Frustrated father hangs up posters calling for daughter
3 September 2021

Posters with a search for a 13-year-old girl with name and picture hung up in several places - including at Korsør Library. Father misses help for his forcibly removed daughter.

She's found again, so when I'm done with my work, I'm going to go and peel the posters down again.

This is how it sounds from a 55-year-old man when Sjællandske calls the number on a poster hung at Korsør Library on Thursday morning. The headline is 'Wanted'. Including a name and picture of a dark-haired girl and the age of 13 years. At the bottom the phone number.


Sjællandske has chosen to anonymise both the father and the girl, although the 55-year-old father would otherwise like the municipality to be criticized for the efforts for the daughter by name.

- She ran away last Friday (27.8, ed.). On Tuesday, we found her with a 17-year-old girl. Here, too, she tried to run out the back door when her mother and I showed up, but we got her back to the residence. However, she ran away from there again, it sounds with a calm but clearly frustrated voice from the 55-year-old.

On the night before Thursday, the father then received a tip that his 13-year-old daughter had been seen at Korsør Skatepark together with other young people but also with some somewhat older young men in cars. The 13-year-old is now back at the residence where the municipality has placed her.

- I just do not understand. It is obviously allowed to fool around, drink, smoke cannabis and have sex, even if you are only 13 years old. It is really a small effort that a myriad of different caseworkers have given my daughter, says the 55-year-old.

Forced removal

He says that both the girl and her big brother were adopted from another country as children.

- There has never been anything wrong with the big brother. He has passed 9th grade and is today in after school, but she was injured from a very young age. In the kindergarten class, she stole from the other children, and at one point she smashed a solarium for 200,000 kroner, which I subsequently had to pay. And yes - then I gave her an asshole, but otherwise I have never touched her, says the father.

Subsequently, his daughter was forcibly removed by the municipality. Among other things, due to the fact that the father was violent towards her. First placed with a foster family and today at a place of residence.

Can turn off

- They continue with their arguments that I am violent towards her, but that does not fit - except for the asshole almost long ago, says the father. He makes no secret of the fact that he has a temperament and can turn on - especially over the fact that his daughter is not getting the right help that she obviously needs.

- Is your daughter scared of you or angry with you?

- No, she's not. In fact, it is her mother she speaks most ugly to, says the 55-year-old father.

The police contacted

He has also sought to contact the police when she has been run away, but they point out that it is the municipality that is responsible for her.

However, it was the police who contacted the father when she was found in Korsør no later than the night before Thursday.