Vu?i? has begun and our children to sell to foreigners! (Child has sibling/parents)

28 September 2016

Highlights of Serbia

28 September 2016.

Dev?irme: Vu?i? has begun and our children to sell to foreigners!

Author: editor

In the city on Begej protest today because of the seizure of the five-year children from foster families. It all happened at the gap to three days, says its host. Ljiljana under the law for years, can not adopt a child

WHEN he came to me, he was like loaf of bread, a tiny baby of three months. They told me that the biological parents lost their parental rights. For the past five years we have a lot tied to each other. I'd be happy, but I'm afraid for him because this whole adoption procedure in Sweden is going too fast. They separated him from me for three days. Certainly not to sleep, I live only on water.

Thus, to "Novosti", the story ZRENJANINKA Ljiljana Radulovic, which can not be reconciled with the speed and manner in which she folded the boy who he was worried diaper. This is why the outraged parents of children in kindergarten in which the boy went, their neighbors and others Zrenjanin, who today announced a peaceful protest.

- I do not know why his biological parents lost their parental rights when she came to us, he had no visible injuries. It has a three-year brother, who still lives with his mother and father. In September, he reached the age of five. Two years ago my husband died, and since then we keep each other informed - says Radulovi?.

Ljiljana never a child she did not say that he was born, but it has brought, not knowing how to explain the details, a boy her mother called from the beginning, because the other did not.


The law requires that a minimum of one year requires adoptive parents in Serbia, and then the child can go to a foreign adoption, which it met.

- In April, we were in the center hinted that perhaps could be a foreign adoption, but that's all been stopped because of the elections. Since then no one has mentioned to me last Friday invited me to come on Tuesday, because it may get people from the Agency for approval. Then on Tuesday I took the car center in Belgrade, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, where I saw the adoptive parents in Sweden with an interpreter - says Ljiljana.

The same day, the potential adoptive parents came to Zrenjanin to get to know the boy, but the encounter was brief, as the boy went to a birthday party pals. They saw each other, and in the next two days, or out to the third boy said he would not with them.

- On Friday, he said he was tired. I begged him to get dressed. I was afraid that someone would think that I was trying to talk to the opposition. When it came to the social worker, before it said it would not from Mom, but changed his mind when he returned to go to the games room and to get it back "while mom cook lunch." I asked when he returned. She retorted: "Do not discuss this in front of the child, unto you from the center" - says Ljiljana.


Foster parents are crucial in preparing children for adoption and usually the most help, say the associations of foster parents. In order, however, a well-played its role, it is necessary for them to prepare psychologists as painlessly as possible separation. In Belgrade, it works in the Centre for foster parents and adoptive parents, or in Vojvodina, due to lack of staff, no such centers.

Since that Friday, he said, the child is not returned. She asked signed the paper that the boy is not with her. She was told that there is no need. It seems the whole weekend she was no answer and she's worried, and then her neighbor said she saw the boy in the playroom, in the shopping center.

- I went there just to see if everything was all right, without any intention to make a scene. I was worried. If they let me see him, I'd just kissed him and said she was going to play. But the interpreter immediately called the social worker and the incident turned out to be - says Ljiljana.

Ivana Mandic, who attended the scene, says:

- The boy struggled and excitedly repeating: "My mother came to me, I have to go," while an interpreter jumped to Mrs. Ljilja i started insulting. As Dad put children on his lap and told him something in Swedish, but the child struggled and cried.

Ljiljana claims that her husband and she wanted to adopt the boy, but they were told that the foster parents are not adequate adopters. Turned out to be a nuisance to you, with its 60 years of a child older than 45 years, which is a legal obstacle. Ljiljana was scared what will be with the child and spoke to the prosecutor's office and the Ministry, asking to be allowed contact with the boy.

Authorities claim that Ljiljana's response is inadequate, even though up to now, as they say, so far there was no problem. Family Law, added, provided that it is in the process of adoption public is excluded and that the data from the records of the secret, and it must be kept by all, that potential adoptive parents, a guardian, a center for social work, ministry and, in this case, the breadwinner. Hranitelj, they say, that member has violated the law. All must work in the interests of the child. Ljiljana, as we unofficially find out, was familiar with the process of adoption from the beginning of adoption, because she takes part in all this.
