Maja Lee Langvad

Maja Lee Langvad was born 1980 in Seoul, South Korea, and grew up in Copenhagen, Denmark. She graduated from The Danish Academy of Creative Writing in 2003 and has worked as co-editor of the Danish literary magazine Banana Split and the Nordic literary magazine Kritiker. She has translated books from German, English and Korean.


Her debut Find Holger Danske (Finding Holger Dane) from 2004 deals with adoption, nationalism and racism. It was much acclaimed and rewarded with the prestigious Bodil og Jørgen Munch-Christensens debutant prize. 2007 to 2010 she stayed in Seoul to reconnect with her biological family and Korean cultural roots. During this time, she worked on the book Hun er vred (She is Angry,) which was published in 2014 together with a follow-up to the debut, Find Holger Danske: Appendix.


Title Publication date
Author criticizes agencies for cashing in on int'l adoption 22 July 2022