EXPORT BABY What about transfers babies openly in the press even mentioned 1972


EXPORT BABY What about transfers babies openly in the press even mentioned 1972

Feljton: 1. Export your baby

Feljton 2. Born to other

Feljton 3. Our children - the future of others

Feljton: 4. "Your parents are not real"

Feljton: 5. One of the children - two loves

Feljton: 6. Each letter three fates

WORLD 14.01.1972.

Reporters seeking (1)

Exports baby

Putuju our babies in all parts of the world

go on a journey of no return

with immigrant passports,

with unfamiliar people

traveling to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, America ...

Every year, all of them more ...

Couple NILSEN returned to Denmark with a holiday in Yugoslavia with an unusual "souvenir": eight-month, dark-haired baby with rosy cheeks, she became a new member of their family who owned all except the much desired child. And so, now, after several months of uncertainty, Ms. Nilsen overjoyed grip on the breast of his son who was born second wife, our women, more children than women. And the other is happy; save babies that svalila with its 17 years, unmarried and unemployed and to meet the desire of his mother, who did not want to be illegitimate grandchild grandmother. So, since both parties are happy, it could be finished story. Complete a happy ending just one small matter; This tiny man in diapers who has no idea about their own handover, which is all the time been the subject of negotiations, and finally become the subject of an instrument on adoption. Just because of him, tiny and helpless, the story only begins.

In the international market

, our children appreciated

or - set

Our babies travel to all corners of the world. They go on a journey of no return, the immigrant passports, with strangers who they affectionately known to the obscure languages. Traveling to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, traveling to France, America. For the time being there are not so many, but every year there are more and more. In 1967, foreign nationals adopted on the territory of the Republic of Serbia ten of our children. The next year has already been 13 such cases, and in 1969 - exactly 24 years and Another jšoš four more children, then another, and the latter 30 babies only from our republic odbauljalo in the white world where they will get a new family, a new names new faith, a new nation, a new nationality.

Will learn in their schools about brave Vikings, beautiful fjords, the Paris Commune, the South and the North, and how modern children learn it all - you might learn something about Yugoslavia, a distant land in the mountainous Balkans, with the warm sea, where it can - that goes a bargain!

How many such future Swedes, Danes, Americans, we supply a year? Do you really only 30? So much was officially registered only in one republic, and there may be more. Certainly there are also some from other republics. Data collected nowhere, only know that in this export every year we recorded all the "better" results. This is, after all, known in the world.

In Scandinavian countries we have the reputation "of Eldorado for the adoption of children." More Danish newspaper, it said last year about it, and some have even tried to our economic difficulties explain why only one in Europe, allow "export of children." After all, this possibility is welcome to those who would otherwise be forced to adopt the little ones from Korea or South Vietnam, the most famous of these "Warrants" children. Thus, the Danes are only for the last two or three years Yugoslav adopted 35 children. - A heart citizens are very interested in our children - says Mileva Ba?konja , director of the Center for Social Work Belgrade municipality Palilula, where he was given two years for foreigners to adopt a baby 12 . - his desire to take just a kid from Yugoslavia they explain the fact that we claim to be healthy, vital nation, still unspoiled high standards and ultracivilizacijom ...

Whether we are to criticize or praise? Interpret it as you will, it is essential that the international market of children, as economists would say insensitive, quoted perfect! And, as it happens in terms of supply and demand, in this respect, the same rule the market rules. Simply put, due to less supply than demand and good "quality", our children are - together!

At the World Congress on adoption, held last year in Milan, delegates from Denmark said Dr. Ivo Nedeljkovic , a scientific associate of the Institute for Social Policy Sr Serbia: - I adopt a child from Vietnam, for me your are terribly expensive ... I do not need to be much more clever however, to understand how he felt our representative when he came on several occasions, communicated such things. Because, he says, but "still alive" after his return from Milan sat down and submitted its report:

"I was warned that, due to legal formalism and bureaucracy in the process of international adoption, even the children who were born and are in Yugoslavia, developed through an intermediary such a business that is scandalous notoriety made ??our" methods "in the adoption and" celebrated "by in international forms of realization of one of the fabulously expensive .... "

How, then, a living child? Does it cost? Of course, no. Price actually having second. Those who help to find a child to come to them, those who purchase document, and those who travel, and who translate and certify, find mothers ... They even hire others to perform part of the work. It is an open secret: some Danish lawyers take, converted into our old dinars, a million and a half to two and a half million to implement the adoption of a child Yugoslavia.

Under the guise of "processing of the case," finding mothers, document translation and quarrying immigrant passports in our occasional take 600,000 to a million old dinars, and there are frequent cases when some private "compiler" required fees in foreign currency. It is clear that everything is paid as an adoptive parent, and that everything is done in private. For these tasks no witnesses, things can be seen, assume, sometimes there are very strong suspicions that even the mother got the money to put his signature on the act of adoption. However, nothing can be done, there is no evidence. There is speculation that could unfairly accuse most honest participants in a human work, just because they do not affect those who are really dishonorable.

Some will say that this is - too. Maybe it is, but the fact that there are conditions that all this is happening. If no shift will start, with the right to witness more than now, although we have this much enough for the world "reputation." The question is: what can be changed when regulations actually - existent.

In our single, until now the current law on adoption, foreigners no letters. There are no rules about which foreign citizens and under what conditions can adopt our child.

However, as this is not prohibited, it is considered that - allowed. So: the lack of prohibition is the only legal basis for the adoption of all those who still, based on an old powers back to the time when our country was called FNRJ necessary approval republican Secretariat for health and social policy. Otherwise, everything is treated as when children are adopted by our citizens. It takes a bunch of different beliefs, which foreigners purchase in your country, and we accept them as they are, believing that they are correct. We say we believe, because we can not say that we cooperate. Abroad, in fact, there are associations, humanitarian organizations and institutions that socialized with the entire team of experts working on adoption, which must me?usono cooperate with international adoption. Its story is told Dr. Ivan Nedeljkovic :

- The Congress in Milan dragged us to the sleeves, stopped at every step, in the halls and corridors! Representatives of various organizations from Denmark, Austria, Italy, were interested in whether there is in our country any partners or official rather than private, at the federal or national level, with which they could work together in the necessary previous procedure on the adoption. They want to take the final decision shall be taken only with a qualified information and opinion from both sides.

Such a partner with us NEMA. And what about that can happen, learned from a social worker from Italy:

Italian couple living in bad terms. Woman survives severe nervous crisis because it can not have a baby. They want to adopt children, but Italy does not receive approval for health reasons at a critical stage. Convinced that her child will help to heal and preserve the marriage, she manages to adopt a child through an intermediary in Yugoslavia. Six months after the marriage breaks down, the woman leaves finally in a mental hospital, a former our child is handed over to the nuns. Transactions may be given to another family.

Maybe ... what is his God willing.

- This can not go to work - says indignantly Dr. Slavko Dimitrijevic , director of the Center for protection of infants and children in Belgrade. - The government says the chaos, because virtually hundreds of municipal centers for social work can not deal with this delicate work, which certainly can not be reduced to the legal act. Adoption is a process that requires teamwork, highly professional work, common regulations and solid criteria. And this can be achieved only through a single authorized, specialized institution. Since we do not have to, foreigners writing in all directions, because I do not know where to turn.

