Yunona Inc

ID Number: 19991079374
Name: YUNONA, INC., Dissolved September 30, 2004
Registered Agent: SVETLANA V. EHRHART
Registered Agent Street Address: 12342 E VASSAR DR, AURORA, CO 80014, United States
Registered Agent Mailing Address:
Principal Street Address: 12342 E VASSAR DR, AURORA, CO 80014 , United States
Principal Mailing Address:
Status: Administratively Dissolved
Form: Corporation
Jurisdiction: Colorado
Formation Date: 04/27/1999
Term of Duration: Perpetual
Annual Report Month: April

YUNONA, INC., Dissolved September 30, 2004
ID number: 19991079374

Found 14 matching record(s). Viewing page 1 of 1. # Event Date Filed Date Posted EffectiveDate Click here to sort in ascending order. Document #
(click to view) Comment
1 Articles of Incorporation 04/27/1999 04/27/1999 04/27/1999 12:00 AM 19991079374 YUNONA, INC.
2 Report Printed 03/16/2001 03/16/2001 03/16/2001 12:00 AM PR - 04/01/2001 - 06/30/2001
3 Report Printed 07/27/2001 07/27/2001 07/27/2001 12:00 AM PR - 07/31/2001 - DA 09/30/2001
4 Periodic Report 08/20/2001 08/20/2001 08/20/2001 12:00 AM 20011163827 CORP REPORT
5 Report Printed 03/14/2002 03/14/2002 03/14/2002 12:00 AM PR - 04/01/2002 - 06/30/2002
6 Periodic Report 04/11/2002 04/11/2002 04/11/2002 12:00 AM 20021092726 CORP REPORT
7 Report Printed 03/13/2003 03/13/2003 03/13/2003 12:00 AM PR - 04/01/2003 - 06/30/2003
8 Periodic Report 06/23/2003 06/23/2003 06/23/2003 12:00 AM 20031201943 CORP REPORT
9 Report Printed 03/16/2004 03/16/2004 03/16/2004 12:00 AM PR - 04/01/2004 - 06/30/2004
10 Change in Status 07/19/2004 07/19/2004 07/19/2004 09:11 PM Failure to file annual report
11 postcard notification printed
08/04/2004 to be mailed 08/07/2004 08/04/2004 08/04/2004 08/04/2004 04:41 PM annual report due: 2004-10-07
12 Change in Status 10/08/2004 10/08/2004 10/08/2004 10:09 AM Failure to file annual report
13 postcard notification printed
10/08/2004 to be mailed 11/01/2004 10/08/2004 10/08/2004 10/08/2004 10:29 AM failure to file annual report: 10/08/2004
14 Change in Name 11/04/2005 11/04/2005 11/04/2005 12:35 AM Entity name and any active trade names changed due to failure to file annual report
27 April 1999
30 September 2004


Person Relation type Date from Date to
Svetlana V Ehrhart Incorporator of 1999 Apr 27

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Yunona Inc Cooperates with Yunona