Adoptionscentrum - Förbundet / The Federation

30 October 2023

The Federation

Members and local chapters

The adoption center gathers around 3,000 member families.

As a member, you get a branch affiliation to one of our local associations, depending on where in the country you live. We have 7 local departments which are divided into geographical areas of operation and a central department which is for members living outside Sweden, among other things.

The departments operate independently with their own boards.

Activities in the local branches are based on non-profit forces and the members contribute and participate to the extent that they have the opportunity.

The departments organize both outward-facing activities and activities for the members.

The federal meeting

The association meeting takes place every two years and is the adoption center's highest decision-making body.

At the Federation meeting, the federation board is elected. The association meeting consists of representatives from all of the Adoptionscentrum's local branches. All members are welcome to attend and participate in the debate at the union meeting, but lack decision-making rights – it is the representatives who vote and decide on the issues discussed.

The association meeting deals with the past two years' activity and management reports and decides on the discharge of liability for the board. The meeting also decides on the membership fee. Motions - written proposals - to the union meeting can be raised by an individual member, department or member organisation. The motion must be submitted to the confederation board at the time before the confederation meeting specified in the statutes.

Nomination committee

At the Association meeting, a new board is elected for the next two years.

The election of the federal board is prepared by the election committee. At the 2023 Association meeting, the following members were elected to the election committee until the next Association meeting.

  • Lena Falk (convener)
  • Luisa Landewall
  • Torbjörn Enochson

Proposals and views on the new board are sent to

The Federal Board

The association board is elected at the association meeting held every two years. The current association board was elected at the association meeting in May 2023.



Wilhelm Kaldo

Wilhelm, Ville, born in 1983 and has two sons adopted from Taiwan.He lives in Stockholm and works as a defense lawyer at the Swedish Armed Forces and is also very used to working in a non-profit organization.
Ville is an experienced speaker and has, among other things, lectured at the Adoption Center about what it was like to adopt from Taiwan.

Federal Board:
Elected 2019
Vice-chairman 2019
Chairman 2021, re-elected 2023

Issues of interest:
Adoption centers should be seen and heard more in the public conversation, that adoption is discussed to a greater extent as a good alternative for having children and that more people become aware of how the process works.That adoptees get good support if they need it, regardless of where in the country you live.Create opinion for adoption



Sofia Eugenzon Persbeck

Sofia Eugenzon Persbeck was born in 1970, lives in Kista outside Stockholm, adopted from Argentina and has two children adopted from Colombia.She has a bachelor's degree in cultural pedagogy and a folk high school teacher's degree in culture.Today, Sofia works as an HR strategist at Arbetsförmedlingen

Federal Board
Elected in 2017, re-elected in 2019
Vice-chairman in 2019
Re-elected in 2021 and 2023

Issues of interest
Strategy for how the Adoption Center will handle the challenge with, among other things,a. declining membership.The opportunity for adoptees to search for their roots in a responsible way.Strengthen the Adoptionscentrum as an organisation, for adoptees and their parents and work against discrimination in society.



Sophia Petersen

Sophia Petersen was born in 1986 and adopted from South Korea.On weekdays, she works with project management and administration at SKR, Sweden's Municipalities & Regions.

Sophia is chairman of AC Stockholm's local branch and convener of the association's editorial committee, which is responsible for the members' magazine.Sophia is also part of the chancellery's editorial team, which is responsible for social media.She has lectured about her return journey and has been a project manager for workshops aimed at adult adoptees.In addition to that, she is also the contact person.

The Federal Board
Elected in 2019, re-elected in 2021 and 2023

Issues of interest
Give a nuanced picture of adoption.Work for the Adoptionscentrum to be at the forefront of adoption issues.Give adoptees, adoptive parents and both couples and single people who are going to adopt the opportunity to meet in real life and not only on social platforms



Helene Idahl

Heléne was born in 1968 and adopted from South Korea.She lives in Umeå and works with management support, handles work environment issues and is a union representative in Vision Region Västerbotten.Heléne is trained in tourism and marketing and has, among other things, experience from international work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, among other things, was placed at the Swedish UN delegation and the Consulate General in New York for 14 years.

The Federation Board of Directors
Elected in 2019, re-elected in 2021 and 2023

Matters of interest
Safeguard members' interests and attract more members.Support for adoptees and adoptive parents.Broaden the image of adoption and highlight the possibilities of adopting.The adoption center must be a relevant actor in the work for children's rights in Sweden and abroad.



Ida Laestander

Ida was born in 1980 and is at the start of her adoption process.She lives in Arjeplog in Norrland and works as a unit manager within support and service.

Federal Board
Elected in 2021, re-elected in 2023



Johan Högberg

Johan Högberg is 51 years old, adopted from Iran and lives in Sigtuna with his wife, who is adopted from Korea.He is trained in computer science and works as a system developer.

In 1999, Johan helped start Adoptionscentrum's then nationwide department for adoptees.

The Swedish Board of Governors
Elected in 2014, re-elected in 2017
Elected as chairman of the federation in 2019
Re-elected as a member in 2021 and 2023

Issues of interest
Strengthen the image of the Adoptionscentrum as a children's rights organization, support for adoptees, rights issues for adoptees, root issues, discrimination issues, ethical issues and philosophical and psychological issues surrounding adoption.



Jonas Andersson

Jonas Andersson was born in 1960 and has two children adopted from Vietnam.He is self-employed in the advertising industry and lives in Bagarmossen, Stockholm.

Jonas was chairman of AC Stockholm Söder/AC Stockholm from 2001 until March 2022. He has been chairman of the Foundation for Orphans since 2014. The

Confederation Board of Directors
Elected in 2014, re-elected in 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2023

The adoption center must be an interest organization for all members, for example with Post Adoptions Service, PAS, regardless of where in the country you live.Lobbying questions regarding grassroots activities and other PAS.Children's rights issues, solidarity, aid activities and children's right to a family.



Linda Johansson

The Confederation Board:
Elected 2023

Chairman of the Adoptionscentrum's local branch AC Skåne and also a member of AC's Editorial Committee.
Adopted from India, came to Sweden three months old in the summer of '79.
"I chose to get involved in adoption issues as an adult.I have worked so much on myself that I can share my experience as an adoptee both to parents and children.
The everyday thoughts as an adoptee are at least as important as the thoughts about roots.”



Matthias Wikman

Born in 1975 and has two children adopted from Nigeria and South Africa respectively.Originally from Holmsund outside Umeå but has been living in central Stockholm for a long time.

The Federal Board:
Elected in 2023

Questions of interest
How the possibilities of digitization can help non-profit organizations such as the Adoptionscentrum to attract and retain members as well as to continuously support existing members in various parts of the adoption process.To strengthen the image of the Adoptionscentrum's various branches of activity and their importance for the whole.How Adoptionscentrum's members can help each other at different stages of the adoption process.