Toppe vil treffe adopterte - VG - Top will meet adoptees
9 March 2023

Following VG's revelations about illegal adoption, Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe (Sp) is now inviting adoptees to a meeting. - I want to bring to light what has happened, she says.

VG has told the story of Camilla Austbø (37) who was illegally adopted to Norway.

Camilla was three years old when she was abducted from her own home in Ecuador, sold, and adopted to an unsuspecting couple in Skien.

VG has also told the story of Simon and several other adoptees from Ecuador. All came to Norway via a lawyer who was accused of buying and selling children for adoption.

Now Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe wants to meet them.

- It is important for me to listen to the adoptees who have come forward in the press, she says.

External investigation

In January, Toppe announced that an external committee will examine foreign adoptions to Norway .

- I see that it is necessary to create trust and legitimacy, Toppe told VG then.

But before the investigation begins, the minister wants to meet the adoptees from Ecuador who have come forward with their stories.

- I would like to hear what they think is important when we are now to start work on examining adoption going back in time, she says.

- What do you want to discuss with them?

- I want to listen to what they have to say, and hear what they think is important, both in the work with an investigation of adoption and with follow-up of adoptees in Norway today, says Toppe.

- It must be difficult to stand up, as they have done. Not least it must be difficult to learn that the circumstances surrounding the adoption are different than they have believed all their lives and the information that has come to light about illegalities in individual cases, says the Minister for Children and Families.

Simon Eriksen Valvik is one of the adoptees who will meet Toppe. Last December, he was reunited with his biological family in Ecuador after a year-long search for the truth.

VG told his story in the pokast series Stolen children for sale.

Simon says he was happy when he received the invitation from the Minister for Children and Families.

- It was a positive surprise and not something I had expected. I apply with an open mind and hope for a good meeting where we listen to each other. Then we'll see what happens next.

Frank Auset (37) is also looking forward to the meeting.

- The most important thing for me is that the authorities ensure that illegal adoptions are not allowed to continue. The control has been far too poor. Those of us who are already affected also need help and support to process all that has come to light.

Camilla Austbø (37) was abducted from her own home in Ecuador when she was three years old - and adopted by an unsuspecting couple in Skien.

- What happened to me is experienced as a great tragedy. It has affected much of my life, and it is a sadness that I do not have as close contact with my biological family as I would like.

VG has documented that Camilla's biological mother found out that her little girl was in Norway.

The mother then demanded that the adoption be annulled - so that she could get her daughter back.

Then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the organization Adoption Forum transferred sums of money to Ecuador - and the demand to get the girl back disappeared.

- It is difficult for me to know what kind of assessments were made by Norwegian governing authorities back in time, says Toppe today.

- But I want to bring to light what has happened. I also want to find out whether the system for foreign adoption has been good enough. That is why we are now working to get an external investigation in place, says the Minister for Children and Families.

Toppe states that the mandate of the committee that will investigate the adoptions is not yet clear, but she assumes that Ecuador is one of the countries to be investigated. The committee or commission that is appointed is scheduled to present its answers in 2024.