But when he saw a letter from abroad, Slavki Dimitrijevic is hair-raising. And to her often happens. Currently in its center is located about twenty such letters in which foreign nationals seek our children. - Write: we are not dealing with adoption! We are not competent for it. We accept, preserve, nurture babies without parents. Many of them are adopted, in the country or abroad. This year, fifteen of our children went out of bounds. But that does not make decisions for us, but the guardianship authorities in each municipality separately.

Should foreign citizens interested to know for all municipal centers? They write to the addresses that are available to them: the various institutions, departments, secretariats homes. Since none of them had no jurisdiction, but after a bit, and everybody uncomfortable about all this, the answer is no. Then making the best, but they address individuals, whose names are legion "in confidence". They are "very well informed", they know what needs to be done. As adoptive parents pay everything without blinking. Luda, heavy, primordial desire for offspring knows no obstacles. Just as it is not aware of the obstacles and considerations not a mother who wants to get rid of their unwanted fetus. Between the two sides - the perfect opposite, and yet fatalistic related child who hates one and loves the other, which one brings happiness, and the other only despair and hopelessness - with us is scratch space. On it is a tiny, helpless creature, living target for each. When he left here, who would you grab?

Buba Muscle

Miodrag Bogdanovi?


WORLD 01.21.1972.

Reporters looking (2) - Export babies

born to another

, "Who will you rejoice, my mother's heart ..."

In addition to the two mothers mice only have citizenship and flag marked kangaroo

Wear this bastard! Do with it what you want, give it to some strangers, just as far away from us, you hear? We do NOT TREBAAAA baby!

Elegant older woman screamed hysterically at the social worker hugging a crying girl in a white hospital coat. Her voice echoed ruthless concrete corridors of the maternity returning to stretched echo.

- Leave my daughter alone! It did not have to! She is a victim of its naivety, there is still no full sixteen years! It will be ruined for life! My husband is in a position to know, we can not destroy our reputation because of one little thing! We'll pay ... "trifle" she cried as if she knew what was happening. Grandma gently embraced the newborn baby and carried it out of the room. Another life from Belgrade maternity Street Popular Front arrived at the Center for infants in Zvecanska ... Another candidate for the export of waiting for someone from the white world, a broad and distant , decides his fate. If you do not have children, and you have enough money, what are you waiting for? Here you go!


This was the beginning of the first act. One of many. And what's finale? Word have eyewitnesses ... Mileva Ba?konja , director of the Center for Social Work Belgrade municipality of Palilula: - Adopting, a middle-aged couple from Sweden, wept with happiness - get beautiful, healthy, handsome son. The signing of the contract of adoption, or gift child attended and his mother - schoolgirls in mini-skirt and her mother. Both behaved as if it comes totally unimportant. not a trace of maternal feelings. Even pity. It was hard to believe ... A similar situation was recently when a family from the US adopted child of a female student. Real mother sat calmly, without emotion, as someone who is terribly boring. What's more, as if he could not wait to get rid of the child ... Who are these mothers? And why are such - at least in the majority? When women and girls are that the market is always hungry children supplying the tragic nature of the goods? Are they wrong as such? Just one? Vico Olivera , a psychologist Centre Palilula: - Most mothers of children we give birth to adoption are illegitimate. these are mostly very young girls, students and female students, often domestic workers. They want to get rid of the child as soon as possible for various reasons. Many were from the provinces, live with relatives and acquaintances and want to hide the truth. Baby take me as a mother even does not want to see him. Often without money and apartments, a family must not come out of the eyes. Most of these mothers did not have the opportunity to develop the parental instinct and love. The child was wearing under the weight of fear, stamped by the company or the fear of being branded ...

There are therefore other. Those who want a child. Longing for him. From the country. From abroad. In their name come from "good people", intermediaries. Visit mother. They are then easy prey.

Our man is cruel. But he knows the danger that is called marriage. According to this law, our natural mother of the child, regardless of their written consent to the adoption, may, for example, after ten years to knock on doors and ask for "their" baby. Who is going to take a chance? Who wants to live in fear that one fine day, when the baby created from an adult man, came a "former" mother of suspicious intentions and cursing starts to blackmail asking for money? And such was the case. Therefore, our man takes only foundlings.


And the other children? They remain dormitory children. They say it is right for them to serve if it encounters a foreign citizen and accepts them. They say that they do on behalf of these children, future citizens, which determine the fate. With him will say, safe to live in abundance. - Not all foreigners who adopt children millionaires - says adviser to the Swedish Embassy in Belgrade, well-known lawyer, who asked not to publish his name. - Revenue of these families, the Swedish terms are not rich, ranging from 800 thousand to two million old dinars per month. All have apartments, houses or villas. But the financial burden is not critical, but - humanity. Humanity? Yes, instead of others, our own.

Recently, for example, one Swedish family came to Belgrade to adopt a child. They looked at the two girls and one boy. One girl did not have a leg. - We will admit it - they said. She certainly no one will ...

Other Swedish couple a year after the adoption of our babies found that little boy is suffering from severe congenital disease. They informed by letter Center for Social Work of the municipality Savski venac in Belgrade, CENTAR IH reported that NOW BE BOYS TO RETURN AND ADOPT ANOTHER CHILD.

- We are your letter, gentlemen, just do not understand - I'll answer arrived cold Nordic countries. - Do you think I would give up our son? And now, when we are most needed? We wanted to let you know, because it can happen to any parent! We hired the most famous doctors and we hope to be able to treat him ...

Recently in our country visited the couple from the United States with a seven-year old girl adopted six years ago. They took the child right in Titovo Užice, where she was born, and showed her a place where she was buried natural mother. Then they arrived in Belgrade, visited the Centre for infants where she spent the first days of childhood. Passing the Atlantic just to show that the child is not " " gourd without roots " .

One young American a few years ago adopted a baby Belgrade, but on the way to his country learned that the child can not obtain an entry visa. Not regretting the effort and expense, she spent a year in Mexico fighting all means for the child. Alerted the public and the decision he had to make the US Senate. Only then did it.

They are both fighting for their own, other people's children.


No doubt: people who drain our children into the world intend to provide them with everything. From love to prosperity. Thus, the bar at the time of adoption. And what happens later, nobody knows. Except by accident. As the little Mice:

Illegitimate mother of little Misha, 17-year-old DM gave him one Australians five years ago. New mother adopted by any regulations or taken. After two years, however, she married a man for a child he did not want to hear. She gave up, and little Misha found himself, as a foundling in an orphanage. Meanwhile, Mišina real mother went to relatives in Australia. Was looking for his son and finally found out what happened to him and where he is. She wanted to take it, but ... they said to her that it must adopt it (!?), And she did not have the conditions - no money or nationality.

Little Misha remained so with no one on her in a distant land. Other his only consolation nationality of that country. The flag of this country is photographed happy kangaroo.

