Which party adopt Serbian children?

1 October 2016

Google translation

Which party adopt Serbian children?

1 October 2016, 09:01


BELGRADE ? Foreign citizens in the last 10 years have adopted 111 children from Serbia, while at the same time domestic doubles dispose of nearly 1,300 girls and boys.

It is no coincidence that the five-year old boy from Zrenjina, whose case shook public, the families were taken care of in Swedish. It is from this country will most couples in Serbia seek to become parents.

According to official data provided to us from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, since 2006 in Sweden has found a home 60 children from Serbia. No wonder, considering that for 15 years in our country adoptions like the largest Swedish Agency.

"Swedes here have good logistical support in the form of permanent representatives and a court interpreter. This is the first of three agencies that exist in Sweden, the largest and most effective, "said the Ministry.

A slightly smaller number of adoption in Serbia are US citizens. In the last ten years 51 children with new parents went to the United States, a much abundance also explains the work of agencies from America, which is one of the most organized in the country. How many Americans are interested in adoption in Serbia shows that as many as 10 of the local agency of the 250 submitted a request to be registered in our country.

"Only one family could provide for the adoption of children with disabilities", stated for "Blic" the competent ministry.

Apart from Sweden and America, adopted children and couples in Canada, but it is a much smaller number. Since 2006, the country went to eight children. In Serbia, adopt children Slovenians, Swiss, British, and even the Croats.

Officially, the children in our country can take care of foreign nationals only if the year they do not find adoptive parents in Serbia and if the competent minister gave permission for it. In practice, the list of children who find a home outside of Serbia are those who have serious health problems, handicaps and developmental delay. These are traits that are, according to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, is often undesirable for domestic adopters.
