21 March 2017


In 2014, two Polish girls - sisters aged 3 and 5 years, were sent by foreign adoptions to the United States. The adoption process after the Polish side of the adoption center ran the National Association of Children's Friends, which has already transpired several times in this entry, on the American side and the agency was responsible for European Adoption Consultants (EAC).

The sisters were hit by the same family, as it turned out - immediately after arrival to the United States, already at the airport , were separated and older went to another family than consulted on adoptive Polish center. In August 2016 years transported her to the hospital with mutilations indicating that she was sexually abused. She had numerous stab wounds, bruises, or bleeding from the pubic area. Damage was so severe that she required emergency surgery intimate organs, as well as assumptions kolostomijnego bag. Unfortunately, despite the intervention of doctors injury suffered by the girl they are durable, it will also require further surgery in the future. The whole thing was loud in the American media:

Was notified US prosecutors arrested both adoptive parents - Johna i Georgin? Tufts - his, as indicated by the investigators on suspicion of causing serious damage to the health of children, her and for failure to provide child support - a woman for two days instead of bring the girl to the hospital in connection with the abundant bleeding from the pubic assumed her napkin. In the course of the ongoing investigation, it was revealed that one of the employees responsible for the course of the EAC adoption girls on the American side of the family was related to the 5-year-old hit. Already in September, the US police announced the fate of the girl's adoptive National Center for Children's Friends Association - this, however, decided not to inform about the situation or Polish prosecutor's office nor the relevant ministry, also continued cooperation with the US Agency EAC.

Polish Ministry of Family about the whole thing learned by accident - in addition to the fresh open wounds on the body of a girl, doctors found numerous scars in intimate places, which indicated that the girl may have been abused not only in the US, the adoptive family to the hit, but earlier in Poland. For that reason, our authorities received information from the police about the fate of the American Polish girls published abroad.

Izabela Rutkowska, from the National Center of Adoption of the Polish Society of Friends of Children as commented failure to inform the authorities about the pending proceedings on sexual exploitation of 5-year-old, who as a result of the adoption process carried out by the center went under the protection of pedophile:

- We have not seen sense to notify the ministry. There are no provisions that regulate the flow of information rules in such matters. Nor ministry is not interested in the fate of children later.

In December, the US State Department withdrew the accreditation of the EAC with immediate effect.