Maybe there are not many such stories. But we know, and according to what happens in our country, that adoption is not eternal. Federal Secretariat for Health and Social Policy recorded from 1 June 1965 to 1 July 1969, exactly 3,921 adoption. In the same period terminated a total of 426 adoptions (295 at the request of the adopter, adoptee, if desired, 77 and 54 at the request of the body of custody). This is clear evidence that individual cases are handled superficially and to proceed and not all sufficiently tested and specified. - Unfortunately, the adoption is viewed as a legal act, and not as a process of paramount importance for the child, and for the natural parents and the adopter - says Dr. Nedeljkovic, Research Associate, Institute of social policy SR Serbia. - Preparations for adoption would have to last for a very long time in the world this period is called "the adoptive pregnancy" and at that time because the parents are emotionally tied to dete ...


What would happen when all would not work at a fast speed? If we say, illegitimate mother had to spend with the child at least a month? Or, if you could peacefully to carry a child without fear of stamping, if you knew where to go?

Dr Ljubica Pop-Jordanov , a pediatrician Center for infants and President of the Conference for Social Activity of Women Belgrade: - The easiest way is to say that the mothers of illegitimate corrupt and irresponsible. In life everything is possible, even to. But it is essential that this bunch of young women, often without a job and an apartment, rejected by the father of the child and his parents, expelled from school, ridiculed the environment, in the most critical moments left alone. They are in a hopeless situation. However, look around, see what happens with these mothers when Sótano some time apart from their babies start breastfeeding is! When you feel this helpless creature on the chest, once you accept his outstretched arm! Most of them do not leave! I do not care it is not a shame no shame. They're looking for an apartment and a job. But how, where? It can take a long time, and we can stay only a short while ...

MN, 20-year-old maid, came to Belgrade to find a job. Hired and quickly met a "much fine gentleman." He promised her everything, and she gave him everything - myself first, and then their savings. At the same time the baby and "gentleman" found themselves on the road: the baby to life, a 'gentleman' to West Germany. She agreed that her little daughter waited an adoptive parent, Gynecology. But each time she came, little by little, but here it is again:

- Only to see her mother's soul! - Sobbed coming and going like a wounded beast. - Whose will you be when you'd look forward to?

I was born the idea of MOTHER HOME, where the mother can not find a temporary refuge, but an oasis in which they could stay until they finish school or vocational training, find a job and an apartment.

- I argue that this is for our society is far cheaper than any other decisions or polurešenja - says Dr. Slavko Dimitrijevic , director of the Center for infants.

greeting card

We also received two concrete examples with two extreme opposite end. In the first something has been done. In another nothing.

Twenty grandmother gave birth to an illegitimate child as soon as he finished school. Its municipality paid, and she remained with her baby in Zve?anska until he was hired. She is a city in the interior, but after a month she returned after her child: as soon as he received the first salary of 800 dinars.

Schoolgirl midwifery school a year before graduating she gave birth to an illegitimate child. She was admitted to the house, the school has not finished, everyone is given up. The child is still in Zvecanska, a mother lost every trace.

Underline and Saber: in the first case of slight vapor child grew next to his mother about him, the company no longer has to worry about. In the second, we get an orphan whom the community will take care of (and pay for it) for 18 years. Does two plus two is always four?

For us it is usually said: no money. Probably someone thinks so, and when allowed to give our children to foreigners for adoption. They say the simplest way, and it cost us less. I just do not sigh: eh, that we for each child after the stranger, where would we place it! Indeed, where would be the end - that our children?

In a year in our country in direct child care funds collected by about 650 million dinars in the fund child support more than one and a half billion new. Another billion are provided by municipal pockets. It is given to all, except for maternity homes. We have no rigid.

In Belgrade for years preparing its opening, but no lifts are not sharpened for cutting the ribbon. When did the idea could not be rode and steam. When couples are found, not found buildings. When he found the building, it was not ... Hope is again transformed into a beautifully worded greeting cards: being, I guess, in 1972. - Just to see her mother's heart, which you will be, my blood, when will you be merry !

Buba Muscle

Miodrag Bogdanovi?


One of the six front pages of the weekly magazine WORLD 1972 in which the published texts WORLD 28.01.1972.

Reporters seeking (3) - Export babies

Our children

borrowed the future

Exports baby

all the lucrative

Putuju our babies

in all parts of the world,

go on a journey of no return

with immigrant passports,

with strangers

and intermediaries,

who earn on them

Traveling our baby in a white world, acquire new family and country. Foreigners, as we have written in previous issues, it is not particularly difficult to adopt them, especially if they have enough money to hire "the right man" to take on various tasks, from finding mothers who want to get rid of unwanted, usually illegitimate child, to the procurement of all documents and performing other formalities. If all this is possible with a lot of effort, money and time, there is a much simpler way that foreigners come to our children, not to see Yugoslavia. Delivery prompt.Franko apartment buyer. Goods coming to his feet. ... How about we wrote twenty-year Vojvo?anka Anka VARADI on temporary work in Germany ...

Mr. Fini

"I worked in a factory for the processing of poultry, in a small town or a large village of Yugoslav workers. There were close to 400 women. I'm earning, lived comfortably in a room with three other girls. I loved one of our countrymen, and we intended to get married. when I became pregnant, I'm not allowed to have an abortion, he wanted to keep the baby because we are so soon to be married. he left me and disappeared when I already was six months pregnant. I knew what to expect: I'd lose job, an apartment, I'd have to go back home, and my would kill me, I have always adhered to. I went to the city, the center "Arbeitervolfarta", where one of our social worker. he told me that he could not look for a team a guy, that's a million more important things that needed to be alone to keep, himself, when he did not know how to save. remaining my only - suicide. that would be the thing that has helped me is not one of our more experienced worker. she told me that he knew a man who had once been a citizen, and has already saved many of our girls who were in similar trouble. So it was. He was very nice to me, took me to Munich, we rented a beautiful room that was paid, and I was given a month more than what I earned at the factory. He took care of everything, placed me in the maternity ward, but under a different name. Menu to suit, because I had to hide my shame. When I left the hospital with my son, I immediately took him to the address below and left him there. It was all over, and that our gentleman came to me and the other, an even better job. Thanks to him, he helped me when no one, but I'm still cursed: only kopil?e to think ... "

Well, thank him. He took his concern to the door of our consular services, it is not loaded another job to one of the hundreds of our social workers, what they all have in Germany at about half a million of our people, freed misery ii local social services which should take care of this child that, God forbid, found in the country. Thanks to him and Anxin name, it can also start all over again, no stains on the past, except, perhaps, very small - on my conscience. So everyone can be happy: someone who longed for a child - he got it, someone who wanted to get rid of it - it is free. Is all this possible?

A child or a job

Do not be so many seek to find out that such things happen. True, it is almost impossible to find out what kind of scope, because the records can not be, but it is known for this phenomenon in France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, almost everywhere where there are our girls on temporary work. Three years ago, Dragan Drobnjak, the then head of the office of our Consulate General in Zurich, the first recorded cases like this, what he told us:

- We could only official application, always from the Swiss organization, to issue a passport for a child which are based on the mother's documents had to do. Unfortunately, since there is always a written statement renouncing the child, nobody can not do it ...

A baby takes a humanitarian organization, which provides for adoption. If everything is wrong, and the baby can be deducted from the new parents, but she returns to that organization, and not the natural mother or our social services. Such children to adulthood retain our passports, but - it is known: these are people who are always left Yugoslavia, even before they'd ever been in her ...

