End of adoption from abroad: Danish adoption agency in major financial problems

5 December 2019

End of adoption from abroad: Danish adoption agency in major financial problems

The country's only international adoption agency has so far stopped bringing in new adopters.

The adoption agency DIA no longer takes in adopters from year-end. (© (c) DR)


PM. 7.10


There are major financial problems for Danish International Adoption (DIA), and things are only likely to get worse next year.

Therefore, the DIA, the country's only international adoption agency, has decided that as of the turn of the year, new entrants will no longer be admitted.


DIA is an independent, self-owned institution accredited by the Ministry of Social Affairs. DIA was created through a merger in January 2015 by the two intermediary organizations AC Børnehjelp and DanAdopt.

They mediate adoptions from Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Colombia, the Philippines, India, China, Madagascar, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, the Czech Republic and Vietnam.

Source: DIA.

It writes the organization on its website .

- The background is the lack of financial certainty that the DIA can bring the cases of new adopters to an end. The Board of Directors can therefore no longer assume the responsibility of bringing in new adopters, according to a news signed by Lars Ellegaard, Chairman of the Board.

The economic problems are due to the fact that the number of international adoptions in Denmark has dropped drastically over the past ten years and significantly fewer are approved for adoption.

Predicts major deficits

It also led the DIA in March to inform its families in the adoption program that they were in money trouble and that the process could become more expensive and longer.

Now they have made the decision that they will not be able to financially take in more adoptors.

- When we choose to stop accepting new applicants, this is one and only because, as the Board of Directors, we do not think it would be right to initiate an adoption process that we do not have a legitimate expectation to implement, reads from the DIA Chairman of the Board, who writes further.

- And as the economic outlook looks after 2020, we can foresee a larger deficit. That is why we unfortunately had to make the decision to stop for new applicants.

The organization had 200 active cases by the end of 2018.
