Stolen Generations Reparations Package

20 December 2022

On this page:

Content Warning

Apply now

Who can apply

Your application

Advance payments if you are medically ill

Interstate applications

Other reparation and redress schemes in Australia

Helping someone else to apply

Support services

Independent Assessment Panel

Design of the package

Sign up for updates

Information about the artwork

Content Warning

This content may contain material that is confronting and disturbing, and which may cause sadness or distress. 24 hour support can be accessed:

VAHS Yarning SafeNStrong

1800 959 563

Lifeline (24/7)

13 11 14.

Further support for members of the Stolen Generations and their families is available.

Connecting Home

(03) 8679 0777 or email

Link-Up Victoria

(03) 9287 8800 or email

Apply now

On 31 March 2022, the Victorian Government opened the Stolen Generations Reparations Package.

The package is to help address the trauma and suffering caused by the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families, community, culture, identity and language.

There are 3 ways to apply for a package:

online form

downloadable form

contacting us to have a paper form sent to you.

Applications close 31 March 2027.

Complete your application online

Create an account (for first time users)

Access your account (returning users)

You only need to create an account once. Once you have created an account, click 'access' your account to access a saved application or draft, or to submit a new application for someone else (for example, a family member).

Download a form or guideline

Stolen Generations Reparations Package application form

PDF 409.36 KB

Stolen Generations Reparations Package - Form Two - Nomination of a support person

PDF 214.11 KB

Stolen Generations Reparations Package - Form Two - Nomination of a support person

DOCX 98.82 KB

Stolen Generations Reparations Package - Form Three - Application for an advance payment

PDF 513.77 KB

To ask for a form to be posted to you, email us at

Your application - factsheet

DOCX 2.58 MB

Stolen Generations Reparations Package Guidelines

DOCX 348.42 KB

Conversation guide for organisations

DOCX 2.62 MB

Who can apply

To be eligible for the package, you must:

be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person

have been removed by a government or non-government agency before 31 December 1976, while under the age of 18 years

have been first removed in Victoria

have been separated from your family for a period of time that resulted in the experience of loss of family, community, Culture, identity and language

have lodged a valid application with all necessary supporting identification documents.

You cannot apply for this package on behalf of someone who has already passed.

Your application

Stage one - your application form

To apply you need to complete the application form and provide supporting documents.

You need to submit:

a completed and signed application form

copies of two kinds of accepted identification

a photo of yourself holding one of the pieces of identification.

You may also be asked to submit:

evidence of a name change

Medical Form if you are applying for an advanced payment

Nominee Form if you would like to authorise someone to speak to us on your behalf

proof of Power of Attorney or Guardianship if you are applying for someone in this capacity.


As a part of your application you need to provide identification.

This is done by including:

copies of 2 different kinds of identification showing:

your legal name (which must match your application)

your birth date on at least one.

a photo of yourself holding one of these pieces of identification.

The following are acceptable kinds of identification:

driver licence, learner permit, firearm licence or marine licence

proof of age card


Commonwealth Government concession card (including health care card)

Department of Veterans Affairs health card

birth certificate

a Working with Children Check Card

current pensioner concession card

current medicare card


bank card (copies of both sides) issued by an Australian institution

bank statement issued by an Australian institution

utility statement (gas, water, electricity, mobile or home phone)

Australian Taxation Office assessment

student or tertiary institution identification card

executed lease agreement.

Change of name

If your name has changed since you were removed, please provide a copy of the document(s) showing your name change:

marriage certificate

registration of name change (Deed Poll)

adoption certificate or similar (contact us if you require help accessing this)

another official document verifying name change (such as a statutory declaration).

You can include these documents when you submit your application or give them to us later if you wish. You need to provide these documents before your application can progress.

If you do not have access to this information, an organisation may confirm your identity.

Please contact us for more information at

You can seek support from:

a Bringing Them Home worker

Connecting Home

Link-Up Victoria

your local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.

Proof of removal

You do not need to provide proof of your removal. When you submit your application, you can give us permission to search government and other records on your behalf.

If you already have records about your removal, you can choose to provide them to us. This may speed up the processing of your application.

We are looking for records that show:

you were removed from your family

that you were removed before 31 December 1976 (for example, a record with date of removal)

that you were first removed in Victoria (for example, a record stating where you were initially removed from)

the time period of your removal (for example, a record showing you were adopted or a record that showed you were removed for more than three months).

Stage two - application review

After you submit your application it will go through the following steps:

You will be sent a letter or email to confirm we received your application.

You will be contacted by a support coordinator who works for the department. This person will be your main point of contact.

Your support coordinator will help connect you with support services. You can access support services including counselling and legal and financial advice straight away.

We may ask you for more information about your application.

