Adopted Bulgarian Children Found in a Horror House in the US

9 August 2019

Adopted Bulgarian Children Found in a Horror House in the US

Crime | August 9, 2019, Friday // 08:44| Views: | Comments: 0

The two Bulgarian children adopted in the U.S. are in good health and under the protection of the authorities, said the press office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, following media publications about two Bulgarian children abused by their adoptive parents, U.S. citizens. Bulgaria’s Consulate General in Chicago conducted an immediate inquiry and reported that the children were in a safe place and under the protection of the Shannon County Sheriff's Office, Missouri. They are in a good condition and have undergone a full medical examination that has not found any serious injuries or illnesses.

The parents were arrested by the Somerville Police Department on 8 July 2019, after which the case was referred to the Shannon County Sheriff's Office.

The Consulate General in Chicago is in constant contact with the authorities and provides full administrative assistance on the case.
