The Moraru couple seems to be spending a quiet time in Canada
28 January 2002

Sotii Moraru se pare ca petrec linistiti in Canada

28.01.2002 21:21


Parchetul de pe langa Curtea de Apel Constanta cerceteaza imprejurarile in care doi cetateni americani au infiat - dupa ce au platit fundatiei intermediare suma de 12.000 de dolari - un baietel de 3

Parchetul de pe langa Curtea de Apel Constanta cerceteaza imprejurarile in care doi cetateni americani au infiat - dupa ce au platit fundatiei intermediare suma de 12.000 de dolari - un baietel de 3 ani din Romania. Michele si Martin Zuidema au dorit sa infieze un copil si s-au adresat in acest scop unei fundatii americane, care, la randu-i, a apelat la serviciile Fundatiei "Sfintii Dimitrie si Ana", din Constanta. Reprezentantii acesteia, Rodica si Valeriu Moraru, si-au aratat disponibilitatea de a rezolva "foarte rapid" solicitarea. Tocmai viteza cu care s-au incheiat formalitatile de adoptie, anevoioase, altfel, precum si suma de 12.000 dolari ceruta "pe aeroport" de reprezentantii fundatiei tomitane i-au pus in alerta pe parintii adoptivi ai micutului George Ivanov (3 ani). Ei au cerut Ambasadei Romane din Washington si, implicit, Guvernului roman sa verifice legalitatea actelor de adoptie incheiate pe 23 august 2001 ("dupa numai doua luni de la cererea noastra") de avocatii Rodica si Valeriu Moraru, patronii fundatiei constantene. Din primele date existente la dosar rezulta ca fundatia in speta fiinta intr-un apartament, ca sotii Moraru au pretins ulterior virarea celor 12.000 dolari intr-un cont din Canada, unde s-ar fi (si) grabit, de altfel, sa plece "in excursie" de ceva vreme.


The Moraru couple seems to be spending a quiet time in Canada

28.01.2002 21:21


The prosecutor's office next to the Constanta Court of Appeal is investigating the circumstances in which two American citizens adopted - after paying the intermediate foundation the sum of 12,000 dollars - a 3-year-old boy

The prosecutor's office next to the Constanta Court of Appeal is investigating the circumstances in which two American citizens adopted - after paying the intermediate foundation the sum of 12,000 dollars - a 3-year-old boy from Romania. Michele and Martin Zuidema wanted to adopt a child and for this purpose they turned to an American foundation, which, in turn, called on the services of the "Saints Dimitrie and Ana" Foundation in Constanta. Its representatives, Rodica and Valeriu Moraru, showed their readiness to solve the request "very quickly". It was the speed with which the adoption formalities, otherwise arduous, were completed, as well as the amount of 12,000 dollars requested "at the airport" by the representatives of the Tomitan foundation, that put the adoptive parents of little George Ivanov (3 years old) on alert. They asked the Romanian Embassy in Washington and, implicitly, the Romanian Government to verify the legality of the adoption documents concluded on August 23, 2001 ("after only two months from our request") by the lawyers Rodica and Valeriu Moraru, the owners of the Constanta foundation. From the first data available in the file, it appears that the foundation in question was in an apartment, that the Moraru spouses later claimed the transfer of the 12,000 dollars to an account in Canada, where they would (and) hasten to leave, moreover. on a trip" for some time.
