Interested in adoption?
26 October 2014

Interested in adoption?

Posted on 2014. október 26. by Örökbe


Welcome to my blog!

This blog is about everything related to adoption. It is written in Hungarian, and mostly talks about adoption within Hungary. It covers various topics: experiences of adoptive parents, interviews with experts, peculiarities of the administrative regulations and process, etc. Even if you don’t speak Hungarian, you can get an overall feeling about the blog by using Google Translator.

Are you a foreign citizen considering adoption from Hungary?

If you live in Hungary, the same rules apply to you as to Hungarian citizens. You have to start the process by registering at your Regional Child Protection Service (Tegyesz).

If you live abroad, and wish to adopt a Hungarian child, the following rules apply:

Only citizens of the following countries are eligible to adopt from Hungary:







•United States of America

As a general rule, you must be eligible to adopt in your own country. The next step is to find an adoption agency or organization.

During the adoption process itself, families must be prepared to stay 35-50 days in Hungary to complete the process.

Children available for adoption by foreign citizens typically have one or more of the following characteristics:

•children older than 6 years

•children with special needs

•sibling groups of 2-3-4 children

•children of Roma (Gipsy) origin

Generally, there is no chance to adopt healthy children who are younger than 4-5 years.

There are about 100 and 200 adoptions yearly, that take place from Hungary to a foreign country.

The adoption must fit the Hungarian rules:

Adoptive parents must be at least 16 years older than their adoptive child, but not more than 45 years older.

The age difference is calculated based on the age of the younger adoptive parent.

If the couple already have children, the adopted child must be younger than them. Both married couples and single people can apply, but couples are preferred.

The adoption must fit the local adoption rules of your country or state as well.

The cost of the adoption may be between 20.000 and 40.000 USD.

More information by country:








Blogs of American families, who have adopted Hungarian children: