Le Pôle des Adoptés Francophones en Corée (PAF Corée)

The Pôle des Adoptés Francophones en Korea (PAF Korea) is a non-profit organization created in 2020 by 3 French adoptees whose office is based in Seoul. The services offered by the organization are intended for all Korean adoptees who are French-speaking or have the ability to communicate in French. The organization serves both as a hub with French-speaking adoptee associations but also as a relay for French-speaking Korean adoptees and their country of birth.

The PAF Korea will bring its logistical experience to come to Korea. Whether to live there, settle there or simply travel there. 

The PAF Korea is apolitical and must follow the legal rules applicable in South Korea. 


The P ôle des A doptés F rancophones en Korea is a  non-profit association created in 2020 by 3 French adoptees whose office is based in Seoul. Today we form a team of 4 French-speaking Koreans from France, Belgium and Luxembourg, all united in the service of French-speaking Korean adoptees.


The services we offer are intended for Korean adoptees who are French-speaking, or who have the ability to communicate in French. Our organization serves both as an alliance for French-speaking adoptee associations but also as an intermediary between French-speaking Korean adoptees and their native country.


PAF Korea offers all its experience and logistical know-how for adoptees wishing to come to Korea, whether to discover the country, travel there, live there or even settle there. 


PAF Korea is a non-political organization and follows the legal rules applicable in South Korea.



Title Publication date
History of creation 16 July 2023