Video Interview - Ambassador Susan Jacobs: It would be reasonable opening Romania international adoption for children with spec

15 December 2015

Video Interview - Ambassador Susan Jacobs: It would be reasonable opening Romania international adoption for children with special needs - PHOTO, VIDEO

by Monica Moana 1175 views


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It would be reasonable for Romania to reopen international adoptions for children who can not find a home, those with special needs, higher age or more siblings, says US Ambassador Susan Jacobs, Special Advisor for childrens issues, in an interview for MEDIAFAX.

Ambassador Susan Jacobs, who has lived in Romania between 1995-1997, returned to Bucharest for talks with Romanian officials about the possibility of reopening international adoptions. She met with government officials dealing with child issues, but also with representatives of NGOs in the field.

Susan Jacobs believes that solutions should be found for those children who can not find an adoptive family in Romania and said that it would be logical to use the same criteria as adoptions in their country to find them suitable families internationally. According to Ambassador Susan Jacobs, this would enable the children to live in a family, to have the love of a permanent home.

Special adviser on children's issues, of the Department of State, says that of the 5,000 children adopted in Romania, 500 could be adopted internationally if the procedure should be reopened because, under current conditions, "very few families would meet the Romanian State'scriteria for international adoption".

We present Ambassador Susan Jacobs interview for Mediafax:

Reporter: The United States opposed the ban on international adoptions in Romania, ever since that law was in force since 2005. How do you explain this interest from the United States to adopt children from Romania.

Susan Jacobs: It's a very interesting question, thank you for it. I believe that many Americans are interested in adoptions from all over the world. Incidentally, in the last 20 years, Americans adopted 250,000 children from all countries, and Romania is one of the states where the Americans used to take and I think they would be interested in doing so again.

Reporter: Romania has partially reopened international adoptions since 2012 with changes to the law last year. On the other hand, the number of children in orphanages has declined over the past 10 or 15 years. What do you think would change for children in orphanages, when international adoption would fully reopen?

Susan Jacobs: From the discussions I have had with officials from Romania, there are about 5,000 children adoptable at this moment. From a total of 58,000 children in some form of special protection, it is a small number. Of those 5,000, only 500 are taken outside the country, but there are very few families who would meet the Romanian State's criteria for international adoption. The problem is that many children leave foster care when they could find a permanent home.

Reporter: What do you think Romania should in this respect?

Susan Jacobs: Romania got very far compared to the period in which I lived here between 1995-1997. I believe that Romania has given some very good laws meanwhile, has clearly established some procedures to protect children, but in almost every country we find children who can not find a home in their own country and I think it would be logical to use the same serious criteria are used adoptions in Romania to find families for them internationally. This would enable these children to live in families.

Reporter: The main reason children are abandoned in Romania is poverty. Do you think the opening of international adoption would be detrimental to efforts to support families to raise their own children?

Susan Jacobs: I think it is very important for governments to support the family. I believe that a child is the best within its family and I think every government has a responsibility to its citizens to protect children and their families. But as I said, sometimes it is not possible sometimes parents die, the children have no other living relatives. Studies have shown that children who grow up in orphanages do not develop like those living in a family. So it is very important for governments to help children find a family. It's about taking a child and you find the best family in order to have a loving and permanent home.

Reporter: Officially, Romania has blocked international adoptions to prevent child trafficking. Do you think that there were other reasons that led to this decision?

Susan Jacobs: I think probably there are several reasons why a country takes such a decision, I think, on the one hand, considers that there is abuse in the system somewhere. Romania has greatly strengthened the system, strengthened child protection measures that help to protect them and keep them safe. All officials could regulate international adoptions, and we work with them in this chapter, to find the best homes for these children. I think it can always be the concern for a child, that it could be abused. For example, we in the United States prior to allowing a family to adopt a child, do a thorough check of parenthood, the home you have, check their background and only then they are given permission to adopt a child living in another country.

Reporter: Since when were partially open international adoptions in 2012, there have been few such adoptions. What should Romania, which would be the solution to have a better monitoring of children after they have been adopted in other countries?

Susan Jacobs: It's a great question. The United States does adoptions through adoption service providers, adoption agencies. Romania should accredit them to work in Romania and the rules as laid down by officials here. For example, if Romania could require these agencies accredited certain monitoring reports after the adoption was finalized. Romania may request these reports from agencies, and they should provide all the data, and if it were not so, Romania might forbid them to operate here. Now, the United States, each agency is accredited and meets the standards Hague Hague Convention. Romania and the United States are partner countries to the Hague Convention and, because of that, there are all well-established regulations for international adoptions. But every country regulates the adoption and Romania would decide whether to open further international adoptions could establish clear rules, and if they are not met, then adoption would take place.

