24-02-2015 Children in Alternative Care - Opening Doors for Europe's Children - Eurochild events -

24 February 2015

Opening Doors roundtable on EU funds for de-institutionalisation 24-02-2015 Children in Alternative Care - Opening Doors for Europe's Children - Eurochild events - Opening Doors for Europe’s Children campaign will organise on the 24th February in Brussels the event "Are EU funds opening doors for Europe’s institutionalised children?". With this event, Eurochild & Hope and Homes for Children aim to facilitate the discussion on how the European Union and national civil society organisations can work together to accelerate progress on deinstutionalisation reforms. Opening Doors will present its review across eight Member States on deinstutionalisation and respect for the partnership principal in European Structural & Investment Funds-partnership agreements and operational programmes. We will also look at lessons learned from other EU funding programmes. The event will be hosted by MEP Mairead McGuinness and will feature interventions by Members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and Opening Doors' national coordinators. When: Tuesday 24 February 2015, 14:00 – 16:00 Where: Social Platform (Square de Meeûs 18, B-1050 Brussels) To find out more about de-institutionalisation and the campaign click here. For more information, please contact Aagje Ieven.
