Adoption Priorities Inc

According to their website:

Adoption Priorities, Inc. is a non-profit, 501(c) 3, adoption agency licensed by the State of Texas. Our priority is to make adoption a smooth and compassionate process for birth families and a rewarding experience for adoptive families.  We are committed to providing the utmost reliable, trustworthy and ethical adoption experience for our families, birth and adoptive alike.  

Adoption Priorities, Inc. was established to focus on the needs of children needing adoptive placement and their birth and adoptive families. With that in mind, we provide comprehensive services to birth parents, including counseling, matching and assistance as well as a thorough pre-adoption program including adoption and parenting education, counseling, and homestudy services for adoptive families.  After placement, we are committed to providing post-adoption services including continuing parenting education, counseling, support groups, and various other post placement services to all members of the adoption triad.

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Adoption Priorities Inc Cooperates with Heartbeat International
Texas DFPS Licensed Adoption Priorities Inc


14400 Northbrook Drive Suite 200
San Antonio