Reporter: There were reports saying that the United States of America raised no visas for Romanian due to blocking of international adoption. There is the possibility that the US become more flexible as regards this subject, whether international adoptions should be reopened?

Susan Jacobs: No, these are two unrelated topics. One is about national security, the other about the welfare of children, so they are two very different topics. I think the US wants only the good for this country, to be prosperous, secure, and we want all children in Romania to find a permanent, loving families.

Reporter: What do you recommend Romania as regards legislation to change the fate of these children?

Susan Jacobs: I think it is reasonable to open up adoptions for children who can have a a hard time finding permanency and cannot not find a home for people with special needs who are older or in cases where there are many brothers. If the procedure should be opened for these children, I think it would help a lot. They could go from orphanages and have a better chance at a good life, prosperous and loving.

Reporter there are others who said that adoption legislation is very bushy and that there were many families who gave up on the way, because of this. What would be your recommendation in this regard?

Susan Jacobs: In our discussions with government officials there have made some proposals that would make the process more efficient and faster. I think it is very important that children leave institutions as demonstrated by a study Bucharest Early Intervention Project (BEIP), which has followed for 16 years, children who lived in institutions and children who lived families. The differences in brain development is enormous and shows that children in foster care are not developing as fast and pace, and their emotional development would be totally different if reared in a family. The key word is "family", where a child is in a family, but each country must decide which is the best way they can do that. In general, the best way is for them to be moved quickly out of the institutional system. To work with family intervention in helping families to raise and, if you can not, then the state must find another family that can do this in the shortest possible time.

Reporter: There were some discussions in 2001 when Romania closed intercountry adoption, regarding certain pressures that have been made on closing Romania on international adoptions as a condition for joining the European Union.

Susan Jacobs: I heard the same thing.

Reporter: Why do you think this happened?

Susan Jacobs: I think there were voices in the European Union against international adoptions. I also know that there are countries that do adoptions, Romania's neighbors, for example. I think it is an individual issue, I think that every country, no matter of which Pact or Union, must decide which is the best thing for their children. This is what the Hague Convention is about, how we respect the child's interest. And the child's interest is to be in a family.


Video INTERVIU - Ambasadorul Susan Jacobs: Ar fi rezonabil? deschiderea în România a adop?iei interna?ionale pentru copiii cu nevoi speciale - FOTO, VIDEO

de Monica Moanea 1176 afi??ri


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Ar fi rezonabil ca România s? redeschid? adop?ia interna?ional? pentru copiii care nu-?i g?sesc un c?min, cei cu nevoi speciale, cu vârst? mai mare sau cu mai mul?i fra?i, spune ambasadorul american Susan Jacobs, consilier special pentru problemele copilului, într-un interviu acordat MEDIAFAX.


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Ambasadorul Susan Jacobs, care a locuit în România între anii 1995-1997, a revenit la Bucure?ti pentru a discuta cu oficialii români despre posibilitatea redeschiderii adop?iilor interna?ionale. Aceasta s-a întâlnit cu oficiali din Guvern care se ocup? de problemele copilului, dar ?i cu reprezentan?i ai organiza?iilor neguvernamentale din domeniu.

Susan Jacobs consider? c? trebuie g?site solu?ii pentru acei copii care nu-?i g?sesc o familie adoptiv? în România ?i spune c? ar fi logic s? se foloseasc? acelea?i criterii serioase ca ?i la adop?iile din ?ar? pentru a le g?si acestora familii potrivite la nivel interna?ional. În opinia ambasadorului Susan Jacobs, acest lucru ar permite ca acei copii s? tr?iasc? într-o familie, s? aib? dragostea unui c?min permanent.

Consilierul special pe problemele copiilor, din cadrul Departamentului de Stat al SUA, mai spune c? dintre cei 5.000 de copii adoptabili în România, 500 ar putea fi adopta?i interna?ional dac? procedura ar fi redeschis?, deoarece, în condi?iile actuale, "sunt foarte pu?ine familii care ar corespunde criteriilor de adop?ie interna?ional? ale statului român".

Prezent?m interviul acordat de ambasadorul Susan Jacobs agen?iei MEDIAFAX:

Reporter: Statele Unite s-au împotrivit interzicerii adop?iilor interna?ionale din România, înc? de când s-a dat legea respectiv?, în anul 2005. Cum explica?i acest interes din partea Statelor Unite ale Americii în a adopta copii din România.

Susan Jacobs: Este o întrebare foarte interesant?, v? mul?umesc pentru ea. Cred c? foarte mul?i americani sunt interesa?i de adop?ii din toate ??rile lumii. De altfel, în ultimii 20 de ani, americanii au adoptat 250.000 de copii din toate ??rile lumii, iar România este unul dintre statele de unde americanii obi?nuiau s? adopte ?i cred c? ar fi interesa?i s? o fac? din nou.

Reporter: România a redeschis par?ial adop?iile interna?ionale începând cu anul 2012, cu modific?ri aduse legii anul trecut. Pe de alt? parte, num?rul copiilor din centrele de plasament a sc?zut fa?? de acum 10 sau 15 ani. Ce considera?i c? s-ar schimba pentru copiii din centrele de plasament, dac? adop?iile interna?ionale s-ar redeschide complet?

Susan Jacobs: Din discu?iile pe care le-am avut cu oficiali din România, sunt în jur de 5.000 de copii adoptabili în acest moment. Dintr-un total de 58.000 de copii care se afl? într-o form? de protec?ie special?, este un num?r mic. Dintre cei 5.000, doar 500 sunt adoptabili în afara ??rii, îns? sunt foarte pu?ine familii care ar corespunde criteriilor de adop?ie interna?ional? ale statului român. Problema este c? l?s?m foarte mul?i copii în centre de plasament, când ei ar putea avea dragostea unui c?min permanent.

Reporter: Ce considera?i c? ar trebui s? fac? România în acest sens?

Susan Jacobs: România a ajuns foarte departe fa?? de perioada în care eu am locuit aici, între anii 1995-1997. Cred c? România a dat ni?te legi foarte bune între timp, a stabilit foarte clar ni?te proceduri pentru a proteja copiii, îns? în toate ??rile vom g?si copii care nu-?i g?sesc un c?min în propria lor ?ar? ?i consider c? ar fi logic s? folose?ti acelea?i criterii serioase care se folosesc la adop?iile în România, pentru a g?si familii pentru ei la nivel interna?ional. Acest lucru ar permite ca ace?ti copii s? tr?iasc? în sânul unei familii.

Reporter: Motivul principal pentru care în România sunt abandona?i copii este s?r?cia. Nu crede?i c? deschiderea adop?iilor interna?ionale ar fi în detrimentul eforturilor depuse pentru a sus?ine familiile s?-?i creasc? ele copiii?

Susan Jacobs: Cred c? este foarte important pentru guverne s? sprijine familia. Consider c? unui copil îi este cel mai bine în sânul familiei sale ?i consider c? fiecare guvern are o responsabilitate fa?? de cet??enii ei s? protejeze copiii ?i familiile lor. Dar, a?a cum am mai spus, uneori nu este posibil, uneori p?rin?ii mor, cei mici nu au alte rude în via??. Studiile au ar?tat c? acei copii care cresc în centre de plasament nu se dezvolt? la fel ca cei care tr?iesc într-o familie. Deci este foarte important pentru guverne s?-i ajute pe copii s?-?i g?seasc? o familie. Este vorba despre a lua un copil ?i a-i g?si cea mai bun? familie, pentru a putea s? aib? un c?min iubitor ?i permanent.

Reporter: Oficial, România a blocat adop?iile interna?ionale pentru a împiedica traficul de copii. Considera?i c? au existat ?i alte motive care au stat la baza acestei decizii?

Susan Jacobs: Cred c?, probabil, exist? mai multe motive pentru care o ?ar? ia o asemenea decizie, cred c?, pe de o parte, consider? c? undeva în sistem exist? abuz. România ?i-a înt?rit foarte mult sistemul, a înt?rit m?surile pentru protec?ia copilului, care ajut? s?-i protejeze ?i s?-i ?in? în siguran??. Tot oficialii ar putea reglementa adop?iile interna?ionale, iar noi am lucra cu ei la acest capitol, pentru a g?si cele mai bune c?mine pentru ace?ti copii. Cred c? întotdeauna poate s? existe aceast? îngrijorare pentru un copil, c? ar putea fi abuzat. De exemplu, noi, în Statele Unite, înainte s? permitem unei familii s? adopte un copil, facem o verificare detaliat? a viitorilor p?rin?i, a c?minului pe care îl au, se verific? trecutul lor ?i abia apoi acestora li se d? permisiunea de a adopta un copil care tr?ie?te într-o alt? ?ar?.

Reporter: De când s-au deschis par?ial adop?iile interna?ionale, în anul 2012, s-au f?cut doar câteva astfel de adop?ii. Ce ar trebui s? fac? România, care ar fi solu?ia pentru a avea o monitorizare bun? a copiilor dup? ce au fost adopta?i în alte ??ri?

