America Vera-Zavala: Adoptions can be fantastic, but we have to watch the shit
1 August 2019

America Vera-Zavala: Adoptions can be fantastic, but we have to watch the shit

The Chronicle of Culture "It is very radical to say that all relatives should also be suspected so grossly that the children must be adopted away to strangers", says the chronicler America Vera-Zavala on the grounds that the so-called "IS children" should be placed in new homes.

This is a chronicle. Statements are the writer's own.


America Vera-Zavala

5pm - Aug 1, 2019

"Almost like a board over right and wrong," sings Håkan Hellström and Madeleine In Hwa Björk says in the introduction to her summer talk that she loves him. Then she tells a story of a happy upbringing that when she becomes a mother, she turns into a story of a cynical and merciless market to provide involuntarily childless adoptive children. Basically, her story is about stolen children. "Roots: Stolen Child" is also the name of the radio show Tendens card documentary about David's chaotic childhood and how he as an adult learns that he was stolen from his parents for adoption.


It is a tangle of lies, commerce and a market planned for those who will receive children, not for those who leave or for those who are handed over - the children. Sweden is the country with the most adopted foreign-born children per capita, says Madeleine. Thus, there are sensitive traces to tread on for those who question the greatness of helping a poor orphan child at one and the same time and giving a desperate couple the happiness of becoming parents. The stories may be unique in the details, but there are many more like Madeleine and David. Children whose adoptions have not gone right.

Madeleine In Hwa Björk, the listener's summer host, tells a story of a happy upbringing that when she becomes a mother turns into a story of a cynical and merciless market to provide involuntarily childless adoptive children .. Photo: Press image: SR

In 2003, an investigation was conducted which concluded, among other things, that the money paid from private organizations in Sweden to orphanages in the third world should be abandoned because it leads to child trafficking. The then chairman of the Adoption Center, Ulf Kristersson, strongly opposed this conclusion and believes that this assistance, which he calls the financial transfer, is necessary. The proposal was closed.

As party leader for the Moderates, Ulf Kristersson launches the idea (Expressen May 21) that children of IS warriors should be adopted away. Swedish adult citizens who are at war should not be brought home, but their children can return, however, not to their own families but to others because "they are well cared for in Sweden, and do not grow up in radicalized environments."

It is easy to think that it is wrong to join a warrior sect and that children must be freed from it. But it is very radical to claim that all relatives should also be suspected of being so gross that the children must be adopted away to strangers. The story of Patricio Galvez's struggle to bring home his grandchildren from Syria is good evidence for this.

" I know a mountain where I used to go

it's so beautiful there,

almost like a painting

almost like a blackboard of right and wrong

because you see the farm mills though

you see the shit with "

I hear the text from Hellström's "Gårdakvarnar and crap" in my mind when I think of these adopted children. South Korea, Chile, Madeleine, David. They are many, the children that have been wronged. Before any new laws come into being, whether IS-children or children of surrogate mothers, the adoption market must be investigated. We have to go to the bottom with what has gone wrong, what crimes have been committed and how things can be rectified. Adoptions can be fantastic, but we have to be able to see the shit.

America Vera-Zavala
