Develop instead of phasing out support for adoptees and their families!

24 February 2021

The government has been clear that it wants to promote the mental health of children and young people and announced in the spring amendment budget for 2017 an investment of SEK 100 million extra for this.

The Social Services Act also states that the municipality has a special responsibility for children who have been adopted.

But now the activities at the Erica Foundation are threatened as Stockholm County Council has decided not to extend the choice of care. The same applies to Duvnäs' parental support, open the Spira preschool and Resurscentrum when the City of Stockholm wants to save money.

Good businesses must be developed, not wound up! The knowledge and expertise on adoption issues that has been built up over many years is invaluable and should rather be more widely disseminated in the form of a national resource center. The activities show that it is possible to provide adoptees and their families with qualified support and professional help.

If you want to show how important these activities are for adoptees and their families with demands that the activities be developed instead of being wound up, sign this name collection today!

The names will be handed over to responsible politicians in the City of Stockholm and Stockholm County Council.

Margret Josefsson - chairman of the Adoption Center

Thomas Lindqvist - chairman of Barnens Vänner

Patrik Elisson - chairman of Barnen Framför Allt

Margret Josefsson, Adoption Center Contact the creator of the name collection