's EU opened 12 and closed two chapters and, as he said, in many progresses.

Lange talked about the elements of the rule of law, stating that in recent years there have been positive developments.

"This year we have completed all meetings of screening and we can say that the accession negotiations are in full swing. If you look at the report, you will see that in detail the situation in the region commented," Lange said.

He said that although it was not the practice in the last minute, make changes on the election of the Chief State Prosecutor and turn in the report.

He said that in the new approach, where the opening chapter 23:24 states must provide more than the adoption of the law, such as by concrete results.

Talking about freedom of the media, he said that in the EC critically discussed on this matter.

"We are aware that there are certain violations and intimidation of journalists, and that's something we definitely condemn but also listed on the ethical standards with which they must comply in reporting," said Lange.

He said that in chapter 23 was seen uneven progress.

"We see positive efforts but we noticed that Montenegro was a little late to the terms in the action plans it has set itself in Chapters 23 and 24. For chapters that did not open, there are benchmarks for opening and there is a need to do significant things in order to progress otstvario" Lange said.

According to ruminants, Progress Report does not aim to resist finger is not on the government, not prarlament.

"This is a document that captures the same in which the Member States shows where we are, and is an indication to the Government that the EC looks at the processes in the country," he explained goats.

European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, Stefan Fule, said that Montenegro last year made significant steps.

At a press conference in Brussels, said he started the implementation of the rule of law, and that in the process of accession negotiations may need further measurable results that will be crucial for determining the dynamics of the negotiations.

File said that the EC will pay special attention to strengthening regional cooperation candidate countries in the enlargement process.

File early, before members of the European Parliament, said that the selection of the Chief State Prosecutor made a significant step towards strengthening the rule of law.