Preet Mandir, Pune
2 September 2019

Only one child has come to FFIA from this orphanage. As soon as that adoption was completed, FFIA stopped the collaboration for several reasons. On the one hand, the children did not receive the care we were guaranteed, and on the other hand, neither the financial nor administrative process was managed as promised.

The orphanage for many years brought children to other organizations around the world. Many serious social workers and organizations reported the abuses on Preet Mandir, but it was extremely difficult to have their license revoked because of the organization's contacts in influential circles. See article below for more information.

Address details (old):

Preet Mandir

Balwant Kartar Anand Foundation

Anand Corer 18, Coyaji

Tel. +91 212 668627, 660081

Contactperson: Mr. J. S. Bhasin


Preet Mandir, Pune

Från detta barnhem har endast ett enda barn kommit till FFIA. Så snart den adoptionen var klar avbröt FFIA samarbetet av flera skäl. Dels fick inte barnen den vård vi blivit garanterade, dels sköttes vare sig den ekonomiska eller administrativa processen så som utlovats.

Barnhemmet förmedlade under många år barn till andra organisationen runt om i världen. Många seriösa socialarbetare och organisationer anmälde missförhållandena på Preet Mandir men det var oerhört svårt att få deras licens indragen på grund av organisationens kontakter inom inflytelserika kretsar. Se artikel nedan för mer information.

Adressuppgifter (gamla):

Preet Mandir

Balwant Kartar Anand Foundation

Anand Corer 18, Coyaji

Tel. +91 212 668627, 660081

Kontantperson: Mr. J.S. Bhasin
