Verdens Barn - Children of the World


Children of the World has its origin in the Norwegian Korean Association, which was founded in 1953 by personnel at the Norwegian field hospital stationed in South Korea during the Korean War. The Norwegian Korean Association among other things made a great effort in the fight against tuberculosis in Korea. The association also conveyed contact between Norwegians who wanted to adopt children and Korean institutions that arranged adoption to foreign countries in the 50s and 60s. Because of the association’s continued involvement, it was granted a license for adoption arrangement from South Korea to Norway in 1969, as the first organization in Norway.
In 1978, when the association wanted to expand its operation to more countries, adoption and aid work were branched off to become a separate department which got the name Children of the World, while the Norwegian Korean Association remained an association for conveying information about Korean culture. In 1989, Children of the World was merged with the Norwegian Korean Association under the name Children of the World.
Today, Children of the World has 23 local departments distributed over all the counties in the country. There, our applicants and adoptive families meet other families who have adopted or are planning to adopt, and benefit from their experience. Getting to meet others in the same situation, with the same questions and thoughts, is just as important as factual information. Moreover, the local departments often provide a valuable network for the adoptive children themselves.

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) Accredited Verdens Barn - Children of the World
China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) Accredited Verdens Barn - Children of the World
ABBA adoptions Facilitates Verdens Barn - Children of the World
Verdens Barn - Children of the World Member of Euradopt
Verdens Barn - Children of the World Member of Nordic Adoption Council
Verdens Barn - Children of the World Participates in Norsa Community Care
Verdens Barn - Children of the World Provided grant to China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) 2005 Jan 11
Verdens Barn - Children of the World Sponsor of Bharatiya Samaj Seva Kendra (BSSK)


Bogstadveien 27B