Brussels: UN pledges further support for Montenegro's EU bid
17 February 2014

Brussels: UN pledges further support for Montenegro's EU bid

Brussels: UN pledges further support for Montenegro

Published date 17.02.2014 18:45 | Author PR Bureau

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Brussels, Belgium (17 February 2014) -- State Secretary for European Integration and Montenegro’s Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Andrija Pejovi? attended Monday in Brussels a meeting devoted to Montenegro’s cooperation with the UN agencies in the light of the country’s integration into the EU. The meeting was also attended by Director of the UNDP Office in Brussels Antonio Vigilante, UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative to Montenegro Rastislav Vrbensky, UNICEF Representative in Montenegro Benjamin Perks and Head of the Montenegro Unit at the European Commission's Enlargement Directorate Dirk Lange.

Ambassador Pejovi? presented the track record Montenegro has developed in the EU accession process, emphasising the opening of negotiations in the key chapters related to the rule of law. He underlined the integration process is a complex and challenging task for Montenegro’s public administration, but for the entire society as well and that the UN agencies’ support made a significant contribution in the previous stages of the process. In that context, he particularly referred to the UNDP’s advisory support as regards specific negotiations chapters concerning strengthening Montenegro’s capacity for the coordination and programming of the IPA funds.

He also commented on the significant support provided by the UN system in Montenegro in developing key strategic documents, such as the action plans for the negotiating chapters 23 and 24, and Montenegro’s EU Accession Programme, as well as the support for pursuing reforms in judiciary, home affairs, public administration, social welfare, environmental protection and sustainable development.

UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative to Montenegro Rastislav Vrbensky presented the UNDP activities, with a focus on the Capacity Development Programme (CDP), which is focused on the support for Montenegro's EU bid.

UNICEF Representative in Montenegro Benjamin Perk paid attention to the UNICEF’s activities aimed at projects relating to social inclusion and protection of children, voicing satisfaction with the UN organisation’s cooperation with the Government of Montenegro.

Dirk Lange, Head of the Montenegro Unit at the European Commission's Enlargement Directorate, said that the European Commission welcomes and supports the UN’s cooperation with the enlargement countries in implementing key reforms from the European agenda and that cooperation between Montenegro and the UN agencies can serve as an example of good practice to other countries in the region.