Why does a mother so easily waived their child? Is it only from a desire to continue to live carelessly or there are some objective conditions that force is simply to such a decision?

Unqualified Jugoslovenka in Switzerland may be the industry recruited solely as a temporary, seasonal workers - in the course of 10 months. She, however, after two months, can again return to the same job in the same factory, it can be repeated indefinitely, for years - it is important that the form is done. It usually does not know what they meant by the status of seasonal workers - as long as she does not happen "bad luck": then he realized that only on the basis of the employment contract, is entitled to stay in Switzerland, but that her baby could not possibly get this permission! About these regulations "snakes" only workers from pojedninih countries, including Yugoslavia, many wrote the Swiss press, condemned them and asked for their change. Anyway - that this opportunity is not our topic, it is important that these rules exist and that our workers, to give birth, it must specify: Or leave the job and Switzerland together with the "exiled" baby of a few months, or it will get past - the child. Most often, it seems the latter.

Our girls usually do not even know their rights, not their commitments abroad. For the legal consequences of illegitimate birth, they usually find out at the last moment, when they caught terrible panic. Then, magically appearing various benefactors who obviously they have some "connection" among our employees and offer them a "best and only" solution: the rejection of the child. In those moments, it really looks - the best bar for a girl who found herself left alone, without help.

So many "accidents" to arrange all sides. Only in West Berlin, it was noted in the Yugoslav mission dozen such cases in the last six months. In fact, our representatives are recorded only to the child, male or female, born on such and such day, month and year, and - that's all. We would not know that the West Berlin Senate, which has all the information about the mother and child - does not submit this information to our services. However, it still can not be helped, because according to local law, no one can get information about the family that the child is adopted. However, nobody knows what to do with the data, because the child no longer have any rights, since the regulations were adopted by other countries.

In doing so, it should be noted that we do not lose our children, only in this way. It happens that a foreign government, najzvani?nijim way, through the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, vainly searching for a mother - Yugoslav, which are my children, "forgot" somewhere - gone.

One of our workers, originating from Zrenjanin, was an employee of Heidelberg, she left her child in a home. For a while he regularly paid for it, and then lost. Not found at home or anywhere else. One of our married couple from Vrsac has left her child in an Austrian home. their parents formally requested - without success. The woman from Belgrade went to work in Germany and led his six-year daughter. There she gave birth to an illegitimate child. She left him in the maternity ward and fled with her daughter to an unknown destination ...

In this one way or another - children remain "there". More anyone no secret that a number of our workers employed abroad, illegitimate children born to the leaves or "donated" to individuals or organizations and agencies to adopt. However, almost nothing had been done to prevent it.

In the wide world

Only in Serbia, working abroad was last year around 30,000 women, which is 75 percent more than the year before. They are largely unskilled or semi-skilled, and almost all are young. Among the 85 percent of our workers is between 18 and 30 years! This year, when she suffers when she married but divorced when born desired and unwanted children, they are, in general, when the sorts of things happen to females. Even that, which is not covered by any interstate conventions and inter-union agreements. These are all one "women's things" - from conception, abortion, contraception and child support to all those psychic crisis and trauma that accompany the arrival of a new and unfamiliar environment about which nothing is known, but which will soon pretumbati entire course of previous thoughts and influence to amend and ethical beliefs.

In the Council of Federation of Trade Unions believe that "the specific problems of women working abroad did not place sufficient attention. They are known, but they remained in the background, which is unacceptable ..." The Federal Employment Agency is also known for the " specificity, "but it also knows that they are, in regard to the settlement," in the car ", for which again knows that is unacceptable. On the eve of going abroad hardly any group of women received the necessary information about these intimate things, and their ignorance of contraception pronounced leads to a large number of criminal abortions with severe consequences. It is known, but ... it's hard to find a real nuisance for such "irrelevant" things.

After all, what is not known here, it is known - abroad. At the World Congress on adoption, held last year in Milan, Dr. John NEDELJKOVI?, Research Associate Institute of Social Policy, he was, as he wrote in his report, "alarming and warning information from many foreign delegates ..." What?

I am informed about the illegitimate birthrate of our workers and about all the ways they rejected his unwanted children. Hides or distorts the identity of the mother, flee from maternity, babies are left in public places ...

Why give false information? Dr Nedeljkovic explains: - In most Western countries, where otherwise there is a "hunger" for the children, it is quite complicated to adopt a baby if she is a foreign national. To simplify the matter, the previous agreement and who knows what kind of arrangement with the mother, usually through intermediaries - free to "fabricate" foundlings: they are the children whose mothers remain unknown and are the easiest to acquire. That's why hide the real data, give false names, flees from the hospital ... Several prominent delegates in Milan warned me that in all this there is the commercialization and all this directly affects a considerable number of the Yugoslavs ... - The public were told about it on every step he says Mira Velji?, senior associate of the same Institute, which was also in this Congress. - In addition, social workers from abroad are particularly insisted on the fact that the area somehow legalize and pull out of the hands of intermediaries ... we'll solve it one day. So far, everything is as it is. As in the case of Ankica aradi and other known and unknown. Delivering fast and accurate. Franko house buyer. On your feet. How much we have lost children in this way? Fifty or a hundred or more - not even a bit. Because even one would be enough to ask: do we have the right to saloons own blood ...

Buba Muscle


WORLD 03.02.1972.

Reporters looking (4) - Export your baby

"Your parents are not real,"

How was sold fourteen Olgica In Serbia, 11,280 children without parental care foreigners to adopt children that our people will not: these are babies that do not know the mother

Women who can not become mothers, men who can not become fathers, people whose life without offspring turned into a futile subsistence seeking children. Someone else, discarded, unwanted, damn, any, only to have children and that they can call their own. Only the Belgrade Center for infants has about 200 applications for adoption a year, but - so many children for adoption no. New parents find these fifty years, of which 15 boys and girls adopted by foreigners. So that a man asked the place of so many unfulfilled desires and requests of our people, why do we give children to strangers? Crude is true that those children that drains along the Swedes, Danes, Americans and Italians, our world - NOT. No, nothing is wrong with them, are healthy and beautiful as the most "children of love". They have all the fingers on the issue, have a beautiful black and blue curls, chubby legs and hands as well as donuts, or - have a mother, you know, recorded, with your full name and address.

They are foundlings in that our families will not, or have not yet officially foundlings, because they know the origin! That's the curse. Because of EXISTING mother DET NOT, do not want to take even those who CHILD WANTS. They are afraid because according to our regulations the natural mother, even if he signed a statement that gives her child up for adoption, can occur after five, ten or fifteen years, in fact until the child becomes an adult, and that its previously rejected child, REQUESTED BACK. Of course, its request does not have to be adopted, most often it is not. About this in the interest of the child decide guardianship authorities. But some requirements and is rejected, the tragedy is already on the doorstep. The child was found out that they were adopted, that his mother is not a mother, his father is not a father, that his brother is not a brother ... destroyed the whole world.

