She was foster mother, but now she's mum
2 June 2014

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She was foster mother, but now she's mum

The number of foster children adoptions have doubled in five years. The rights of the biological parents is weakened, believes both CPS and lawyers in child welfare cases.

She was foster mother, but now she's mum

She was foster mother, but now she's mum

Cecilie Berntsen Jåsund


updated 02.06.2014, at. 8:50 p.m.

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More adopting their foster children

Kristian and Leikny Lunde Martinsen unable to have children and adopted unconventional methods.


- We were unable to have children themselves and tried IVF. We've been through the entire carousel. There were ups and downs, says Leikny Lunde Martinsen.

But children they would have, and their path to becoming parents went through CPS. They agreed to accept a foster child who desperately needed a family, and shortly after came a phone that turned their lives upside down.

- I was at work and received a call about a little girl of six months who needed a home. It was absurd, she says.

- Extra security with adoption

- In a week we met officer, mother and emergency home. Then she came to us a week later. When we saw her it felt completely natural, says Kristian Lunde Martinsen.

- When she came to us she was our young from the first second. It was absolutely amazing, says Leikny.

Now they have adopted foster child.

- Perhaps it was not we who thought of adoption first. It was child protection. We stood a little on the outside of the case and was very happy for the possibility of adoption. Then life safer for both us and her, says Kristian.

More foster children being adopted

Trygve Apeland.

Child welfare manager in Sandnes, Trygve Apeland.


More and more foster parents do as family Lunde Martinsen in Stavanger. Adoption in child care should be used to a greater extent, was the message from Children and Equality two years ago.

This is shown in the statistics. Over the last five years the number of foster children adoptions doubled. Last year, 57 children adopted. Either voluntarily or by forced adoption.

- If we see that the care situation of the children can not be good at his parents ever, we think that they have to get all of their options in a new home. When we take the child from the parents considering adoption, says child protection chief in Sandnes, Trygve Apeland.

"Toddlers Bank»

- When we take the children from their parents is a dramatic decision and we never do it unless we have very good evidence over time that there is opportunity to improve the situation at home, says Apeland.

In an effort to follow the ministry's invitation is "Toddler Bank» started. There is an alternative to traditional foster homes with children from 0-2 years, which is intended for permanent placement outside the home. The main intention is to foster adoption.

- When CPS recruits foster Toddler bank, considering that the baby can be put up for adoption. They take over first care of the child in terms of adoption, he said.

More adopting their foster children

The family Lunde Martinsen in Stavanger, now four instead of two.


- Equal rights as other children

Expertise about toddlers have come into focus in child protection. In Sandnes attend courses employees in identifying toddlers to find out who should not live with their biological parents.

CPS and Children and Equality argues that adoption gives the youngest children more rights.

- In ordinary foster care placement is an assignment agreement may be terminated. When the child is 18 has no rights in the family. Upon adoption get the same rights as all other children, says Apeland.

attorney resistance

Attorney Arnhild Skretting

Attorney Arnhild Skretting has worked with child care for many years and do not like development.


- I think that this gives grounds for great concern, says lawyer Arnhild Skretting.

She has worked with child care for 13 years and is upset about the shift in recent months. The lawyer believes biological parents are weaker than before.

- It is an expression of a society where the disadvantaged drops off. First you take the kids away from them and say they are not good enough caregivers. And as if that's not enough, they should adopt the children away, says Skretting.

- To understand their own identity must young people grow up where they belong. If they can not be with mom and dad, we need to mobilize family and network. There are those that are important for children. Then the mother can rest assured that your children are doing well and we know that we are doing well. It is always best when the family arranges up, she says.

The CPS is aware of the criticism.

- I understand that there is resistance to this. Many people think that parents must get a chance. We see that if they do, the child could be harmed and not get out their potential and get the opportunities that may arise if we take the baby early, says Trygve Apeland.

Family of four

More adopting their foster children

The family has been four. A new girl has entered.


In adoption case to the family in Stavanger has the biological mother helped to give up her daughter. Parents roses system and are overjoyed for opportunities that exist. First and foremost for their daughters to have the peace of mind they think is best for the child.

- The good thing is that they safeguard the future of the children and that they finally take the most attention to the child. They get the same rights as any other kids to inherit, have a safe upbringing in a safe environment and we are like a family, says Kristian.

The family was recently four. A new foster child has found its place. They are happy for the opportunities to give their daughters a safe home.

- We are so happy that we have got these two beautiful girls. We could not have had it better, says Leikny Lunde Martinsen.
