Adoptions from South Korea
4 August 2023

With reference to the documentary on TV2 'The secret in the shadow archive' about adoptions from South Korea, we must herewith make a short comment.

As we have previously expressed, the board of Adoption & Society fully supports the adoptees' desire to have certainty. It is absolutely crucial for all parties that the information provided in an adoption case can be trusted. 

The South Korean authorities, like the Danish authorities, have already launched an investigation into a large number of cases from the 70s and 80s. We eagerly await the conclusions of this, as it is essential for many adoptees and their families to find out whether the grounds for release in the cases have been truthful. 

Unfortunately, we have previously seen in connection with this type of investigation that the parties concerned are left without sufficient help from the authorities. All concerned parties, i.e. biological family/foster family, adoptive family and not least, of course, the adopted themselves, must be offered the necessary assistance and advice to handle both the emotional issues and the concrete, practical questions they/we face. This applies both before, during and after the conclusions are presented.

After viewing part 2 of the documentary, we will make a more in-depth statement in relation to this necessary support as well as the possibility of an impartial investigation. 

On behalf of the board:

Michael Paaske
Adoption & Society


Press contact :
Chairman Michael Paaske
Tel. 2389 7151

Deputy chairman Sanne Vindahl Nyvang
Tel. 5388 2840