PUT TO PARENTHOOD: How to Serbia to adopt a child; whether they are in PARTY STRENGTHS?

30 September 2016

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PUT TO PARENTHOOD: How to Serbia to adopt a child; whether they are in PARTY STRENGTHS?

30.09.2016 08:20. 1

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A bunch of paper, the patience, a million questions, dozens of inspection, evaluation ... All this awaits those who want Serbia to adopt a child. Waiting for them and discouraging fact that at the moment 731 pair has the same desire, and that only 135 children can be adopted.

cFoto: RAS Serbia

A bunch of paper, the patience, a million questions, dozens of inspection, evaluation ... All this awaits those who want Serbia to adopt a child. Waiting for them and discouraging fact that at the moment 731 pair has the same desire, and that only 135 children can be adopted.

The case of host from Zrenjanin, which was raised by a five-year boys, and who now wants to adopt a married couple from Sweden, opened the question of when and in what way can adopt a child in Serbia, and whether foreign nationals are at an advantage.

Here is how things really stand.

Not everyone is like an abandoned child for adoption or each pair can be a parent in this way.

What children can be adopted?

Only children who are permanently deprived of parental care can not enter into the process of adoption. And that means that their biological parents are fully deprived of parental rights or agree with approving training, then if they died or were completely deprived of legal capacity.

Experts estimate the potential parents. Examines the motivation for adopting children, shall be accompanied by evidence of how much they earn, what all of the assets possess, are required to undergo a program of preparation and training, the so-called hopscotch parenting. If the evaluation is positive, their names are entered in the register adoptive parents.

The law prescribes what must be the age difference between the child and potencijalog couple who wants to adopt a child - not less than 18 nor more than 45 years.

vFoto: RAS Serbia

Preference will be given full family, or go on to the child and get your father and mother, and is taken into account, and on national origin.

Mutual gradual adjustment of the child and prospective parents is an important part of the adoption process, but it can take up to six months. Constantly monitors the performance and customization that if the whole procedure went well, performed a solemn act of adoption.

At the annual level in Serbia was adopted by about 150 children, and the process can take years.

What kind of child they want Serbs, a kind of party?

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs said that most adoptive parents in Serbia wants healthy, as young child, nationalities are those without disabilities. The obstacle is often the age of the child, because domestic adoptive parents usually do not want children older than six years. Very few of those who want children with serious developmental problems.

What about strangers?

They can adopt a child from Serbia only under the condition that such a child for a year could not be found homemade family.

In practice, the list of children eligible for international adoption are those that have major health problems, handicaps, disabilities and some features that have turned out to be undesirable for domestic adopters.

Where do they come hand adopters?

When it comes to foreign countries, according to the number of adoptions of children from Serbia are dominated by Sweden and the USA. In inostarnstvo in the last ten years with new parents left 111 children, while in Serbia, new family found 1,277 children.

At the moment 135 children whose data are entered in the so-called the Adoption Registry waiting to be connected with adoptive parents. This number should be added 39 children who have been referred for adaptation into local families and 63 children who were "similar" to international adoption.

According to official data, a total of 237 children at this time in various stages of adoption.

What say figures

Par 731 on the waiting list for adoption

135 children can be adopted

39 youngsters is on the adaptation of the prospective parents

In 2006 went abroad by 111 children

Domestic doubles in the last 10 years have adopted 1,277 children

Source: blic.rs

Tags: children , Zrenjanin , NataĊĦa Latkovi? , process , Serbia , party , adoption