If you have given us permission, we will contact agencies to find records to support your application.

We will send you a final copy of your application. If you have provided us additional information you will need to check this and confirm it is correct.

You can choose to review a summary of the information we have found regarding your removal.

Ask your support coordinator for updates or discuss next steps with you.

Stage three - assess application

Once you confirm your application is correct it will be assessed in the following steps:

Your completed application is sent to the Independent Assessment Panel. The panel is chaired by a Stolen Generations person.

The panel will consider your application and supporting information. The panel may ask you for more information or ask questions about your application.

The panel will decide if you have met the eligibility criteria for a package.

If your application is approved, we will work with you to deliver your package. See the section below for package options.

If your application is not approved, we will provide you with information on the decision and how you can ask for a review.

Package options

If your application is successful, you can choose the content of your package.

You can select one or more of the following financial and restorative reparations:

a lump sum payment of $100,000

a personal apology from the Victorian Government

supported access to healing programs such as family reunions, reconnection to Country and language programs

an opportunity to record and share your story and experience

access to trauma-informed counselling

access records held by the State about your removal.

You can change or add to the content of your package at any stage until the package closes.

To do this, contact us by email:

We will provide you with more detail on these reparations and how you can access them.

How long will assessing my application take?

Assessment of applications started June 2022. Some advance payments to people who are terminally or critically ill happened before this date. Applications from elderly people or people with poor or declining health are prioritised.

How long it takes the Independent Assessment Panel to review your application will vary because everyone has a different story.

Advance payments if you are medically ill

If you are terminally or critically ill, your application is prioritised.

You may qualify for an advance payment of $20,000 while your application is assessed.

To receive an advance payment, you need to provide:

a completed and signed application form

copies of two forms of accepted identification

a photo of yourself and one of the pieces of identification

the application for an advance payment form (Form Three) signed by your treating doctor or other medical professional.

Stolen Generations Reparations Package - Form Three - Application for an advance payment

PDF 513.77 KB

The application for an advance payment form asks your treating doctor or other medical professional to confirm that you are either:

terminally ill or

critically ill, in that you have an illness that is:

a life-threatening illness, and

likely to impact your condition within six months from the date you submit you application, such that you would be prevented from having the full benefit of any payment made if you had to wait for your application to be fully assessed.

You or your doctor or medical professional can send us the completed form at

Interstate applications

If you were removed in a state other than Victoria, you cannot apply for a Victorian package.

This package is for people who were first removed in Victoria. It does not matter if you were born in or lived in another state, what is important is that your removal happened in Victoria.

Other reparation and redress schemes in Australia

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply here even if you have applied to another package or scheme. This includes other Stolen Generations redress packages or schemes in other states and the National Redress Scheme.

For information on the New South Wales Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme and Funeral Assistance Fund, visit the Aboriginal Affairs NSW Government website or call 1800 019 998.

For information on Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme (Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory before self-government, and Jervis Bay Territory) visit the National Indigenous Australians Agency or call 1800 566 111.

Helping someone else to apply


You can give permission for a friend, family member or support worker to help you apply for the package. This person is called a nominee.

A nominee can submit your application on your behalf, however it must be signed by you.

A nominee can:

share and receive information about your application, including personal information about you

fill out the application for you. However you must sign it and they cannot sign for you.

To appoint a nominee, both the applicant and the nominee need to complete a Nominee Form.

Both of you need sign the form and it needs to be witnessed by a third person.

Stolen Generations Reparations Package - Form Two - Nomination of a support person

PDF 214.11 KB

Stolen Generations Reparations Package - Form Two - Nomination of a support person

DOCX 98.82 KB

A nominee cannot:

sign your application for you

make decisions about your application

make decisions about the contents of your package

withdraw an application

receive payments made by the package. All payments go directly to the applicant.

You can withdraw or change your nominee at any time by contacting us at

Please include your completed nominee form when you submit your application.

Appointing a nominee - factsheet

DOCX 2.61 MB

Legal guardianship and power of attorney

You may already have a guardianship or power of attorney allowing someone else to make decisions on your behalf. This person can make decisions about your application for you.

When you submit your application please include a copy of the documentation showing the legal appointment of your Guardian or Power of Attorney.

Applications from prison

Applications can be made from prison by mail using a special application form for people in custody. The department will also conduct outreach into Victorian prisons to provide information about the package and application forms.

An applicant has died

If you are the next of kin for an applicant who has died, the application can still be processed.

Contact us so we can support you and talk about next steps at

If the applicant is found to be eligible for the package, payment can be paid into their estate.

Stolen Generations Funeral Fund

The Funeral Fund provides eligible applicants with up to $10,000 to cover the costs of a funeral, headstone or plaque and/or repatriation of your Stolen Generations family member.