Susan Jacobs: Este o întrebare foarte bun?. Statele Unite fac adop?ii prin intermediul agen?iilor de adop?ie. România ar trebui s? le acrediteze, s? lucreze în România, iar regulile ar fi stabilite de oficialii de aici. De exemplu, dac? România vrea, ar putea s? solicite acestor agen?ii acreditate anumite rapoarte de monitorizare, dup? ce adop?ia a fost finalizat?. România ar putea solicita aceste rapoarte agen?iilor, iar acestea ar trebui s? le ofere toate datele, iar dac? nu ar face acest lucru, România le-ar putea interzice s? mai activeze aici. Acum, în Statele Unite, fiecare agen?ie este acreditat? de Haga ?i respect? standardele Conven?iei de la Haga. România ?i Statele Unite sunt ??ri partenere în Conven?ia de la Haga ?i, datorit? acestui fapt, exist? toate reglement?rile pentru adop?iile interna?ionale bine stabilite. Îns? fiecare ?ar? î?i reglementeaz? procesul de adop?ie, iar dac? România ar decide s? deschid? mai departe adop?iile interna?ionale, ar putea stabili ni?te reguli clare, iar dac? acestea nu sunt respectate, atunci adop?ia nu ar mai avea loc.

Reporter: Au existat rapoarte care spuneau c? Statele Unite ale America nu au ridicat vizele pentru români din cauza bloc?rii adop?iei interna?ionale. Exist? posibilitatea ca SUA s? devin? mai flexibile în ceea ce prive?te acest subiect, dac? adop?iile interna?ionale ar fi redeschise?

Susan Jacobs: Nu, aceste dou? subiecte nu au leg?tur?. Unul este despre securitatea na?ional?, iar altul despre binele copiilor, deci sunt dou? subiecte foarte diferite. Cred c? SUA doresc doar binele acestei acestei ??ri, s? fie prosper?, sigur? ?i vrem ca to?i copiii din România s?-?i g?seasc? un c?min iubitor ?i permanent.

Reporter: Ce recomand?ri a?i face României în ceea ce prive?te legisla?ia, pentru a schimba soarta acestor copii?

Susan Jacobs: Cred c? este rezonabil s? deschide?i adop?iile pentru acei copii care nu-?i g?sesc un c?min, pentru cei cu nevoi speciale, care sunt mai mari sau pentru cazurile în care sunt mai mul?i fra?i. Dac? procedura ar fi deschis? pentru ace?ti copii, cred c? ar ajuta foarte mult. Ace?tia ar putea pleca din centrele de plasament ?i ar avea o ?ans? mai mare la o via?? bun?, prosper? ?i plin? de iubire.

Reporter exista voci care au sus?inut c? legisla?ia adop?iilor este foarte stufoas? ?i c? au fost multe familii care au renun?at, pe parcurs, din aceast? cauz?. Care ar fi recomandarea dumneavoastr? în aceast? privin???

Susan Jacobs: În discu?iile noastre cu oficiali din Guvern au existat propuneri care ar face acest proces mai eficient ?i mai rapid. Consider c? este foarte important ca ace?ti copii s? p?r?seasc? centrele de plasament cât mai repede, lucru demonstrat ?i de studiul Bucharest Early Intervention Project (BEIP), care a urm?rit, timp de 16 ani, copii care au locuit în institu?ii ?i copii care au tr?it în familii. Diferen?a la nivelul dezvolt?rii cerebrale este enorm? ?i arat? c? ace?ti copii din centre de plasament nu se dezvolt? la fel de repede ?i în acela?i ritm, iar evolu?ia lor emo?ional? ar fi cu totul alta dac? ar fi crescu?i într-o familie. Cuvântul cheie este «familie», locul unui copil este într-o familie, dar fiecare ?ar? trebuie s? decid? care este cea mai bun? modalitate prin care poate s? fac? asta. În general, cea mai bun? metod? este ca ei s? fie muta?i cât mai repede din sistemul institu?ional. Trebuie lucrat cu familia, se intervine în ajutorarea familiei pentru a-i cre?te ?i, dac? nu se poate, atunci statul trebuie s? g?seasc? o alt? familie care s? poat? face acest lucru, în cel mai scurt timp posibil.

Reporter: Au existat discu?ii, în anul 2001, în ceea ce prive?te anumite presiuni care s-au f?cut asupra României cu privire la închiderea adop?iilor interna?ionale ca fiind o condi?ie pentru aderarea la Uniunea European?.

Susan Jacobs: Am auzit acela?i lucru.

Reporter: De ce crede?i c? s-a întâmplat acest lucru?

Susan Jacobs: Cred c? existau voci în Uniunea European? care se opunea adop?iilor interna?ionale. Dar mai ?tiu c? exist? ??ri care fac astfel de adop?ii, vecinii României, de exemplu. Cred c? este o problem? a fiec?rei ??ri, cred c? fiecare ?ar?, indiferent de uniunea din care face parte, trebuie s? decid? care este cel mai bun lucru pentru copiii ei. Despre asta este Conven?ia de la Haga, despre cum respect?m interesul copilului. Iar interesul copilului este acela de a fi într-o familie.
