A Love Beyond Borders Staff

30 August 2019


Kate Bradley joined the LBB family in 2012 and is Associate Director and head of social services and Child Placement Supervisor. Her passion for adoption was sparked while completing an internship at an adoption agency during college. Kate earned a Master of Social Work degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 2005. Over the course of the past 8+ years, Kate has worked in many areas of the adoption field. She began her career as a pregnancy counselor and in 2007, shifted to assisting eager families to achieve their dreams of becoming parents through adoption. Kate and her husband have two children, Kallum and Ryann. In addition, Kate is the adoptive mom of 2 huskies. She enjoys travel, cooking, books, and the active Colorado lifestyle. “For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever.” Brian Andreas You may contact Kate at Kate@bbinternationaladoption.com or 303-333-1572 ext. 113.

Kelly Carmody is the Executive Director of A Love Beyond Borders. She has been providing support and guidance to adoptive families since 2003 and started with A Love Beyond Borders when it opened in 2008.

Kelly is a single parent to three teenagers who were adopted; Hope from Kazakhstan and Kevin and Laura from Colombia. Her two Colombian children joined the family first through the hosting program in Colombia. She loves animals and they have three dogs and a cat. She enjoys cooking, entertaining, reading, game nights and traveling. Favorite quote: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt You may contact Kelly atKelly@bbinternationaladoption.com or 303-333-1572 ext. 102.

Rachael Daugherty joined the LBB staff in 2013 as a social worker and provides our home study services for Colorado families as well as placement supervisor. She has a Master’s Degree in Social Work and has worked in the field of adoption as a pregnancy counselor, international adoption case worker, and community relations coordinator. Rachael is originally from Georgia. Rachael has a little girl who loves all things pink and princessy and a son who loves to pretend to be a dragon. One of her favorite poets in Rainer Rilke so one of her life quotes has become: “Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.” You may contact Rachael at Rachael@bbinternationaladoption.com or 303-333-1572 ext. 114.

Karsten Fisher serves as LBB's Manager of Information and Technology Services and is responsible for keeping the office technology systems running smoothly. Originally from Crestline California, Karsten attended the University of Colorado at Boulder. He now resides in Denver with his wife Debbie, children Robbie and Karley, and their two pups. Karsten enjoys all that Colorado has to offer and when not cooking fabulous meals can be found skiing, hiking and camping with his family.

You may contact Karsten at karsten@bbinternationaladoption.com

Anney Grossberg-Morris is an adoption coordinator on the international team and works tirelessly to educate and inform prospective clients about our agency, services and adoption programs. She has 16 years of experience in the adoption field and has been on staff at LBB since February, 2011. Anney keeps the office entertained with her singing and dance moves, her thrifty ways and her ability to find the best deals in town. Anney has grown her family hrough adoption, first with Alex, adopted from Kasnoyarsk, Russia in 2001 and Madelyn, adopted from Tomsk, Russia in 2003.

You may contact Anney at anney@bbinternationaladoption.com or 303-333-1572 ext. 106.

Kandra Hosselkus is the client services manager and bookkeeper in our Denver office. Kandra is a Colorado native and proud of her Rockies roots. Kandra enjoys reading, travel, visual and auditory arts, and cooking/baking. Kandra's greatest happiness is spending time with her big family and volunteering with diverse groups in the Denver area.

You may contact Kandra at kandra@bbinternationaladoption.com or 303-333-1572 ext. 103

Robin Longoria joined ALBB in 2017 as case manager on the international team. She has worked in international adoption since 2007. Her passion for adoption flows from her experience, education and a desire to give back through serving children and families. “It’s both a joy and a blessing to serve in the field of adoption, and witness families coming together for a lifetime!” She and her husband are proud parents of two terrific sons. “Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravestthing we’ll ever do.” -- Brene Brown You may contact Robin at robinl@bbinternationaladoption.com or 303-333-1572.

Susy O’Connell is a dossier coordinator as well as Haiti adoption coordinator. She was born and raised in Washington State. “My family has been blessed with 2 beautiful daughters and our incredible son. We have been blessed with 11 grandchildren. Together, they make up the reason I am me. I think God’s best teachers are our children regardless of how they come into the family. Every relevant bit of knowledge I have is a direct result of interaction with all of these people. Big, little, tall or short they are my teachers.” Family is the root from which the “tree” grows.

You may contact Susy at susyo@bbinternationaladoption.com or 303-333-1572 ext. 105.

Chris Phillips Jeter is responsible for program development and licensing and Hague compliance. Chris and his husband Kirk adopted their teenage son Alex from Colombia in 2017. The adoption ignited his passion for adoption and advocacy to help more at risk children find permant families. In his free time Chris enjoys acting in local theater, singing, enjoying outdoor pursuits in the Colorado Rockies, entertaining, and traveling. He loves being a father and looks forward to showing his son the world.

You may contact Chris at chris@bbinternationaladoption.com or 303-333-1572 ext.110

Kareen Shapiro joined LBB in 2009 as a licensed clinical social worker and qualified Placement Supervisor. Kareen has worked in the adoption field for the past 7 years. She has experience working with children and families in a variety of settings including hospitals and the child welfare system. Currently, Kareen works with families during the home study process and post adoption process. “I love working in the adoption field. I feel very fortunate to be able to watch and help families be created! I have been married for 10 years and I have 2 children. We love to spend time outdoors and enjoy all that Colorado has to offer!”

You may contact Kareen at Kareen@bbinternationaladoption.com or 303-333-1572 ext. 112.

Stephanie Thoet joined LBB in 2008 as a manager on the international team. She is the blessed and busy wife and mother of eight. “Our family is a mixture of adopted and biological children-each one a unique individual. Stephanie began her adoption journey with mission trips to Haiti that resulted in the adoption of three. She and her husband also adopted through the foster system. Stephanie states, "Adoption is a part of who our family is. My husband and I are also large supporters of child sponsorship and have five children through sponsorship programs. We love these kids and are having such a great time watching them grow!” "Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.” Mother Teresa

You may contact Stephanie at Stephanie@bbinternationaladoption.com or 303-333-1572 ext. 104.
