Adoptionsdialogens Dag den 23. maj 2019

7 March 2019

Adoption Dialogue Day, May 23, 2019

The Day of Adoption Dialogue will be held on Thursday, May 23, 2019 from at. 13: 00-17: 30, we hold the Adoptiondialogens Day at Hotel Scandic, Østergade 10, 8000 Aarhus.

This year's theme is Rights

Preliminary program

Kl. 13:00 Welcome and presentation by Michael Paaske, Chairman of Adoption & Society

Then presentations by among other things:

ISS - International Social Service by Lisa Robinson, Child Rights Specialist

(The presentation is in English)

“Lisa will provide an overview of the different aspects involved in a search for origins. This includes an in-depth analysis of the legislative environment (international, regional, and national levels); methods of keeping and imparting information, and the importance of professional support; and lastly the role of new technologies on an adoptees search for origins – the impact of social media / the unintended consequences of using DNA websites.

Hanne Warming, professor at Roskilde University

The presentation from Hanne will be based on the following three areas:

How do you really put a children's perspective on the adoption area? Adoption must always be for the best of the child, but what considerations should be included in the assessment of what is really for the child's best interests? And who can / should make that assessment?

How should the child's perspective play into decisions when the child's (or youth's) desires conflict with the wishes of the adults who are his caregivers - adoptive parents or others?

Has it adopted the right to contact with the biological family? How should the rights be administered and enforced while the adopted person is child or young? How should it be resolved if an adopted child's wishes conflict with the wishes and rights of the adoptive parents or the biological family.

Adopted on own experiences with search / DNA or the like.

(Name comes later)

Kl. 16:30 Panel debate

(The names of panelists will be published later, so keep an eye on the page here)

The program is constantly updated.

There will be a coffee / tea / cake break during the afternoon.


From 15 years onwards.


Since there are limited number of seats, quick registration is advised.

Registration is made by purchasing a ticket according to the "first come, first served" principle by 15 May 2019 via NemTilmeld.



There is the possibility to park (for a fee) in the P-basement under Scandic.

Contact person:

Sanne Vindahl Nyvang: tel. 2893 9981 or per. mail:


Adoptionsdialogens Dag den 23. maj 2019

Adoptionsdialogens Dag afholdes torsdag den 23. maj 2019 fra kl. 13:00-17:30 afholder vi Adoptionsdialogens Dag på Hotel Scandic, Østergade 10, 8000 Århus.

Årets tema er Rettigheder

Foreløbigt program

Kl. 13:00 Velkomst og præsentation v/Michael Paaske, formand for Adoption & Samfund

Herefter oplæg ved blandt andet:

ISS – International Social Service v/Lisa Robinson, Child Rights Specialist

(Oplægget foregår på engelsk)

“Lisa will provide an overview of the different aspects involved in a search for origins. This includes an in depth analysis of: the legislative environment (international, regional, and national levels); methods of keeping and imparting information, and the importance of professional support; and lastly the role of new technologies on an adoptees search for origins – the impact of social media / the unintended consequences of using DNA websites.

Hanne Warming, professor v/Roskilde Universitet

Oplægget fra Hanne vil tage udgangspunkt i nedenstående 3 områder.:

Hvordan lægger man for alvor et børneperspektiv på adoptionsområdet? Adoption skal altid være til barnets bedste, men hvilke overvejelser bør indgå i vurderingen om, hvad der virkelig er til barnets bedste? Og hvem kan/skal foretage den vurdering?

Hvordan bør barnets perspektiv spille ind i afgørelser, når barnets (eller den unges) ønsker er i konflikt med ønsker hos de voksne, der er dets omsorgspersoner – adoptivforældre eller andre?

Har den adopterede ret til kontakt med biologisk familie? Hvordan bør rettighederne administreres og håndhæves, mens den adopterede er barn eller ung? Hvordan bør det løses, hvis et adoptivbarns ønsker er i modstrid med enten adoptivforældrenes eller den biologiske families ønsker og rettigheder.

Adopteret om egne erfaringer med søgning/DNA eller lign.

(Navn kommer senere)

Kl. 16:30 Paneldebat

(Navne på paneldeltagere offentliggøres senere, så hold øje med siden her)

Programmet opdateres løbende.

Der vil være en kaffe/te/kage pause i løbet af eftermiddagen.


Fra 15 år og opefter.


Da der er begrænset antal pladser tilrådes hurtig tilmelding.

Tilmeldingen sker ved køb af billet efter “først-til-mølle princippet” senest den 15. maj 2019 via NemTilmeld.



Der er mulighed for at parkere (mod betaling) i P-kælderen under Scandic.


Sanne Vindahl Nyvang: tlf. 2893 9981 eller pr. mail: