Financial support for adoption organizations
5 June 2021

The outbreak of the new corona virus has led to closed national borders and travel bans. This has meant that adoption processes have stopped. The government has therefore decided on a financial contribution of up to SEK 3.5 million to prevent adoption processes that have already begun from being completed.

There are currently three authorized adoption organizations that are responsible for the international adoption agency in Sweden. To cover the costs of the operation, an organization may charge reasonable fees to those who use the organization for international adoption mediation. The organizations are mainly financed with these fees. Due to travel stoppages and the adoption of adoption processes, there is no expected income, which means financial difficulties.

The Government has decided to give the Swedish Agency for Family Law and Parental Support the task of distributing up to SEK 3.5 million to authorized adoption organizations in order to prevent adoption processes that have already begun from being completed. The purpose of the grant is to ensure that children who have already been matched with adoptive parents can be reunited with their new family.
