The Speed Up Rumor

10 September 2009

The Speed Up Rumor

The rumored speed up from the beginning of the year said it should happen this fall. A lot of agencies were saying the same thing – that the CCAA said they would refer more babies in 2009 than they did in 2008, and that the numbers should pick up in the fall.

I’m now hearing a few agencies say that they aren’t so sure a fall speed up is going to happen. I don’t know if the CCAA has told them this outright, or hinted at it, or if they just aren’t talking about it anymore… or what. One agency goes so far as to say that they don’t have high hopes that things are going to pick up this fall, and that if it does not then they do not think the CCAA will ever pick their numbers back up.

My biggest question right now is… why did the CCAA make these statements to the agencies? Surely they truly believed what they were saying? And if so, then what happened that is making some of the agencies start trying to prepare their clients that it may not happen?

I absolutely do not think the agencies made it up. I think the agencies reported what they were told. I have the utmost respect for at least three of the agencies who reported this, and I do not believe they would have reported it if they didn’t believe what they were told. We had over a dozen agencies who reported having a similar conversation with the CCAA. I don’t know if the blame is with the CCAA or the MoCA, but I’m not blaming the agencies. If we want them to share with us what they hear from the CCAA then we can’t very well get mad at them for doing so. Can we?

If the CCAA holds steady with their numbers then days referred per month will pick up once we get through the March LIDs. But, if they had referred more babies as well, then days referred per month would have really increased.

If referrals are to arrive on schedule this month then we could start seeing early rumors any day. If the CCAA is going to hold off on sending them just before they leave for their holiday then we could still be a ways away from seeing rumors about this next cut-off date.

This entry was posted on Thursday, September 10th, 2009 at 9:10 am and is filed under Rumors - wait related. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