Whose Olgica

After a three-week shock 14-year Olgica opened her eyes and quietly, but clearly said, "Mama." The woman who was there, sitting next to her bedside, she threw herself on the girl, covered it with tears and kisses. The psychiatrist was barely able to separate the two beings in the same jerked, as if they sought for centuries and are now united in deathly fear of not losing again. Finally, the doctor took the woman into the hall and told her: - Calm down. From today, you are indeed the rights of her mother. There will be more difficulties, but the crisis has passed. Accepted you forever ... Is the risk really gone? Above Olgica loomed a few months ago, when she was at school waiting for a middle-aged woman and told her: "Your parents are not real, they have adopted this, but your mother lives and will soon come for you ..." She understood the words, but not the meaning. Then she began to laugh, as in a joke. Then he wept and hurried home. Is that even her house? If the mother is not a mother, who is my mother? Who's your Daddy? The next day, earned the school its first unit. In front of the same woman again:

- They took this because she could not, and serving. But he loves you, presvisnu?e without you. Say at home that will come for you ...

The next days of delirium and insanity. The mother does not know what's wrong with her, called doctors, but there is no disease. After a month of unknown again at school: "Did you tell your folks? Tomorrow you will get a mother ..." - You're not my mother, you lied to me, you're a thief, I'm leaving with her ??real mother ... The roar of a wounded beast bites and scratches his last strength.

Mother recalls Olgi?inih smallpox, mumps, whooping cough. Has had chickenpox and scarlet fever, as if they were all childhood diseases turned on her. Bdili were over her bed, filled her every wish. Ludi late parents who have a child, and exaggerate in love. "CAN YOU HEAR IT, LEAVE WITH YOUR MOTHER!". As you leave, in which the mother, but did not I your mother? Of course I did not. I almost forgot that she was not. She wanted to forget. especially the time when humanity went into decline. The Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz. Parents, younger sister and brother turned into smoke. Some painful injections in the camp barracks. Death is not wanted. She came home as a ruin. Trained to learn and to work, but had never been able to give birth. When she married, with her ??husband decided to adopt a child. They took Olgica whose mother was only 16 years old but already he knew as a prostitute. She would not hear of a child, she sang when he was adopted ... And now? The girl waited in vain announced the arrival of the "real" mother. Not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, not naksutra unknown, did not come back. A shuttlecock is still constantly seems to be there, next to her in the hallway, in the elevator, in front of the school building, run for it, but it's not ... "I WANT MY MOTHER, SHE WILL COME AFTER ME!"

It came after a month. Rang and said: "I am Olgi?ina mother, she I need, I have two small children and no one to guard them while I'm on the field. I have a pair of kindergarten, I'm not rich like you ..."

My father said: "I'll kill you if you touch a child ..."

The mother said: "Kill me, but the child does not give you ..."

Unknown said: "If I had to kindergarten, Olgica could stay ..."

How much does kindergarten? Fifteen, twenty thousand for one child? Is 40,000 enough for two? Here, bears, leave the address, do not come, they agree on the first.

Olgica asked: "Mom, will you take me?" Unknown pushed a small, stuffed the money in a bag and said: "If a child, stay, these are good people ..."

For how much her mother had sold, for how much they buy? She had been staring at the door, which was closed for an unknown. This woman, this mother gave birth to her and killed. She took with them not only money but thirteen years of childhood, love, hope, happiness, took his whole life, past and future. For three weeks she was in shock. After she realized whose, whose ever. Ali - who is going to erase the traces of surviving the horror?

Price of fear

Perhaps to such a tragedy would not have occurred to adopted children from an early age to know the truth. In Sweden, for example, there is no legal obligation to disclose the origin of the adopted child before school until the sixth or seventh year of life. A similar obligation exists in Germany, also in the USA. In many other countries this is not specifically regulated by law, even though there is a practice of the children tells the whole truth. When one learns very early on that there was a second mother, this is not good not tragic, it is not painful. After that, there is no fear that the child will be affected by their adoptive status and that due to unexpected findings alter your attitude towards people they considered their parents.

With us there is no such obligation, and the practice is different and is largely left to the adopters. But in an environment where sterility is not an accident than an embarrassment; where one queen made history in that it had a false pregnancy; where the futility of such primeval curse, celebrated in folk songs, in an environment where so frantically intertwines ancient and modern people do not want to reveal his "shame". They know they are in danger from the truth that "swear country paradise", but postpone the reality of today, until tomorrow, the next day, while he may or may not, although it is clear that it will be too late when it comes to compulsion.

Natural mother, even if he signed a statement that gives the baby up for adoption, can do anything to that child becomes an adult son rejected previous requests

And so, to hear for themselves and for the child, not knowing that the bastard to not shout for him to not pull the tail behind, not knowing that it was found at the dump that the gourd without roots, not to covet his mother which rejected it, not to ignore the people who raised it. Shut law, a quiet and people due to the world, because of the reputation due to growing, due estates, hear from a thousand reasons, all of which are unreasonable in relation to the evil that may result from the lie.

Misha was 16 years old when his father died. At the funeral, over cancer, crushed by pain, someone whispered to him: "Do not cry, this is not your father, she is not dressed in black is not your mother. They adopted this ...". The first is poor, or the rage surpasses sadness: feeling cheated, deceived. Sometimes the best student in the class, begins to lower units, soon bringing him in for a first theft. He was arrested once, twice ... today in Correctional Home in Negotin. It seems that he is satisfied with a vengeance: he shamed and humiliated woman to the place, which according to him, usurping the right of his real mother, who is in his lie elicit love.

Nineteen year old student unexpectedly learns she was adopted and that her real mother lives near Krusevac. Distraught leaves his adoptive parents and begins to search for her mother. It is located in a courtyard that is drunk should be on the ground. "Drink it always?" - Inquiring into the neighborhood. "No, people say, when sober attempts to capture the customers ..." But a lot is getting older, so no one will ... "She wanted to die, but death did not come. Bar that the country has opened - or not opened. As crazy wandered for months. We do not know where he belongs, and is trying to find himself with the help of a psychiatrist.

The strongest law

Our law adoption was made immediately after the war and the way it is, given the right to many parents whose children were forcibly dragged occupiers - that in international disputes seek the return of their sons and daughters. Ali - the last decade, long gone occupiers, and the law has remained the same: do not recognize the adoption and the natural parent leaves the strongest right, but also that after so many years appears and demands the annulment of adoption.

- People today want to adopt a child are well informed and therefore seek only for foundlings - says Milunka JOVAN?I?EVI?, director of the Center for Social Work Belgrade municipality of Stari grad. - Unfortunately, many foundlings no, but there are many other children who remain forever because by homes and foster families, although it would adopt for them the best solution. However, people can not blame you fear risks ...

Yes, people are afraid and so it is in Serbia last year adopted only 319 devo?ica and boys, although it recorded 11,280 children without parental care, although of which 1,200 were abandoned toddler. Roof over their heads found themselves in social institutions and foster care, but it is far from the best and most humane form of child care: adoption. Dr Slavka DIMITRIJEVI?, director of the Center for Infants, also confirms that the highest demand foundlings. Because there is a concern when it comes to children whose origin is unknown.

What origin! From wagons on a blind track, from waiting rooms of bus or train stations, the threshold of a house, from the Recycle Bin, from a thorny bush in the dark part of the park ... When it finds such a wad lives, law enforcement agencies, ex officio search for her mother. A year has to pass, and only after that, if no trace is discovered, the child is happy, because it gets the status of foundling and can easily be adopted. Alas, our militia is capable of mercilessly: finds every other mother, or at least find out her name. It is enough that the child now call "abandoned" and that is no longer a foundling. So for its adoption requires the consent of the parents, and if the parent can not be found - it can never be accepted! If you do find all the signs, it appears she is a danger that after a while your mind and "Whoop-dee-do not apply, give wipes ..." demolish everything that others have built.

Foreigners are not afraid. They go away, they are not a danger that the real mother of the child who was adopted in Yugoslavia, occur in their home. And when so, it seemed better to find these babies parents even abroad, when they are here no one will.

Buba Muscle


WORLD 02.11.1972.

Reporters seek (5) - Export Baby

One child

Two Love

In Zenica, Pristina and the Tower came "orders"

for children dvestatridesetoro closed for six months, only in West Berlin in 1300 adopted our children

The family, a symbol of strength, warmth, protection and security, he can be ruthless, cruel, murderous. Some of its invisible patriarchal roots from the depths of the past frantically protects himself, his integrity and reputation, it is no place for intruders. Especially not for intruders worst kind - the illegitimate child, especially not for the perpetrators of the worst kind - his mother. "I renounce her daughter Natalia us that its misconduct and child of unmarried relationships shamed and turned black. I exclude from succession and not its debts I admit it. Mihajlo Krivoku?a ... " only a small ad from the" Evening News "in April last year. Kuda started indecent Natalija - is not known. What did she do with a child, to be known: she left it in the lap of a woman in a high-speed train Nis - Belgrade, with the request that it reserves the baby until he got back into the compartment. Never came back, a little boy was placed in the home and will soon be in a foster family in Miloševac. For the mother will continue to search, this is the law. Oca nobody tries to trap, he is unknown and has the privilege of being irresponsible, and with it and very often the citizen and the pride of his family. He would have been only able to sue Natalija, on behalf of the child, only she and no one else. Ex officio, I can not do no guardianship authorities, even if they know his father's name and exact address. Ex officio ganja only mother ... Goddess of Justice might still be more off the blindfold! Natalija will, perhaps, soon to give consent to the adoption of his son, who can become a Swede, a Dane, a Frenchman and an American. They will do this even quite easy because - after a year of separation has little chance to develop a love for the child. To this can be counted only in the beginning, but the beginning is usually - END.

Mirjana B. from Belgrade, student of the final year of high school, born and when after a week should get out of the hospital, after it came to her mother. - She can not go back home, she is our daughter, we are not like others who allow their child to perish because he once erred. Or - A baby sea in a home, we will pay for it, but no one can know. After going to adopt some wealthy foreigner will have good and will be good and our little girl. "The girl," the spasmodic clutching the arms of his son who was born with 4.5 kilograms, which would normally be sufficient to two days of glory . Mirjana was wildly looked at the mother, the grandmother, the social worker and screamed: - Do not give your child! This is my son, do not give it to anyone, its milk feed him. I will not give it to anyone! Of course not. But - where? - Leave it - tells newly minted grandmother. - She'll calm it when he realizes that there is no where. They will understand that a child needs in a home, it's better for all of us. My husband is a respected man, we can not ruin it with this ... Certainly, madam, is much easier to destroy a baby and one thing only awakened motherhood. Reputation is a very important thing, ma'am, but you understand, is home to children who do not have one, and you have a four-room apartment and all that ... - Do not give your sinaaaa! - Screamed Mirjana, but in the end - though it is made. No, he went to the home, is located quite far away, in another republic. When a nun. She took him to the lady-friend, personally. Sebi has maintained its red book, a child handed over in God's hands. Amin.

- Do not tell me that a mother hates her baby, except in exceptional cases, says Mira Djordjevic, a social worker for fifteen years in the Belgrade Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital in Belgrade. - Most unmarried mothers kept to her baby, but the circumstances are such that it must be separated from you. Most often, they do not pray to them, just put her baby somewhere temporarily, until Wednesday. But the real "Real" if no child and the mother separated ... But if we are already opening the maternity home, I believe that we would reduce by half the number of abandoned children, and even more of those we give up for adoption to foreigners ... You first days, these first months are crucial. If you then stay together, between the mother and the baby creates an emotional bond that is difficult after the termination. Unfortunately, for now, in a home that can accommodate such, the unwanted child - there is no place for a mother. A born in her "home" - there is no place for a child ...

Forever or never

How this situation hinder the prejudice slave families, many hands-binding legislation, economic calculation, the formalities. In Serbia, there is only one center for infants: the much mentioned, in the Belgrade Zvecanska. It found refuge annually to 250 children, or - only with regular referrals. There can not come pregnant women that even before birth could provide themselves and their newborn asylum alone can not come from the hospital to temporarily accommodate your baby. For every child must have coverage or certificate of the competent social welfare center on who will bear the cost of maintenance. But - and many girls who are at the last moment had come to Belgrade to hide here, just do not want it, then fear the most: any contact with the center for social work of the regional municipality may reveal their "embarrassment" and embarrass the whole family . So, since I can not reach the necessary signatures and seals, can not be in the center to leave their children TEMPORARY. But I can not leave them - PERMANENTLY, forever. Secretly, in the yard, at the station, in the park, on the street - anywhere, will bring him here and then the community, either, to find money for the baby's care even to adulthood. Or ... couples will not be necessary, because it will take him there, somewhere far away, where he eagerly desire.

Adaptation Center of Denmark addressed to the Centre for Social Work and the Assembly of the city of Zenica for the adoption of 150 (i letters: stopedesetoro) Yugoslav children. The same organization has sent to the Center for Social Work in Pristina requirements for the adoption of additional sixty of our children!

In Zvecanska lies a pile of letters with similar demands from abroad, the Centre for Social Work Vojvodina municipalities Kula is currently twenty requests from Sweden. Even the Federal Secretariat for Health and Social Affairs arrived such a request from Sweden, from individuals and organizations, with a request that the secretariat finds - the children!

We have become known exporters for which the world is increasingly interested. No wonder, because one adoption entails the second, third, fourth. Good news travels fast ...

From Serbia in 1967 was given up for adoption to foreigners ninety girls and boys, from Slovenia went 52, Macedonia 28 How many total, currently unknown, as earlier there was no requirement that this phenomenon is particularly evident in the statistics. But what is not known to us, it is known abroad. It is known, for example, that I adopted about thirty illegitimate children of our workers in Switzerland, and twenty such cases only for the last six months in West Berlin, in the area of our consulate in Stuttgart adopted even 1,300 (!) children, illegitimate births in Germany, where their mother, and our citizens temporarily employed. Who says that our birth rate is in decline?

embracing mother

Getting rid of the child - the young, neglected mothers, in the first moments it looks like the best solution. Later may come to regret and the newly created real and the last act of the human comedy. When in this nightmare finds himself - let him renounce all hope.

The girl from Mijkovca had 16 years and the stomach to the teeth when they are seven years ago, my parents drove away. Born in Belgrade and gave the child up for adoption. Was employed as a housemaid., Worked day and night, not married, not even entertained. After seven years, she had a good job in the kitchen of a large, luxurious hotel, bought one-bedroom apartment, it had a decent profit. She could live just fine, it's not wailed in grief and endless sleepless nights, calling his child, his blood. She found out where he lives with the family, which is small. She went outside the building, waiting for her daughter approached her, she began to talk to her, but she never said when. Brought her a chocolate, orange, asked for the assessment. Always have met casually, but always pulling the wings when it was small with a new mother. On one occasion - a collision was inevitable. The other - was ready to defend his adopted wild child, who has donated all her love, but - defense was not necessary. Mother Nature did not intend to disturb mirsvoje daughter that her refusal to give a richer and more comfortable life that has grown accustomed. She prayed just to see her. There, he will never hold her, promises, swears by all the world, just to see ... The two women wept together on New Belgrade's Square, at the foot of skyscrapers that had swallowed one of the many tragedies of the city.

If only these first days seven years ago was different, it was then that the mother when the roof over your head along with her ??baby!

- Everything new that is born - screaming. When the family learns of the arrival of an illegitimate child - and she's screaming, threatening, ejects, abandons. But over time, many passions to subside and they can find solutions there where one least expects it. I remember a case ...

The social worker Mira Djordjevic could not recall thousands of cases, but here's this one: a primary school student gave birth to a baby girl out of wedlock than four pounds! The baby gave the home, and she stayed with relatives, because the father, not the mother would not hear of it. However, the father, although stricter than the mother, frequently visited her and one day banged his fist on the table:

- Do not give me over to torment the child. Without the death of his kopil?eta when the beast. I'll bring them home, and let the world say what they want.

I really brought them home. A world as the world spoke three days, three weeks or three months, but fell silent. Now everyone is happy, but it could be anything that the child is in the speed of a "pay tribute".

Laws or the life

Of course, no such ideal shelters, home of the mother or any institution that could solve everything. Always has been and always will be a frivolous and irresponsible and unscrupulous individuals who would leave her child, to escape without a trace of commitment. In our country, about 30,000 illegitimate children are born annually. Only one Obstetrics Hospital in Belgrade - 900 unwanted babies see the light of day. Among the many mothers from all over the cities, from all backgrounds and with all kinds of beliefs - has everything, including an attempt to thus come to her husband. Still, it is bad calculations. Of the 900 cases - just two ends happy ending, marriage or after birth ... When that is so, remains a bar to do what it can under the law. Unfortunately, many of our laws as being in mutual relentless war and the war with life. We maintain that illegitimate children are equal, and she did only when the father voluntarily acknowledge his paternity. If the court determines that these children have no rights in relation to his father's relatives, not in terms of serving, not inheritance. Or illegitimate mother is not protected when he is most needed, during pregnancy and immediately after giving birth, in order to maintain their child, but we are protecting her parental rights when a child is rejected and give the other to adopt it. Or we say that the adoption of the best and most desirable form of child care, but the law did not recognize the full adoption, which is why our children, instead of adopting our citizens take - party. Finally, we know that for many years our children forever go across the border, but only this should be all that very precisely formulate legally. Will this mean a ban on "export" your baby or just shaping the existing legal practice - we'll see. Are we naive, or just call?

Buba Muscle


WORLD 02.18.1972.

Reporters seeking (6) - Export your baby

Each letter

three fates

series of articles on giving our children up for adoption to foreign citizens fell on deaf ears among our readers

From the many letters we highlight four that do not manifest revolt already own experience

Our series of articles on giving our children up for adoption to foreign citizens - aroused great interest, and we buried letters of our readers. The most numerous are the voices of revolt: from Sarajevo, Prijedor, Kragujevac, Mladenovac, Osijek, Zavidovici, Bitola, Titograd, Omis, Ohrid ... Professors, lawyers, social workers, teachers, projectors, textile workers, housewives and artisans - all seeking to make our keep children and to raise them yourself, that you not only disable, but also punish "human trafficking ..." it says Milorad Stevanov from Sabac. But with this one, arrived and letters of confession as evidence more with what we have written so far: these are individual destinies which reveal what was going on here, all around us ... and we would not know that it never reached do us no cry, no tears.

no Fate. 1

He wanted me, no child

- I write to you from Dortmund, where there are a lot of our temporary work, but I'm not here temporarily, but permanently. I married a German, lathe operator and will soon give birth. We are waiting for our baby with impatience and it's all ready for her, but she is also a special room provided. My husband is very attentive to me, not allowing me to do now, because a lot of hard wear. I'm surrounded by care and love and I guess that is why i remember right now, more than ever, what it was two years ago.

I was a student of second year of high school, I had for 17 years and I was in love with his professor of physical education. It's no good to you many witnesses, it is enough to say: I stayed in another state. He claimed that the child was not his, that I was not the first and will lead the twenty witnesses who will confirm that they slept with me. In my town all learn quickly, I did not know what to do. When I came to Belgrade to seek medical help, it was too late: I was in the fifth month of pregnancy. I returned home, I was able to come to Dortmund, where my older sister was already working. Parents I wrote a bunch of lies, in which they believed. Here I met my current husband. All I sincerely apologized, but nothing bothered him, fell in love with me and told me he'd marry me - but without the child. on the eve of the birth, we have a sister, he and I were in Belgrade and here I am in the hospital at the Popular Front born baby daughter. I did not want to leave her, but I had no way out. Kurt wanted me, but not the child, parents are not allowed to know anything, the nurse told me I was a fool and no longer fit for me if I miss this chance. A social worker, I think her name was Mira, helped me, and we put the child in Zve?anska, but I'm there I could not. So I immediately said that I give it up for adoption. This officially happened after eight months. I had already been Kurt's wife and now wait for what the "right" child will have a father and mother, and the former orphan Majkin, fled to Sweden. I believe he is well with good people, but I tell you, and believe the woman to give birth to a mother who gave up her child feels miserable wretch of paramount. I'm afraid I'm going to poison this present its baby milk that I refused my first unfortunate girl ... I do not ask my name. That's enough


Fate No. 2

Late love

Dear editing, you wrote a lot on the adoption of abandoned children and mothers who have to give up their babies. O fathers anything, as if we do not exist. I am not saying that we, men, flowers, but not all women are great, and you still defend them. I'm one of those fathers who are unhappy, deprived child even before my eyes. We were both intellectuals. I - eager family because I grew up without parents, and I longed for her home, she from a wealthy middle and very free attitudes. I loved her, but I refrained marriage although I wanted more than anything. I learned, in fact, that she had a lot of them before me, and that in the short intervals when we were in strife again changed friends. When she became pregnant I told her I'd marry her if I swear that's my child. She laughed in my face and did not want to swear. She told me rudely that he wanted a child, but not me, that her husband is no longer needed, she did not care for the world as it is independent and will provide more child care that she is married. We split up before her birth. She had a son who became my image and likeness. We patched things up after two years, but even then I did not say it was my child, as if she enjoyed it that bothers me, and I did not want without this marriage, but there has been little recognition of paternity because she did not ask. last year was killed in a car accident in his "Taunus" who was driving furiously fast. Other dead on the spot. Her family did not want to take a child because her for her free life, all written off, and no one of them with her ??had nothing to do. Mali is seven years old, is situated in a family with the breadwinner, and I'm doing everything to get it, or - I do not know how to prove it's my son. Do you understand this hell: and the donkey at first glance that video to my child, but how to prove it when, only that it could confirm no more? More lead the battle, but it is more than uncertain. I'm going crazy with fear that my son does not adopt those breadwinners, as already announced - so at least to me talking. Are you still claiming that only women victims.


