Vermont Children's Aid Society
Vermont Department for Children and Families
Veronica Bird Charitable Foundation
Vida Nueva orphanage (New Life)
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
Viet Hung Commune medical center
Vietnamese Orphans Relief Fund
Village of Hope - Ethiopia
Villa Hope International Adoption
Vinh Long orphanage
Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services
VisionTrust International
Visiting Orphans
Visiting orphans, Inc.
Vista del Mar Family & Child Services
Vivekananda Balsadan
Vivre en Famille
Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie (VCA)
Vlaamse Centrale Autoriteit Adoptie (Kind en Gezin) - Belgium
Voice for International Development and Adoptions (VIDA)
Voice of the Orphan (VOTO)
Voluntary Adoption Agencies and NGOs (IAVAAN)
Volunteers of American of Illinois
Volunteers of America of Pennsylvania
VOLVO for life Awards
Vrienden van FANA Nederland
Vung Tau orphanage
Waiting Angels Adoption Services, Inc
Wanna House
Wasatch International Adoption
Washington DSHS
Weaving Families Adoption Ministry
Webkinz Foundation
Wedgwood Christian Services
Welcome Group
Welcome Home Ministry Africa
Wereldkinderen aka NICWO
Werkgroep Nazorg
West African Children Support Network (WACSN)
Westminster Theological Seminary
West Sands Adoptions
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
Wet Opneming Buitenlandse Kinderen (WOBKA)
WE tv
Where Are India’s Children
Whistleblower letter RP to EP President Martin Schulz
White House Office of Communications
White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives