Hope & Homes for Children



Person Relation type Date from Date to
Georgette Mulheir Employed by 1997 Jan 01 2006 Jan 01
Georgette Mulheir Employed by 1997 Jan 01 2006 Jan 01
Stefan Darabus Employed by
Mark Cook Founder of

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Hope & Homes for Children Cooperates with Absolute Return for Kids (ARK)
Hope & Homes for Children Cooperates with Absolute Return for Kids (ARK)
Hope & Homes for Children Member of EuroChild
Hope & Homes for Children Provided grant to Help a Needy Child International (HANCI)


Title Publication date
Hugh Jackman: 'Australia has an anti-adoption culture' – video 14 November 2019
Global effort to get kids out of orphanages gains momentum 19 December 2017
Transforming Romania’s child protection system in partnership with civil society 16 December 2017
Roemenië heeft nu zelf jeugdzorg 4 November 2016
Brand Matters: The small task of changing the world. 17 April 2015
Rwanda outgrows its genocide orphanages 12 March 2015
24-02-2015 Children in Alternative Care - Opening Doors for Europe's Children - Eurochild events - 24 February 2015
Nicholas Rees (UNICEF) will lead the theme on social return on investment at Eurochild Annual Conference 16 October 2014
Conference: Prevention of Family Breakdown due to Poverty 17 September 2014
Contributing to EU Human Rights Dialogue with Ukraine 16 July 2014
Mirela: An update (died) 11 March 2014
EU calls for care of children in state institutions of family and community 4 October 2013
Vulnerable Children Should Benefit from Family and Community Based Services 2 October 2013
€1 million grant to benefit babies in Bulgaria 19 October 2012
67,000 Children in State Care in Romania 18 October 2012
Hope & Homes: National survey of institutions for children in Rwanda October 2012
Romania's problems must not halt childcare reform 3 September 2012
Gezinnen, geen kinderhuizen: tentoonstelling en rondetafel lezing in Europees Parlement 6 June 2012
The appalling situation of Romania’s institutionalized children: From Ceausescu to today 23 May 2012
Children Have Fewer Health Problems in a Family Environment 3 November 2011
The Makeni Children 9 August 2011
Sierra Leone: Former HANCI Boss Testifies in Adoption Case 19 May 2011
Romania and the International Adoptions Issue 26 January 2011
11.000 de copii in orfelinatele romanesti. Ce face statul pentru ei?-TvZiare.com 26 November 2010
„The Telegraph“ pune Bistri?a pe jar 17 November 2010
Despre nevoia de echilibru ?i justa m?sur? 16 November 2010
The Telegraph: Orfelinatele din Romania, imaginea iadului pe pamant 16 November 2010
Guvernul roman nu si-a respectat promisiunea privind copiii institutionalizati (The Telegraph 15 November 2010
Initiative for Romanian children 18 October 2010
Legea adoptiei ar putea fi schimbata in 2011 1 August 2010
Hewer on the highway: Mongol Rally, day 21 23 July 2010
Hope for the abandoned 14 July 2010
Un nou turnir pentru casele copiilor cu dizabilitati 10 July 2010
Delegatie din Marea Britanie la Consiliul Judetean 21 May 2010
HHC Romania vrea sa renunte la Maramures pentru ca nu sunt sprijiniti de Directia Copilului 20 May 2010
Prin Funda?ia HHC, o familie din Satulung s-a ales cu o cas? 5 December 2009
2010-termen pentru inchiderea caselor de copii din Maramures 22 October 2009
CNN: Romania's Lost Children 1 July 2007
Romanian adoptees struggle to adapt 13 July 2005
Print YM E-mail Mai mare|Mai mic Comentarii Pe ce s-au cheltuit banii PHARE si ai HHC Marea Britanie? 1 March 2004
Casa HHC, preluata pe semnatura de Botis, pune in pericol viata copiilor maramureseni 23 February 2004
Helping children find their way home 18 January 2004
Copiii din iad 2004
Investigative article - corruption Phare projects - Hope & Homes 1 January 2004
Centru de zi ultramodern pentru copii cu deficiente 5 June 2003

