Ebunoluwa Foundation, Nigeria
Ecai Balbalika
Ecai Balbalika - Galicia
Ecai Balbalika - La Rioja
Ecai Balbalika - Navarra
EC Directorate General for External Relations
ECHR Pini et Bertani et Manera et Atripaldi
Edelman PR
Edgar and Elsa Prince Foundation
Edhi Foundation
Edificio Torreblanca DNA Lab
Edmund Burke Foundation
Education Centre for Helpless Children (ECHC), Nepal
Egg Donation and Surrogacy Professional Association
Ek Sien Jou
El Dorado County Department of Human Services Adoption Services (Placerville office)
El Dorado County Department of Human Services Adoption Services (South Lake Tahoe)
Elite Accountants Inc.
Elizabeth Home
Eltern für Afrika e.V.
Eltern für Kinder Österreich
Eltern für Kinder (Parents for Children)
Eltern-Kind-Brücke e.V.
Elwyn, Inc. Child Welfare Division
Embark Foundation
Embassy of Ethiopia in the United States of America
Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America
Embassy of the Russian Federation in the United States of America
Embrace A Child - Ukrainian Adoptions LLC.
Embrace Texas
Emmanuel S.O.S. Adoption
Enat Alem
Enfance Avenir
Enfance & Familles d'Adoption (EFA)
Enfance sans frontieres
Enfants d’Asie ASPECA
Enfants de l'Espoir
Enfants du Monde (Canada)
Enfants du Monde (France)
Enfants Espoir du Monde
EnRoute Travel (Cleo, Inc)
Entidad Colaboradora de Adopción Internacional (ADECOP)
EP Hearing SOS Romania - April 2006
Episcopal Community Services, Diocese of Pennsylvania
EP Joint Resolution on intercountry adoption
EP Petition Naomi Willemsen (number 0516/2019)
EP Petition Simone Eiler
EP Study on forced adoptions