It is administered by Connecting Home.

For more information see

Support services

Once you have submitted your application for the package, you can access support services, including:

trauma-informed counselling

financial counselling

legal advice.

Funding is available for each of these supports:

trauma-informed counselling – up to 35 hours at up to $180 per hour (including GST)

financial counselling – up to five hours at up to $250 per hour (including GST)

legal advice – up to five hours at up to $400 per hour (including GST).

You can choose your own provider, or we can recommend a provider to you. Providers must be based in Australia and recognised and licensed to deliver the service.

We will fund these services to the rates set out above. Where possible we will pay the provider directly.

Contact your support coordinator who can help you access support services.

People with disability

If you have a disability and require additional support to complete your application or progress through the application process, we may be able to fund suitable supports.

Please contact us at

Support services - factsheet

DOCX 2.62 MB

Independent Assessment Panel

The Independent Assessment Panel is a non-statutory committee established by the Department of Justice and Community Safety. The panel decides if the applications are eligible for a Stolen Generations Reparations Package.

In performing its functions, the panel is informed by the recommendations of the Stolen Generations Reparations Steering Committee, the Bringing Them Home Report and the Package Guidelines, including the Package Guiding Principles.

Panel members have been selected because they are:

members or descendants of members of the Stolen Generations; and/or

have experience in law, policy development, advocacy, public administration, and decision-making on complex matters and/or redress schemes.

The panel currently has 6 members, including 2 deputy chairpersons. Most members are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Island persons.

Panel members

Open all

Tracey Evans - Eastern Maar-Gunditjmara woman (Deputy Chair)

Eva Jo Edwards - Mutti Mutti, Boon Wurrung and Yorta Yorta woman (Deputy Chair)

Christopher Gorrie - GunaiKurnai man

Janeene Payne - Wiradjuri woman

Stephanie Cauchi

Kimberley Ison

The department is in the process of recruiting a chairperson. Consistent with recommendation 29 of the Steering Committee Final Report, the chairperson will be a member of the Stolen Generations. Until a chairperson is appointed, a deputy chairperson acts as the chairperson at panel meetings.

The establishment of the panel is consistent with the Victorian Government’s commitment to Aboriginal self-determination and seeks to avoid further harm and re-traumatisation to Stolen Generations people.

The role of the panel ensures that claims are decided by an Aboriginal-led body, at arm’s length from government. Establishing the panel aligns with with recommendation 29 of the Final Report and the Bringing Them Home report that any decision-making for monetary reparations should include Aboriginal people.

Design of the package

The package was designed by the Stolen Generations Steering Committee which consisted of Stolen Generations, their descendants and community-controlled support organisations. This community-led process ensured Aboriginal leadership and decision-making in the design of the Package.

The Steering Committee heard from more than 400 members of the Stolen Generations and their families to inform the design of the package.

The Steering Committee’s Final Report was provided to Government in July 2021 with a total of 56 recommendations. Government has accepted the final report's recommendations relating to the package design (part one).

Government is also committed to a whole of government response to part two of the final report. This will form part of the future work of the department.

Stolen Generations Advisory Committee

To ensure continued Aboriginal leadership in the implementation and delivery of the package, the Department of Justice and Community Safety established the Stolen Generations Advisory Committee.

Wotjobaluk woman Aunty Annie Moore is the Advisory Committee Chair.

Other members are:

Sandra Lee Barber, Dja Dja Wurrung, Yorta Yorta and Wemba Wamba woman

Daria Atkinson, Wemba Wemba/Yorta Yorta First Nations woman

Gina Bundle, Yuin woman

Rod Jackson, Palawa man

Kath Apma Penangke Travis, Imarnte woman of the Arrernte peoples.

Members of the Advisory Committee were chosen through an open expression of interest process.

Members have deep ties into communities across Victoria. Their advice to the department calls on both their lived experience of Stolen Generation policies and their professional backgrounds. Their leadership will help make sure the process continues to be community led.

Restriction to pre-31 December 1976 removals

The package is restricted to people whose removal happened before 31 December 1976.

This is because changes to Commonwealth and State laws ended many policies of removal based on race at this time.

Also the creation of the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency in 1976 helped give greater community input into “child protection” decisions. You can read the Stolen Generations Reparations Package Steering Committee’s final report to find out more about this.

Sign up for updates

You can sign up to our mailing list to receive updates.

Information about the artwork

The artwork on this page is a 2021 work called 'My Spiritual Journey'. It is by the artist, Fay Thorpe. She says:

"My Spiritual Journey is about my journey through life as a member of the Stolen Generations. For as long as I can remember Bunjil has been watching upon me. Bunjil has guided me with strength and courage to keep me going through all of these years… Bunjil is my protector".