Fate No. 3

Gospodska families

I am Kaja, born in Kraljevo, the poor and others, but my kid is gentlemanly and well. It was gentlemanly when they were born, just as his father did not admit, because I served with them, and he was a student, so I kicked his when my stomach started to grow. I dragged that kid on my hands, so they come from the social and told me I have a son in the home because it will not fail and so I did. I'd keep him, but I had no job, no house. Then one day she came from municipalities with a gentleman from Belgrade and told me that some nice people took the baby if you do not care, but I was not that he did not care whether I again served and where to put my and so I agreed. I went to Belgrade and all the signs, but they were both Frenchmen as they took the son, and so now I'm kind of with them rod, a lot of nice people and they gave me nice gifts. Thus, my child became still fine and gentlemanly, but the evil I am now with this Tikom the second year and not to get carried away, but on me because of that fight and says he did not nothing. I've just wanted to ask you, because you know better, I can do what my child to take back, at least to me when I Tika will not and can not have another child, and the municipality says that it can not and what to do now I black yes.


Fate No. 4

Personal freedom

"Soon I will fill up to 14 years. They adopted me when I was very young, the elderly," noble "people, intellectuals, nice family. We were educated me in jail" Watch out for the company, learning a foreign language, be an excellent student, be polite, watch how you dress ... "I am tired of this. Why do I need a separate room, and other nonsense, when I have the right to liberty and personal life." Mama "was bored and fine old lady. Calaca was better, he himself could easily cook. When I found out from a friend that I was adopted, it was even more difficult in this fine prison. I tried to get out to meet her real mother and ask her why she left me somewhere on the street, but nothing I did not do. when "Mom" and was severely ill at clinics, for me there was relief. I started to go out into society when the old lady came home and remained bedridden troubled alone and absent from the modern young people of the world. I became insolent , it was soap when "mama" crying and suffering. again, they took her to the clinic and I was free again, she went to a dance, stayed out all night. "Mom," my mother told me she could not, she is old and grumbling, and when he chatted easily stuffed her mouth. Sting captured and brought me home, but I was troubled again. I did not go to school and then my "mother" threatened to put me in the shelter. I walked to roam, but the sting has given me the trusteeship department and sent me home. Dad visited me and begged me to fix it and it will take me back home, and the "old lady" writes tender letters. I would like the house, there is terror and hell. However, the old man are boring to your requirements. I'd like a house or vacant. I ask you what to do, do they have the right to ruin my youth and how to keep your personal life and freedom?

Unhappy - Risan

This year: New laws on adoption

and without a mother and without a country

For the last four years, foreigners have adopted in Serbia devedesotoro our girls and boys, in Macedonia 28, Slovenia 52 child ... This phenomenon is present in all other areas. Our current law on adoption is not permitted or not prohibited giving our children to foreign nationals, it is - thanks to this legal limbo - there was a growing number of such cases, which we acquired abroad not exactly flattering title of the country - the exporting of children. There has been long known, but are reluctant to speak.

During the series of our reports, in conversation with people from municipal centers for social work who work most directly on this delicate work - still felt uneasy. They are full of doubts, as if they themselves do not agree with what you are doing, as they know that it is not all right ... "These foreigners adopt our children, want them and I'm sure they will all provide a though ... I wonder ... do we have a right which we let from home ... "These words Mileve BA?KONJA , director of the Center for social work Belgrade municipality of Palilula are typical of the dilemmas that we have heard and for which they were louder questions: whether or not to allow this international adoption and how to regulate this whole business? Opinions differ, but there is no time to spare. After the adoption of the constitutional amendments, family legislation was passed to the jurisdiction of the two republics in the course of this year, should adopt new laws that can not bypass this sensitive matter. Mila ?or?i? , Assistant to the Republic Secretary for Health and Social Policy SR Serbia says:

- Prior to the adoption of normative acts, we need to build their own views which are now extremely polarized. Some are in favor of all international adoptions PROHIBITION, and there are those who, under the banner of "openness to the world," suggest that it is completely liberal permissions. We, in Africa, we must therefore first know what we want, but it seems to me, after a series of consultations that is already clear following:

Future regulations we must ensure that our children giving foreign nationals is only EXCEPTION. It is also unambiguously that whole business of adoption we need to get away from the hands of private intermediaries and deliver highly qualified professional teams, which will ensure the implementation of uniform criteria for which we declare the law.

Dr John NEDELJKOVI? , Research Associate, Institute of Social Policy SR Serbia: - We do not need to categorically forbid international adoption, but this should only be the exception. Because it is always evidence that national frameworks of the child are not able to solve this problem; that in this or that country, if a parent threw the child to the park, this community is not able to accept it. I think that for us this is not the case, and to do all this, however, is because we are not sufficiently organized and sometimes, in the area where should not be allowed to dominate the financial momentum - yet he prevails, because we are not always able to set clear and implement the principle of solidarity ...

Tacit, the financial aspect is still present and it is "an open secret". For a kid who no one adopts, it remains a burden on the community, she needs to take care and schooling to adulthood. However, if it is not already acquired new parents at home, and can get them abroad ... well, that would be nice savings!

- Do not tell me you do not have money, we can not support abandoned children. For the year, the funds collected direct child care in our country more than 650 new million in funds dadataka children per billion dinars, while billions more are in social protection, education, health ... - says Ljubica PEROVI? member Federal Council for Education and Child protection Yugoslavia. - For me, it is not and can not be material, but if you will, is primarily ideological and ethical question: do we have a right to a child, but deprived of parental love and care, deprive the country and nationality? Can it be us anyway when and how will it educate? I am against giving children to foreigners, except in exceptional cases, when it comes to our emigrants, relatives ... After all we do, without authorization, because the law does not regulate!

At the recent meeting of the Conference of the Yugoslav social activities in Belgrade, representatives of all national and provincial secretariat for health and social policy, as well as other experts, directors of centers for social work and social and political activist, agreed: the new law must be true that predict who, when and under what conditions can our little citizens into the hands of a foreign citizen - once and for all. A long? In the opinion Jovana Milojkovic imposed on the same set, and the current law, forever blamed for the loopholes in this regard, given the opportunity to act differently than we do.

First of all, our law does not recognize complete adoption. However, when the child was taken to America, Canada, Sweden - it is a full adoption. Therefore, we accepted international adoption system that we did not want, and which does not exist in which, therefore, ultimately NOT ALLOWED ...

If so, the current law and indeed can be so interpreted, it turns out that we are all children waving previously gave foreigners illegally, although the permit issued to the Republican Secretariats for Health and Social Policy! Is now someone is responsible for it or we , according to the old custom, responsible SVI, meaning: NIKO? Sorry, we did not understand the law, you know how it can be either way, maybe we're a little wrong. In the future - will be a new law and will be interpreted in the right way. Hopefully,