The following organizations have endorsed the Adoptee Citizenship Act since 2016:

18 March 2021

Adoption-Related Organizations

Adoptee Rights Campaign (NAAE Co-Lead)

Holt International (NAAE Co-Lead)

Adoptee Rights Law Center (NAAE member)

Adoptees for Justice (NAAE member)

Also Known As (NAAE member)

Chinese for Families (NAAE member)

Family Coalition for Adoptee Citizenship (NAAE member)

Intercountry Adoptee Voices (NAAE member)

Mission to Promote Adoption in Korea (NAAE member)

Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute

National Council for Adoption

Center for Adoption Policy

Equality for Adopted Children

Community Organizations

Korean American Grassroots Conference (NAAE Co-Lead)

Korea Corner at Auburn University (NAAE member)

Korean American Center/Korean Community Services (NAAE member)

Korean American Civic Empowerment and Leadership (NAAE member)

Korean American Civic Empowerment for Community (NAAE member)

Korean American Federation of Los Angeles (NAAE member)

Korean Society of Dallas (NAAE member)

MAP International (NAAE member)

Oregon Commission on Asian and Pacific Islanders Affairs (NAAE member)

San Diego Korean Pungmul Institute (NAAE member)

National Association of Korean War Veterans (NAAE member)

National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAAE member)

Korean American Women's Association of the USA, Inc. (NAAE member)

Niskanen Center

National Korean American Service and Education Consortium

Faith-based Organizations

National Immigration Forum

Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of Southern Baptist Convention

Council for Christian Colleges and Universities

Faith and Community Empowerment

National Association of Evangelicals

National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

The Wesleyan Church

World Relief

American Friends Service Committee

CT Conference, United Church of Christ

American Jewish Committee
